Allantaŋolu jalayoo
(Jabuuroolu 53)
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 Toolewolu ka a fo ì faŋ ma le ko,
“Alla te keriŋ.”
Ì mu moo tilimbaloolu le ti,
aduŋ ì ka kuu ñewundiŋolu le baara.
Moo te jee meŋ ka kuu kendoo ke.

2 Yaawe* ka hadamadiŋolu juubee naŋ duuma le
ka bo Arijana,
ka a je fo moolu be jee le mennu ñaamenta,
mennu ka a ñini.
3 Ì bee le badalita,
ì bee le kaañanta tiñaa la.
Kiliŋ te jee meŋ ka kuu kendoo ke, hani kiliŋ.

4 Fo moo jawoolu maŋ fahaamuroo ke baŋ?
Ì ka i baluu n na moolu suboo le la,
aduŋ ì buka Yaawe daani.
5 Wo to ì be tara la kijafara baa le kono,
kaatu Alla be moolu le fee
mennu tilinta a la karoo la.
6 Alitolu moo jawoolu,
ali ka fentaŋolu la hame kuwolu ke ì ye kenseŋo ti,
bari Yaawe le mu ì la tankoo ti.

7 M be ñaaniriŋ ne fo kiisoo si bo Banisirayila ye naŋ Siyoni*.
Niŋ Yaawe ye a la moolu murundi firiŋo kono,
Yaakuba koomalankoolu si seewoo,
Banisirayilankoolu bee si jusulaa.
Human Wickedness
(Psalm 53)
1 Fools say to themselves,
“There is no God!”
They are all corrupt,
and they have done terrible things;
there is no one who does what is right.

2 The Lord looks down from heaven at us humans
to see if there are any who are wise,
any who worship him.
3 But they have all gone wrong;
they are all equally bad.
Not one of them does what is right,
not a single one.

4 “Don't they know?” asks the Lord.
“Are all these evildoers ignorant?
They live by robbing my people,
and they never pray to me.”

5 But then they will be terrified,
for God is with those who obey him.
6 Evildoers frustrate the plans of the humble,
but the Lord is their protection.

7 How I pray that victory
will come to Israel from Zion.
How happy the people of Israel will be
when the Lord makes them prosperous again!