Jikoo Alla la kiitiiteyoo to
1 Hee Alla, kiitiyo teyi n ye,
i ye loo n na kuwo la n niŋ allantaŋolu teema.
N tanka neeneerilaalu niŋ jamfantuŋolu ma.
2 Ite Alla le mu n tuukuraŋo ti,
muŋ ne ye a tinna i ye m bula?
Muŋ ne ye a tinna m be tu la teŋ,
komeŋ m be saŋakumboo le la,
n jawoolu la m mantooroo kamma la?
3 I la maloo niŋ i la tooñaa yitandi n na,
ka tambi n ñaato,
ì ye n samba i la konko senuŋo* to,
i sabatidulaa be daameŋ.
4 Bituŋ n si taa i la sadaajanidulaa* to.
N na seewoo aniŋ jusulaa ka bo ite le bulu.
Hee Alla, n na Alla, n si kontiŋo kosi,
ŋa suukuwo laa ka i jayi.
5 Muŋ ne ye nte jirandi teŋ,
n niyo be fitiiriŋ n kono?
N ñanta n jikoo loo la Alla le kaŋ,
aduŋ m be a jayi la le kotenke,
n na Alla, meŋ mu n na Kiisandirilaa ti.
The Prayer of Someone in Exile
(Continuation of Psalm 42)
1 O God, declare me innocent,
and defend my cause against the ungodly;
deliver me from lying and evil people!
2 You are my protector;
why have you abandoned me?
Why must I go on suffering
from the cruelty of my enemies?

3 Send your light and your truth;
may they lead me
and bring me back to Zion, your sacred hill,
and to your Temple, where you live.
4 Then I will go to your altar, O God;
you are the source of my happiness.
I will play my harp and sing praise to you,
O God, my God.

5 Why am I so sad?
Why am I so troubled?
I will put my hope in God,
and once again I will praise him,
my savior and my God.