Mansa ye nooroo ke Alla la maakoyiroo kaŋ
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 Hee Yaawe*, mansa jusulaata le,
kaatu i ye a bambandi le,
a seewoota baake le i la maakoyiroo kaŋ,
ka a jawoolu noo.
2 I ye a hame kuwolu dii a la le,
mennu be a sondomoo to.
I maŋ a bali kuwolu la a ye mennu ñininkaa.
3 I ye neemafeŋ kendoolu le naati a kaŋ.
Ite le ye saniforo naafoo ke a kuŋo to
ka a toloo.
4 A ye i daani le fo a si mee,
i ye a dii a la,
meŋ keta siimaayaa baa ti.
5 A ye horoma baa soto le
ka bo niŋ i la maakoyiroo la ka a jawoolu noo.
I ye horomoo niŋ mansayaa semboo dii a la le.
6 I neemata a ma le famfaŋ, fo abadaa.
A ka jusulaa ñiŋ na le ko, i be a fee le.
7 Bayiri mansa dankeneyaata Yaawe la le,
wo to ka bo niŋ ate Alla Mansa Tallaa la kanu bambaloo la,
a te wutu la a noo to.

8 I buloo be laa la i jawoolu bee kaŋ ne.
I bulu sembemaa be laa la moolu kaŋ ne
mennu ye i koŋ.
9 Niŋ i naata, i be ì jani la le
ko fuuri dimbaa ka janiroo ke ñaameŋ.
Yaawe be ì kunuŋ na a la kamfaa baa kono le,
dimbaa ye ì domo.
10 I be ì koomalankoolu kasaara la duniyaa kono le,
ka ì turoo tumbuŋ hadamadiŋolu kono.

11 Hani niŋ i jawoolu tafawuta i kamma,
ì te ñaatotaa soto la ì la feere jawoolu to.
12 I be ì ñaato kuntu la i la kalabeñoolu le la,
ka ì murundi ì koo la.

13 Yaawe, jayiroo be i ye i la bambaŋo kaŋ.
M̀ be suukuwo laa la le ka i jayi i semboo kaŋ.
Praise for Victory
1 The king is glad, O Lord, because you gave him strength;
he rejoices because you made him victorious.
2 You have given him his heart's desire;
you have answered his request.

3 You came to him with great blessings
and set a crown of gold on his head.
4 He asked for life, and you gave it,
a long and lasting life.

5 His glory is great because of your help;
you have given him fame and majesty.
6 Your blessings are with him forever,
and your presence fills him with joy.

7 The king trusts in the Lord Almighty;
and because of the Lord's constant love
he will always be secure.
8 The king will capture all his enemies;
he will capture everyone who hates him.
9 He will destroy them like a blazing fire
when he appears.

The Lord will devour them in his anger,
and fire will consume them.
10 None of their descendants will survive;
the king will kill them all.

11 They make their plans, and plot against him,
but they will not succeed.
12 He will shoot his arrows at them
and make them turn and run.

13 We praise you, Lord, for your great strength!
We will sing and praise your power.