Haaruna dinkewolu
1 Ñiŋ ne mu Haaruna niŋ Musa koomalankoolu la yirikoo saataroo ti, Yaawe* be diyaamu la Musa ye waatoo meŋ na Sinayi Konkoo kaŋ.
2 Haaruna dinkewolu toolu mu Nadabu le ti, Abihu, Eleyasa aniŋ Itama. Nadabu le mu dinkee foloo ti. 3 Ñinnu le mu Haaruna dinkewolu toolu ti, ì ye mennu toloo ka tulu senuŋo* boŋ ì kuŋo kaŋ ka piriisiyaa* dookuwo ke. 4 Nadabu niŋ Abihu, wolu faata le biriŋ ì ye sadaa* jani niŋ dimbaa koteŋ na meŋ maŋ ñaŋ, Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la Sinayi Keñewuloo* kono. Ì maŋ dinkee soto, Eleyasa niŋ Itama dammaa le ye piriisiyaa ke ì faamaa Haaruna la waatoo la.
Lewi lasiloo moolu keta piriisoolu maakoyilaalu ti
5 Yaawe ko Musa ye ko, 6 “Lewi lasiloo moolu samba naŋ i ye ì yitandi Piriisi Haaruna la, ì kali a maakoyi. 7 Ì si kali dookuwo ke a ye, aniŋ jamaa moo bee, Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo* to, niŋ ì be tiriliisoo dookuwo ke la. 8 Itolu le ñanta mara la Bendulaa Tiriliisoo konoto feŋolu bee ma, ì ye tiriliisoo dookuwo ke, ka Banisirayilankoolu la ñanta dookuwo timmandi. 9 Lewi lasiloo moolu dii Haaruna niŋ a dinkewolu la, itolu le mu Banisirayilankoolu ti mennu ñanta ka dii ì la. 10 Haaruna niŋ a dinkewolu tomboŋ ka ke piriisoolu ti. Niŋ moo koteŋ katata Tiriliisi Senuŋo la, a maarii ñanta faa la le.”
11 Yaawe tententa ka a fo Musa ye ko, 12 “A juubee, nte le ye Lewi lasiloo moolu bondi Banisirayilankoolu kono ka ke Banisirayila musoolu dinkee foloolu jooseyiraŋolu ti. Lewi lasiloo moolu mu m faŋo le taa ti. 13 Diŋ foloolu bee mu n taa le ti. Biriŋ m be Misira diŋ foloolu bee faa la, ŋa Banisirayila diŋ foloolu bee jenkendi kara la m faŋo le ye, biriŋ a hadamadiŋ to baŋ, ka taa fo beeyaŋolu. Ì ñanta ke la n taa le ti. Nte le mu Yaawe ti.”
Lewi lasiloo kuŋyaatewo
14 Yaawe ko Musa ye Sinayi Keñewuloo kono ko, 15 “Lewi lasiloo moolu yaatee ko ì la kaabiiloolu niŋ dimbaayaalu be ñaameŋ. Kewolu bee yaatee, meŋ-wo-meŋ siyo be ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la.” 16 Bituŋ Musa ye ì yaatee, ko Yaawe ye a yaamari a la ñaameŋ.
17 Ñinnu le mu Lewi dinkewolu toolu ti: Kerisoni, Kohati aniŋ Merari.
18 Ñinnu le mu Kerisoni kaabiiloolu toolu ti: Libuni aniŋ Simeyi.
19 Kohati kaabiiloolu: Amuramu, Isari, Heburoni aniŋ Usiyeli.
20 Merari kaabiiloolu: Maali aniŋ Musi.
Ñinnu le mu Lewi lasiloo kaabiiloolu ti, ko ì la dimbaayaalu be ñaameŋ.
21 Libuni kaabiiloolu niŋ Simeyi kaabiiloolu bota Kerisoni la karoo le la. Ñinnu le mu Kerisoni kaabiiloolu ti. 22 Kewolu mennu bee yaateeta, mennu siyo be ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, taata kaañaŋ wuli woorowula le fee aniŋ keme luulu. 23 Kerisoni kaabiiloo moolu ñanta daakaa loo la tilijii kara maafaŋo le la, Tiriliisi Senuŋo kooma. 24 Ì la ñaatonkoo mu Eliyasafu le ti, Layeli dinkewo. 25 Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo to, Kerisoni koomalankoolu la dookuwo mu ñiŋ ne ti, ka Tiriliisi Senuŋo la kuwo topatoo, aniŋ a bitiraŋolu, aniŋ ridoo meŋ be Bendulaa Tiriliisoo dundaŋ daa to, 26 luuto ridoolu, mennu be muruŋ-murundiŋ tiriliisoo la aniŋ sadaajanidulaa*, ridoo meŋ be luuto daa to, tiriliisoo juloolu, aniŋ dookuu-wo-dookuu meŋ be dendiŋ ñinnu la.
27 Amuramu kaabiiloolu niŋ Isari kaabiiloolu niŋ Heburoni kaabiiloolu niŋ Usiyeli kaabiiloolu bota Kohati la karoo le la. Ñinnu le mu Kohati kaabiiloolu ti. 28 Kewolu mennu bee yaateeta mennu siyo be ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, taata kaañaŋ wuli seyi le fee aniŋ keme wooro. Kohati koomalankoolu le marata Tiriliisi Senuŋo topatooñaa la. 29 Ì ñanta daakaa loo la Tiriliisi Senuŋo bulubaa kara maafaŋo le la. 30 Kohati kaabiiloolu la dimbaayaalu ñaatonkoo mu Elisafani le ti, Usiyeli dinkewo. 31 Itolu le marata Kambeŋ Kunewo* topatooñaa la, taabuloo, lampu looraŋo, sadaabodulaalu*, Tiriliisi Senuŋo jooraŋolu ì ka dookuwo ke mennu la, ridoo, aniŋ dookuu-wo-dookuu meŋ be dendiŋ ñinnu la.
32 Lewi lasiloo moolu la ñaatonka baa mu Eleyasa le ti, Piriisi Haaruna dinkewo. Ate le tombonta ka mara moolu la mennu marata Tiriliisi Senuŋo topatooñaa la.
33 Maali kaabiiloolu niŋ Musi kaabiiloolu bota Merari la karoo le la. Ñinnu le mu Merari kaabiiloolu ti. 34 Kewolu mennu bee yaateeta, mennu siyo be ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, taata kaañaŋ wuli wooro le fee aniŋ keme fula. 35 Merari kaabiiloolu la dimbaayaalu ñaatonkoo mu Suriyeli le ti, Abihayili dinkewo. Itolu ñanta daakaa loo la Tiriliisi Senuŋo maraa kara maafaŋo le la. 36 Merari koomalankoolu le tombonta ka mara Tiriliisi Senuŋo kaadaroolu ma, a dokoolu, a samasiŋolu, a looraŋolu, a jooraŋ koteŋolu bee, aniŋ dookuu-wo-dookuu meŋ be dendiŋ ñinnu la, 37 ka taa fo samasiŋolu mennu be muruŋ-murundiŋ luwo la, ì niŋ ì looraŋolu, tiriliisoo pikaloolu, aniŋ a juloolu.
38 Musa niŋ Haaruna niŋ a dinkewolu ñanta daakaa loo la Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo ñaatiliŋo le la, tilibo kara maafaŋo la. Itolu le marata Tiriliisi Senuŋo topatooñaa la, Banisirayilankoolu tooyaa la. Niŋ moo koteŋ sutiyaata ñiŋ Tiriliisi Senuŋo la, a maarii ñanta faa la le.
39 Musa niŋ Haaruna ye Lewi lasiloo moolu mennu nankamoo yaatee Yaawe la yaamaroo kaŋ, ko ì la kaabiiloolu be ñaameŋ, kewolu daa bulariŋo jee mennu siyo be ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, taata kaañaŋ wuli muwaŋ niŋ fula le fee.
Lewi lasiloo moolu keta dinkee foloolu jooseyiraŋo ti
40 Yaawe ko Musa ye ko, “Banisirayila dinkee foloolu bee yaatee mennu siyo be ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la. I ye ì toolu bee safee. 41 Lewi lasiloo moolu jenkendi n ye kara la, ka ke Banisirayilankoolu diŋ foloolu bee jooseyiraŋo ti, ì la beeyaŋolu taa ka ke Banisirayilankoolu la beeyaŋolu diŋ foloolu jooseyiraŋo ti. Nte le mu Yaawe ti.”
42 Bituŋ Musa ye Banisirayila diŋ foloolu bee yaatee, ko Yaawe ye a yaamari a la ñaameŋ. 43 Dinkee foloolu mennu bee too safeeta ka bo kari kiliŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, taata kaañaŋ wuli muwaŋ niŋ fula keme fula taŋ woorowula niŋ saba le fee.
44 Yaawe ko Musa ye kotenke ko, 45 “Lewi lasiloo moolu taa ka ke Banisirayila diŋ foloolu jooseyiraŋo ti, ì la beeyaŋolu taa ka ke Banisirayila beeyaŋolu diŋ foloolu jooseyiraŋo ti. Lewi lasiloo moolu ñanta ke la n taa le ti. Nte le mu Yaawe ti.
46 “Banisirayila diŋ foloolu siyaata Lewi lasiloo moolu ti moo keme fula taŋ woorowula niŋ saba le la. Ka ñiŋ moolu kumakaa, 47 ì kiliŋ-wo-kiliŋ ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu luulu le ti. Ì ñanta a peesa Batudulaa Senuŋo peesariñaa le la, ì meŋ-wo-meŋ na kuliyaa mu karaamu taŋ niŋ fula ti. 48 Kumakaaraŋ kodoo ñiŋ dii Haaruna niŋ a dinkewolu la.”
49 Bituŋ Musa ye Banisirayila dinkee foloolu mennu nankamoo tambita Lewi lasiloo moolu la, kumakaaraŋ kodoo kafu ñoo ma. 50 A ye meŋ kafu ñoo ma ka bo Banisirayila dinkee foloolu bulu taata kaañaŋ kodiforo kuntu wuli kiliŋ keme saba taŋ wooro niŋ luulu le fee, ì kiliŋ-wo-kiliŋ na kuliyaa niŋ Batudulaa Senuŋo peesarilaŋo la kuliyaa le kaañanta. 51 Musa ye ñiŋ kumakaaraŋ kodoo dii Haaruna niŋ a dinkewolu la le, ko Yaawe ye a yaamari a la ñaameŋ.
Aaron's Sons
1 This is the family of Aaron and Moses at the time the Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai. 2 Aaron had four sons: Nadab, the oldest, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 3 They were anointed and ordained as priests, 4 but Nadab and Abihu were killed when they offered unholy fire to the Lord in the Sinai Desert. They had no children, so Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests during Aaron's lifetime.
The Levites Are Appointed to Serve the Priests
5 The Lord said to Moses, 6 “Bring forward the tribe of Levi and appoint them as servants of Aaron the priest. 7 They shall do the work required for the Tent of my presence and perform duties for the priests and for the whole community. 8 They shall take charge of all the equipment of the Tent and perform the duties for the rest of the Israelites. 9 The only responsibility the Levites have is to serve Aaron and his sons. 10 You shall appoint Aaron and his sons to carry out the duties of the priesthood; anyone else who tries to do so shall be put to death.”
11 The Lord said to Moses, 12-13 “The Levites are now to be mine. When I killed all the first-born of the Egyptians, I consecrated as my own the oldest son of each Israelite family and the first-born of every animal. Now, instead of having the first-born sons of Israel as my own, I have the Levites; they will belong to me. I am the Lord.”
The Census of the Levites
14 In the Sinai Desert the Lord commanded Moses 15 to register the Levites by clans and families, enrolling every male a month old or older, 16 and Moses did so. 17-20 Levi had three sons: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, who were the ancestors of the clans that bear their names. Gershon had two sons: Libni and Shimei; Kohath had four sons: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel; and Merari had two sons: Mahli and Mushi. They were the ancestors of the families that bear their names.
21 The clan of Gershon was composed of the families of Libni and Shimei. 22 The total number of males one month old or older that were enrolled was 7,500. 23 This clan was to camp on the west behind the Tent, 24 with Eliasaph son of Lael as chief of the clan. 25 They were responsible for the Tent, its inner cover, its outer cover, the curtain for the entrance, 26 the curtains for the court which is around the Tent and the altar, and the curtain for the entrance of the court. They were responsible for all the service connected with these items.
27 The clan of Kohath was composed of the families of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 28 The total number of males one month old or older that were enrolled was 8,600. 29 This clan was to camp on the south side of the Tent, 30 with Elizaphan son of Uzziel as chief of the clan. 31 They were responsible for the Covenant Box, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the utensils the priests use in the Holy Place, and the curtain at the entrance to the Most Holy Place. They were responsible for all the service connected with these items.
32 The chief of the Levites was Eleazar son of Aaron the priest. He was in charge of those who carried out the duties in the Holy Place.
33 The clan of Merari was composed of the families of Mahli and Mushi. 34 The total number of males one month old or older that were enrolled was 6,200. 35 This clan was to camp on the north side of the Tent, with Zuriel son of Abihail as chief of the clan. 36 They were assigned responsibility for the frames for the Tent, its bars, posts, bases, and all its fittings. They were responsible for all the service connected with these items. 37 They were also responsible for the posts, bases, pegs, and ropes for the outer court.
38 Moses and Aaron and his sons were to camp in front of the Tent on the east. They were responsible for carrying out the services performed in the Holy Place for the people of Israel. Anyone else who tried to do so was to be put to death. 39 The total number of all the Levite males one month old or older that Moses enrolled by clans at the command of the Lord, was 22,000.
The Levites Take the Place of the First-Born Sons
40-41 The Lord said to Moses, “All of Israel's first-born sons belong to me. So register by name every first-born male Israelite, one month old or older. But in place of them I claim all the Levites as mine! I am the Lord! I also claim the livestock of the Levites in place of all the first-born of the livestock.” 42 Moses obeyed, and registered all the first-born males 43 one month old or older; the total was 22,273.
44 The Lord said to Moses, 45 “Now dedicate the Levites as mine in place of all the first-born Israelite sons, and dedicate the livestock of the Levites in place of the first-born of the Israelites' livestock. 46 Since the first-born Israelite sons outnumber the Levites by 273, you must buy back the extra sons. 47 For each one pay five pieces of silver, according to the official standard, 48 and give this money to Aaron and his sons.” 49 Moses obeyed and took 50 the 1,365 pieces of silver 51 and gave them to Aaron and his sons.