Ka jiki Alla la, mantooroo kono
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si laa juloo la ì ka a fo meŋ ye ko, “Puraa loota yirisuŋo santo dulaa jaŋ.” Dawuda la Jabuuroo, kabiriŋ Filisitinkoolu ye a muta Kati saatewo to.
1 Hee Alla, balafaa n ye,
kaatu moolu le be n toorandi kaŋ.
N jawoolu le ka tu m mantoora la.
2 N jawoolu ka m boyinkaŋ ne waati-wo-waati.
Moo jamaa le ka n kele ì la faŋ waroo kaŋ.

3 Niŋ n silata,
n ka n jikoo sembe ite le la.
4 N laata Alla le la, aduŋ n te sila la,
n ka a jayi a la kumoo kaŋ ne.
Hadamadiŋo si muŋ ne noo nte ma?

5 N jawoolu ka tu m fokumoo yelemandi la le, ka n lañini.
Ì ka tu kuu jawoo doroŋ ne siti la n kamma.
6 Ì ka kafu ñoo ma le, ì ye biti,
ka n kekuwolu bee koroosi.
Ì ka tara n niyo le nooma.

7 Hee Alla, ì jarabi ì la kuu kuruŋolu kamma la.
Wo moolu boyindi ka bo niŋ i la kamfaa la.
8 Ite ye nte la yamali-yamaloo bee kalamuta le,
i ye n na ñaajii boŋo hapoo loŋ.
Fo a bee maŋ tara safeeriŋ i la kitaaboo kono baŋ?

9 Niŋ ŋa i kumandi tumoo meŋ na,
n jawoolu be muru la ì koo la le.
Ŋa ñiŋ loŋ ne ko, Alla be m fee le.
10-11 N laata Alla la le, aduŋ n te sila la,
n ka Yaawe* jayi a la kumoo kaŋ ne,
n ka a jayi a la kumakaŋo kaŋ ne,
hadamadiŋo si muŋ ne noo nte ma?

12 Hee Alla, m be n na laahidoolu timmandi la i ye le,
m be sadaalu* bondi la le ka i tentu,
13 kaatu i ye n tankandi saayaa ma le,
i ye n siŋo tanka takoo ma,
fo n si tara taama la ite Alla ñaatiliŋo la,
maloo kono meŋ ka baluwo dii.
A Prayer of Trust in God
1 Be merciful to me, O God,
because I am under attack;
my enemies persecute me all the time.
2 All day long my opponents attack me.
There are so many who fight against me.
3 When I am afraid, O Lord Almighty,
I put my trust in you.
4 I trust in God and am not afraid;
I praise him for what he has promised.
What can a mere human being do to me?

5 My enemies make trouble for me all day long;
they are always thinking up some way to hurt me!
6 They gather in hiding places
and watch everything I do,
hoping to kill me.
7 Punish them, O God, for their evil;
defeat those people in your anger!

8 You know how troubled I am;
you have kept a record of my tears.
Aren't they listed in your book?
9 The day I call to you,
my enemies will be turned back.
I know this: God is on my side—
10 the Lord, whose promises I praise.
11 In him I trust, and I will not be afraid.
What can a mere human being do to me?

12 O God, I will offer you what I have promised;
I will give you my offering of thanksgiving,
13 because you have rescued me from death
and kept me from defeat.
And so I walk in the presence of God,
in the light that shines on the living.