Pawulu la niitooroo a baadiŋ Banisirayilankoolu la kuwo kamma
1 Kiristu* le mu n seedoo ti ko, m maŋ faniyaa fo, aduŋ n sondomoo faŋo ye ñiŋ seedeyaa le ka bo niŋ Noora Kuliŋo la ko, m be tooñaa le fo kaŋ ñiŋ kuwo to: 2 Ŋa sunu baa le soto n sondomoo kono, aniŋ niitooroo meŋ maŋ dandulaa soto, 3 m baadiŋolu* la kuwo kamma la, mennu mu m fansuŋ moolu ti. Niŋ a ye a tara, niŋ dankoo laata n kaŋ wo si ì kiisa noo, m be paree la le, hani n daa ye bo Kiristu kafuñooyaa kono, itolu ye. 4 Wolu le mu Banisirayilankoolu ti, Alla ye mennu ke a diŋolu ti nuŋ. A la kallankeeyaa* keta itolu le la keetaa ti. Itolu le naata kambeŋo niŋ Luwaa soto, batuñaa kendoo aniŋ laahidoolu. 5 Itolu le mumuñolu mu Iburayima, Isiyaaka aniŋ Yaakuba ti, aduŋ Kiristu naata wuluu itolu le la lasiloo kono ka baluu ko hadamadiŋo. Feŋolu bee be ate le koto. Tenturoo niŋ jayiroo be Alla le ye, fo abadaa. Amiin!
Alla la tombondiroo
6 A maŋ ke ko, Alla la kumoo maŋ timma, bari ali si a je ko, moolu mennu bonsuŋo mu Isirayila ti, ì bee maŋ ke Banisirayilanka tooñaalu ti. 7 Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, mennu bota Iburayima bala, ì bee maŋ ke a diŋolu ti, kaatu Alla la kumoo be safeeriŋ ne ko:
“Mennu be kumandi la i koomalankoolu la,
ì be bo la Isiyaaka le bala.”
8 Wo le ye a yitandi ko, a maŋ ke wuluudiŋolu ti, mennu ka ke Alla diŋolu ti, bari Alla la laahidi diŋolu le ka ke koomalanka tooñaalu ti. 9 Kaatu Alla ye ñiŋ ne laahidi Iburayima ye nuŋ:
“M be muru la i kaŋ naŋ ne jaari ñiŋ ñoŋ waatoo,
aduŋ Saara be dinkewo soto la le.”
10 Aduŋ a maŋ ke wo dammaa ti, bari a keta Rebeka fanaa ye wo le ñaama. A diŋolu ye faa kiliŋ ne soto, meŋ mu m̀ mumu Isiyaaka ti. 11 Janniŋ a la fulandiŋolu ka wuluu, ì maŋ kebaara betoo waraŋ baara jawoo ke foloo, Alla ye kuwolu taamandi a la daliiloo le kaŋ fo a la tombondiroo si tenteŋ. 12 Ñiŋ tombondiroo maŋ tara dendiŋ kebaaroolu la, bari Alla la kumandiroo. Wo kamma la a ko Rebeka ye ko, “Keebaamaa le be ke la dindimmaa ye dookuulaa ti.” 13 Wo keta le ko a be safeeriŋ ñaameŋ:
“Ŋa Yaakuba kanu le, bari Esawu, ŋa wo koŋ ne.”
14 Saayiŋ, ǹ si muŋ ne fo? Fo Alla ka faasaaroo ke tilimbaliyaa le kaŋ baŋ? Wo te ke noo la muk! 15 A ye a la kuwo fo Musa ye le ko,
“N ñanta hiina la mennu ye,
m be hiinoo dii la ì la le.
N ñanta balafaa soto la mennu ye,
m be balafaa la ì ye le.”
16 Wo to, Alla la tombondiroo maŋ tara dendiŋ moo la lafoo la, waraŋ kata kuwolu, bari Alla la hiinoo. 17 Alla la kumoo be safeeriŋ ne, meŋ fota Firawoona ye ko:
“Ka n semboo yitandi, ŋa i mansayandi wo daliiloo le kamma, fo n na darajoo si janjaŋ noo duniyaa bee kono.” 18 Wo to Alla ka hiina moo le la, a lafita ka hiina meŋ na, aduŋ a ka moo le sondomoo jandi, a lafita meŋ sondomoo jandi la.
19 Doo si n ñininkaa ali kono ko, “Muŋ ne duŋ ye a tinna Alla ka moolu jalayi hani saayiŋ? Jumaa le ka balaŋ noo a la lafoo la?” 20 Bari ite, hadamadiŋo, jumaa le mu ite ti ka kumoo murundi Alla kaŋ? Fo meŋ daata si a fo noo a daalaa ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna i ye n daa teŋ?” 21 Fo boodaalaa maŋ siloo soto ka keraŋo daa ŋaañaaraŋo ti, a ye doo daa ñaamafayiraŋo ti, wo potoomondo kiliŋo la? 22 Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, Alla ye kaŋo soto moolu kaŋ ne. A lafita a la kamfaa yitandi la fo a la semboo si loŋ, bari wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, a naata muña niŋ muña baa la wo moolu ye, mennu ye a kamfandi. Wolu mu keraŋolu le ti a la kamfaa ye, mennu ñanta kasaara la. 23 Ka bo niŋ a la ñiŋ muña baa la, a ye moolu kalamutandi a la kallankeeyaa la fankoo la le, a ye meŋ parendi fokabaŋ wo moolu ye, a la hiinoo be mennu ye, aduŋ ì be pareeriŋ ne ka ñiŋ kallankeeyaa soto. 24 Ntolu fanaa mu moolu le ti, Alla ye mennu kumandi ka tara wo ñaama, fo ntolu mu Yahuudoolu le ti baŋ, waraŋ moo koteŋolu. 25 Ñiŋ ne mu kumoo ti, a ye meŋ fo wo kuwo to Annabilayi Hoseya la Kitaaboo kono ko:
“Mennu maŋ ke n na moolu ti nuŋ,
m be wolu kumandi la ǹ na moolu le la.
Meŋ maŋ ke n kanuntewo ti nuŋ,
m be wo kumandi la n kanuntewo le la.”
26 “Aduŋ wo dulaa kiliŋo to, ŋa a fo ì ye daameŋ ko,
‘Alitolu maŋ ke n na moolu ti,’
ì be kumandi la jee le to ‘Alla baluuriŋo diŋolu’.”
27 Annabilayi Yesaya sarita Banisirayila la kuwo to le ko:
“Hani Banisirayilankoolu siyaata ñaa-wo-ñaa ko bankumunkoo,
dantaŋ ne be kiisa la,
28 kaatu Maariyo be a la kiitiyo taamandi la duniyaa kaŋ ne,
aduŋ a be naa semboo niŋ tariyaa le kono.”
29 A be le ko Yesaya ye kiilaariyaa kumoo fo nuŋ ñaameŋ ko:
“Niŋ m̀ Maarii Alla, Alihawaa Maariyo*,
maŋ koomalankoolu tu ǹ ye jee nuŋ ì ye baluu,
m̀ be tumbuŋ na le ko Sodomu,
ŋà ke ko Komora. ”
Banisirayilankoolu la lannabaliyaa
30 Wo to saayiŋ, ǹ si muŋ ne fo? Moolu mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, wolu maŋ tiliŋo ñini nuŋ, bari itolu le naata a soto, aduŋ wo tiliŋo ka naa ka bo niŋ lannoo le la. 31 Bari Banisirayilankoolu mennu ye tiliŋo ñini ka bo niŋ Luwaa la, ì niŋ ì la kata kuwolu maŋ a la yaamaroolu timmandi noo. 32 Muŋ ne ye a tinna ì maŋ wo tiliŋo soto? Ì maŋ a soto noo, kaatu ì maŋ laa, bari ì ye katoolu ke le ka bo niŋ ì la kebaaroolu la. Ì takita beroo le la, meŋ keta kalewo ti 33 ko a be safeeriŋ ñaameŋ:
“A juubee, ŋa beroo le laa Siyoni* Konkoo kaŋ,
moolu ka taki meŋ na,
bere baa meŋ be ke la ì la boyoo sababoo ti.
Bari moo meŋ laata ate la, wo te bula la malu kuwo kono.”
God and His People
1 I am speaking the truth; I belong to Christ and I do not lie. My conscience, ruled by the Holy Spirit, also assures me that I am not lying 2 when I say how great is my sorrow, how endless the pain in my heart 3 for my people, my own flesh and blood! For their sake I could wish that I myself were under God's curse and separated from Christ. 4 They are God's people; he made them his children and revealed his glory to them; he made his covenants with them and gave them the Law; they have the true worship; they have received God's promises; 5 they are descended from the famous Hebrew ancestors; and Christ, as a human being, belongs to their race. May God, who rules over all, be praised forever! Amen.
6 I am not saying that the promise of God has failed; for not all the people of Israel are the people of God. 7 Nor are all of Abraham's descendants the children of God. God said to Abraham, “It is through Isaac that you will have the descendants I promised you.” 8 This means that the children born in the usual way are not the children of God; instead, the children born as a result of God's promise are regarded as the true descendants. 9 For God's promise was made in these words: “At the right time I will come back, and Sarah will have a son.”
10 And this is not all. For Rebecca's two sons had the same father, our ancestor Isaac. 11-12 But in order that the choice of one son might be completely the result of God's own purpose, God said to her, “The older will serve the younger.” He said this before they were born, before they had done anything either good or bad; so God's choice was based on his call, and not on anything they had done. 13 As the scripture says, “I loved Jacob, but I hated Esau.”
14 Shall we say, then, that God is unjust? Not at all. 15 For he said to Moses, “I will have mercy on anyone I wish; I will take pity on anyone I wish.” 16 So then, everything depends, not on what we humans want or do, but only on God's mercy. 17 For the scripture says to the king of Egypt, “I made you king in order to use you to show my power and to spread my fame over the whole world.” 18 So then, God has mercy on anyone he wishes, and he makes stubborn anyone he wishes.
God's Anger and Mercy
19 But one of you will say to me, “If this is so, how can God find fault with anyone? Who can resist God's will?” 20 But who are you, my friend, to talk back to God? A clay pot does not ask the man who made it, “Why did you make me like this?” 21 After all, the man who makes the pots has the right to use the clay as he wishes, and to make two pots from the same lump of clay, one for special occasions and the other for ordinary use.
22 And the same is true of what God has done. He wanted to show his anger and to make his power known. But he was very patient in enduring those who were the objects of his anger, who were doomed to destruction. 23 And he also wanted to reveal his abundant glory, which was poured out on us who are the objects of his mercy, those of us whom he has prepared to receive his glory. 24 For we are the people he called, not only from among the Jews but also from among the Gentiles. 25 This is what he says in the book of Hosea:
“The people who were not mine
I will call ‘My People.’
The nation that I did not love
I will call ‘My Beloved.’
26 And in the very place where they were told, ‘You are not my people,’
there they will be called the children of the living God.”
27 And Isaiah exclaims about Israel: “Even if the people of Israel are as many as the grains of sand by the sea, yet only a few of them will be saved; 28 for the Lord will quickly settle his full account with the world.” 29 It is as Isaiah had said before, “If the Lord Almighty had not left us some descendants, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah.”
Israel and the Gospel
30 So we say that the Gentiles, who were not trying to put themselves right with God, were put right with him through faith; 31 while God's people, who were seeking a law that would put them right with God, did not find it. 32 And why not? Because they did not depend on faith but on what they did. And so they stumbled over the “stumbling stone” 33 that the scripture speaks of:
“Look, I place in Zion a stone
that will make people stumble,
a rock that will make them fall.
But whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.”