Alla be moo kuruŋolu jarabi la le
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si laa juloo la ì ka a fo meŋ ye ko, “Kana kasaaroo ke.” Dawuda la Jabuuroo.
1 Fo tooñaa, alitolu maralilaalu, ali ka diyaamu tiliŋo le kaŋ baŋ?
Fo ali ka hadamadiŋolu kiitindi niŋ tiliŋo le la baŋ?
2 Hanii, ali ka kuu kuruŋolu le siti ali sondomoolu kono.
Ali ka fitinoo le taamandi bankoo kaŋ.
3 Moo kuruŋolu ka fili le biriŋ ì daa luŋo la,
ì ka jenke le ka bo luŋo meŋ na ì wuluuta,
ka tara faniyaa foo la.
4 Ì be faariŋ kunoo le la komeŋ saa,
ì ye ì tuloo suki komeŋ biidaa tulu sukiriŋo,
5 wo meŋ buka saamutalaa kumakaŋo moyi,
sako ka i lamoyi saabutiyo la kuma diimaa la.

6 Hee Alla, ì ñiŋolu kati ì daalu kono.
Yaawe*, ñiŋ jatoolu saliŋolu kuntu.
7 Allamaa ì ye yeemaŋ ko jiyo meŋ ka bori.
Allamaa ì la jooraŋolu ye nafantaŋyaa ì buloolu kono.
8 Allamaa ì ye ke ko musaaliŋo
ka yeluŋ namoo ti ñaameŋ,
ì ye ke ko bonodiŋo meŋ ñaa nene buka tiloo je.
9 Alla be ì koora la le,
dindiŋolu niŋ keebaalu kafuriŋo,
a ye tariyaa ka tambi kaleeroo la kandoo la,
ñansaraŋ dimbaa kaŋ.

10 Moo tilindiŋolu be seewoo la le,
niŋ ì ye moo kuruŋolu la joo je.
Ì si ì siŋolu kuu moo kuruŋolu yeloo kono.
11 Moolu si a fo ko,
“Jooroo be moo tilindiŋolu ye le.
Tooñaa, Alla be jee le,
meŋ ka duniyaa kiitindi.”
A Prayer for God to Punish the Wicked
1 Do you rulers ever give a just decision?
Do you judge everyone fairly?
2 No! You think only of the evil you can do,
and commit crimes of violence in the land.

3 Evildoers go wrong all their lives;
they tell lies from the day they are born.
4 They are full of poison like snakes;
they stop up their ears like a deaf cobra,
5 which does not hear the voice of the snake charmer,
or the chant of the clever magician.

6 Break the teeth of these fierce lions, O God.
7 May they disappear like water draining away;
may they be crushed like weeds on a path.
8 May they be like snails that dissolve into slime;
may they be like a baby born dead that never sees the light.
9 Before they know it, they are cut down like weeds;
in his fierce anger God will blow them away
while they are still living.

10 The righteous will be glad when they see sinners punished;
they will wade through the blood of the wicked.
11 People will say, “The righteous are indeed rewarded;
there is indeed a God who judges the world.”