Tuufaani Waamoo banta ñaameŋ
1 Alla ye kalamutari ke Nuha la kuwo la le, wulakono daafeŋolu aniŋ beeyaŋolu, mennu bee be a fee kuluŋo kono. Alla ye foñoo bula naŋ duniyaa kono, bituŋ jiyo talaata. 2 Bankoo kono ñaapuuloolu loota. Saŋo palanteeroolu tawunta, bituŋ sanjiyo maŋ naa ke kotenke. 3 Bituŋ jiyo naata domaŋ-domaŋ jaa duniyaa kono. Jiyo domaŋ-domaŋ jiita fo tili keme tili taŋ luulu. 4 Saŋo kari woorowulanjaŋo tili taŋ niŋ woorowulanjaŋo luŋo, wo luŋ ne mu, kuluŋo naata sembe Ararati konkotundoo* kaŋ. 5 Jiyo tententa ka jaa, fo saŋo kari tanjaŋo tili foloo. Wo luŋ ne mu, konkoolu turoolu fintita.
6 Tili taŋ naanoo bandulaa, Nuha ye palanteeroo yele, a ye meŋ dadaa. 7 Bituŋ a ye kaanaa kii, kaanaa taata, a tuta tii kaŋ ne, fo jiyo bee jaata bankoo kaŋ. 8 Bituŋ a naata puraa fanaa kii, ka a juubee fo jiyo talaata bankoo kaŋ ne baŋ. 9 Bari puraa maŋ dulaa soto, a be loo la daameŋ. Kaatu hani saayiŋ, duniyaa kono bee mu jiyo le ti. Bituŋ puraa naata muru Nuha kaŋ kuluŋo kono. Nuha ye a muta, a ye a dundi kuluŋo kono.
10 A ye i batu, fo tili woorowula, a ye puraa kii kotenke ka bo kuluŋo to. 11 Puraa muruta naŋ a kaŋ wulaara maafaŋo, olifu* yirijamba kitiŋo be a daa kono. Wo le to Nuha naata a loŋ ko, jiyo talaata duniyaa kono le. 12 Bituŋ a ye i batu kotenke fo tili woorowula, a ye puraa kii. Bituŋ puraa maŋ naa muru a kaŋ naŋ kotenke.
13 Nuha la baluwo sanji keme wooro niŋ kilinjaŋo, saŋo kari foloo tili foloo, jiyo jaata duniyaa kono. Kabiriŋ Nuha ye kuluŋo kuyaŋo wura, a ye a je le ko, bankoo be jaa kaŋ ne. 14 Saŋo kari fulanjaŋo tili muwaŋ niŋ woorowulanjaŋo luŋo, bankoo bee jaata.
15 Bituŋ Alla naata a fo Nuha ye ko, 16 “Finti naŋ kuluŋo kono, i niŋ i la musoo niŋ i dinkewolu, aniŋ i dinkewolu la musoolu. 17 I niŋ niilamaa feŋolu mennu be i fee, ye finti naŋ: kunoolu, daafeŋolu, aniŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ, niŋ a ka kuruntu bankoo kaŋ. Ì ye siyaa, fo ì ye duniyaa karoo bee beŋ.” 18 Wo le to Nuha fintita naŋ banta, a niŋ a la musoo, aniŋ a dinkewolu niŋ a dinkewolu la musoolu. 19 Daafeŋ-wo-daafeŋ, kuruntu feŋ-wo-kuruntu feŋ, kunu-wo-kunu, aniŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ meŋ ka taama bankoo kaŋ, a bee le fintita naŋ kuluŋo kono, siifaa-wo-siifaa.
Alla ye laahidoo dii Nuha la
20 Bituŋ Nuha naata sadaabodulaa* loo Yaawe* ye. A ye daafeŋ siifaa-wo-siifaa taa, mennu maŋ koŋ, aniŋ kunoolu, mennu maŋ koŋ, a ye jani sadaa* bo sadaabodulaa ñiŋ kaŋ. 21 Kabiriŋ Yaawe ye ñiŋ seera diimaalu seeroo taa, a ko a faŋ ye ko, “N te bankoo danka la kotenke hadamadiŋolu la kuwo kamma. Miiroo meŋ ka tara hadamadiŋo sondomoo kono, ka bo a la dindiŋyaa waatoo la, ka ke miira jawoo le ti. Aduŋ n te niilamaa feŋolu bee fanaa kasaara la kotenke ko ŋa meŋ ke teŋ.
22 Janniŋ duniyaa be baŋ na, fiiroo waatoo be soto la le,
aduŋ katiroo waatoo fanaa be soto la le.
Kandoo niŋ sumayaa, wolu be tara la keriŋ ne doroŋ,
samaa niŋ tili kandoo, aniŋ suutoo niŋ tiloo.”
The End of the Flood
1 God had not forgotten Noah and all the animals with him in the boat; he caused a wind to blow, and the water started going down. 2 The outlets of the water beneath the earth and the floodgates of the sky were closed. The rain stopped, 3 and the water gradually went down for 150 days. 4 On the seventeenth day of the seventh month the boat came to rest on a mountain in the Ararat range. 5 The water kept going down, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains appeared.
6 After forty days Noah opened a window 7 and sent out a raven. It did not come back, but kept flying around until the water was completely gone. 8 Meanwhile, Noah sent out a dove to see if the water had gone down, 9 but since the water still covered all the land, the dove did not find a place to light. It flew back to the boat, and Noah reached out and took it in. 10 He waited another seven days and sent out the dove again. 11 It returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the water had gone down. 12 Then he waited another seven days and sent out the dove once more; this time it did not come back.
13 When Noah was 601 years old, on the first day of the first month, the water was gone. Noah removed the covering of the boat, looked around, and saw that the ground was getting dry. 14 By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry.
15 God said to Noah, 16 “Go out of the boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. 17 Take all the birds and animals out with you, so that they may reproduce and spread over all the earth.” 18 So Noah went out of the boat with his wife, his sons, and their wives. 19 All the animals and birds went out of the boat in groups of their own kind.
Noah Offers a Sacrifice
20 Noah built an altar to the Lord; he took one of each kind of ritually clean animal and bird, and burned them whole as a sacrifice on the altar. 21 The odor of the sacrifice pleased the Lord, and he said to himself, “Never again will I put the earth under a curse because of what people do; I know that from the time they are young their thoughts are evil. Never again will I destroy all living beings, as I have done this time. 22 As long as the world exists, there will be a time for planting and a time for harvest. There will always be cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”