Moolu mennu siita Yerusalaamu
1 Banisirayilankoolu la ñaatonkoolu siita Yerusalaamu saatewo le kono. Bari moo toomaalu ye alikuuroo* le ke, ka dimbaayaa kiliŋ tomboŋ dimbaayaa taŋ-wo-taŋ kono, ka sii Yerusalaamu saatee senuŋo to. Bituŋ dimbaayaa kononto toomaalu, wolu tarata siiriŋ saatee doolu to. 2 Moolu neemata wo moolu ma le, mennu ye ì faŋ dii ka sii Yerusalaamu.
3 Banisirayilanka doolu, aniŋ piriisoolu*, Lewi lasiloo, Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* to dookuulaalu, aniŋ Mansa Sulemani la dookuulaalu koomalankoolu, wolu siita ì fansuŋ kenoolu le to, Yahuuda saatewolu kono. Bari kumandaŋ bankoo ñaatonkoolu niŋ ì la dimbaayaalu siita Yerusalaamu le. 4 Bituŋ moo doolu mennu bota Yahuuda niŋ Benjamini, siita Yerusalaamu le.
Ka bo Yahuuda koomalankoolu kono:
Ataya, Usiya dinkewo. Usiya faa mu Jakariya le ti. Jakariya faa mu Amariya le ti. Amariya faa mu Sefatiya le ti. Sefatiya faa mu Mahalaleli le ti, Peresi koomalankoo. 5 Yahuuda ñaatonka doo mu Maaseya le ti, Baruku dinkewo. Baruku faa mu Koli-Hose le ti. Koli-Hose faa mu Hasaya le ti. Hasaya faa mu Adaya le ti. Adaya faa mu Yoyaribu le ti. Yoyaribu faa mu Jakariya le ti, Sela koomalankoo. 6 Peresi koomalankoolu mennu siita Yerusalaamu, kaañanta kee keme naani aniŋ taŋ wooro niŋ seyi le fee.
7 Ka bo Benjamini koomalankoolu kono:
Sallu, Mesullamu dinkewo. Mesullamu faa mu Yowedi le ti. Yowedi faa mu Pedaya le ti. Pedaya faa mu Kolaya le ti. Kolaya faa mu Maaseya le ti. Maaseya faa mu Itiyeli le ti. Itiyeli faa mu Yesaya le ti, 8 aniŋ mennu be a nooma, Kabayi niŋ Sallayi. Ì bee kafuriŋo, kee keme kononto aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ seyi. 9 Sikiri dinkewo Yoweli le mu ì la kuntiyo ti, aduŋ Hasenuwa dinkewo Yahuuda le be a nooma saatewo kuntiiyaa to.
10 Ka bo piriisoolu kono:
Yoyaribu dinkewo Yedaya, Yakini, 11 aniŋ Hilikiya dinkewo Seraya. Hilikiya faa mu Mesullamu le ti. Mesullamu faa mu Sadoki le ti. Sadoki faa mu Merayoti le ti. Merayoti faa mu Ahitubu le ti, meŋ marata Alla Batudulaa Buŋo to kuwolu ma. 12 Ì baadiŋ doolu fanaa tarata ì fee le, mennu ka dookuwo ke Alla Batudulaa Buŋo to. Ì bee kafuriŋo, kee keme seyi aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ fula. Yerohamu dinkewo Adaya fanaa be ì kono le. Yerohamu faa mu Pelaliya le ti. Pelaliya faa mu Amusi le ti. Amusi faa mu Jakariya le ti. Jakariya faa mu Pasihuri le ti. Pasihuri faa mu Malikiya le ti, 13 aniŋ a baadiŋolu, mennu mu lasiloolu la alifaalu ti. Ì bee kafuriŋo, kee keme fula aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ fula. Asareli dinkewo Amasayi fanaa be ì kono le. Asareli faa mu Aasayi le ti. Aasayi faa mu Mesillemoti le ti. Mesillemoti faa mu Immeri le ti, 14 aniŋ a baadiŋolu mennu mu kee fatiŋolu ti. Ì bee kafuriŋo, kee keme aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ seyi. Hakedolimu dinkewo Sabudiyeli le mu ì la kuntiyo ti.
15 Ka bo Lewi lasiloo kono:
Hasubu dinkewo Semaya. Hasubu faa mu Asirikamu le ti. Asirikamu faa mu Hasabiya le ti. Hasabiya faa mu Bunni le ti. 16 Sabetayi niŋ Yosabadi fanaa be ì kono le, Lewi lasiloo la ñaatonka fuloo, mennu tarata marariŋ Alla Batudulaa Buŋo bantala dookuwo ma. 17 Mataniya fanaa be ì kono le, Mika dinkewo. Mika faa mu Sabudi le ti. Sabudi faa mu Asafu le ti. Mataniya le ka moolu ñaatonkayaa tenturoo niŋ duwaa la. Bakibukiya fanaa be ì kono le, meŋ mu kuntii noomalankoo ti a baadiŋolu kono. Sammuwa dinkewo Abuda fanaa be ì kono le. Sammuwa faa mu Kalali le ti. Kalali faa mu Yedutuni le ti. 18 Lewi lasiloo mennu siita saatee senuŋo kono, kaañanta moo keme fula aniŋ taŋ seyi niŋ naani le fee.
19 Alla Batudulaa Buŋo dundaŋ daa kantalaalu:
Akubu, Talimoni aniŋ ì baadiŋolu, mennu ka kantaroo ke dundaŋ daalu to. Ì bee kafuriŋo, kee keme aniŋ taŋ woorowula niŋ fula.
20 Banisirayilanka toomaalu, ka taa piriisoolu niŋ Lewi lasiloo, siita Yahuuda saatee koteŋolu bee le to, meŋ-wo-meŋ a mumuñolu la kenoo to.
21 Alla Batudulaa Buŋo to dookuulaalu siita Ofeli Konkoo le kaŋ, aduŋ Siha niŋ Kisipa le keta ì la ñaatonkoolu ti.
22 Bani dinkewo Usi le mu Lewi lasiloo la ñaatonkoo ti Yerusalaamu. Bani faa mu Hasabiya le ti. Hasabiya faa mu Mataniya le ti. Mataniya faa mu Mika le ti. Usi bota Asafu koomalankoolu le kono, mennu mu suukuulaalaalu ti Alla Batudulaa Buŋo kono baturoo to. 23 Suukuulaalaalu be mansakewo la kaŋo le koto, aduŋ ì la luŋ-wo-luŋ kuwolu taamandoo be wo le bulu.
24 Mesesabeli dinkewo Petahiya le tarata mansa niŋ moolu teema kuwolu bee to. Mesesabeli mu Yahuuda dinkewo Sera koomalankoo le ti.
Saatee doolu siilaalu
25 Yahuuda moo doolu siita ñiŋ saatewolu le niŋ ì la dandanna kenoolu to: Kiriyati-Ariba aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu, Diboni aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu, Yekabuseeli aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu, 26 Yesuwa, Molada, Beti-Peleti, 27 Hasari-Suwali, Beeriseba aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu, 28 Sikilaki, Mekona aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu, 29 Eni-Rimmoni, Sora, Yarimuti, 30 Sanowa, Adullamu aniŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu, Lakisi aniŋ a kenoolu, aniŋ Aseka aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu. Wo ye a yitandi le ko, ì siita saatewolu to le ka bo Beeriseba bulubaa karoo la, ka taa fo Hinnomu Wulumbaŋo to, maraa karoo la.
31 Benjamini lasiloo moolu siita Keba le, Mikimasi, Aya, Beteli aniŋ a dandanna saateeriŋolu to, 32 ka taa Anatoti, Nobu, Ananiya, 33 Hasori, Rama, Kitayimu, 34 Hadidi, Seboyimu, Neballati, 35 Lodi, aniŋ Ono, ka taa Yiri Leselaa Wulumbaŋo to.
36 Lewi lasiloo la kafoo doolu mennu tarata siiriŋ nuŋ Yahuuda, ì naata wolu sindi Benjamini lasiloo le kono.
The People Who Lived in Jerusalem
1 The leaders settled in Jerusalem, and the rest of the people drew lots to choose one family out of every ten to go and live in the holy city of Jerusalem, while the rest were to live in the other cities and towns. 2 The people praised anyone else who volunteered to live in Jerusalem. 3 In the other towns and cities the people of Israel, the priests, the Levites, the Temple workers, and the descendants of Solomon's servants lived on their own property in their own towns.
The following is the list of the leading citizens of the province of Judah who lived in Jerusalem:
4 Members of the tribe of Judah:
Athaiah, the son of Uzziah and grandson of Zechariah. His other ancestors included Amariah, Shephatiah, and Mahalalel, descendants of Judah's son Perez.
5 Maaseiah, the son of Baruch and grandson of Colhozeh. His other ancestors included Hazaiah, Adaiah, Joiarib, and Zechariah, descendants of Judah's son Shelah.
6 Of the descendants of Perez, 468 outstanding soldiers lived in Jerusalem.
7 Members of the tribe of Benjamin:
Sallu, the son of Meshullam and grandson of Joed. His other ancestors included Pedaiah, Kolaiah, Maaseiah, Ithiel, and Jeshaiah.
8 Gabbai and Sallai, close relatives of Sallu.
In all, 928 Benjaminites lived in Jerusalem. 9 Joel son of Zichri was their leader, and Judah son of Hassenuah was the second ranking official in the city.
10 Priests:
Jedaiah son of Joiarib, and Jachin.
11 Seraiah, the son of Hilkiah and grandson of Meshullam. His ancestors included Zadok, Meraioth, and Ahitub, who was the High Priest. 12 In all, 822 members of this clan served in the Temple.
Adaiah, the son of Jeroham and grandson of Pelaliah. His ancestors included Amzi, Zechariah, Pashhur, and Malchijah. 13 In all, 242 members of this clan were heads of families.
Amashsai, the son of Azarel and grandson of Ahzai. His ancestors included Meshillemoth and Immer. 14 There were 128 members of this clan who were outstanding soldiers. Their leader was Zabdiel, a member of a leading family.
15 Levites:
Shemaiah, the son of Hasshub and grandson of Azrikam. His ancestors included Hashabiah and Bunni.
16 Shabbethai and Jozabad, prominent Levites in charge of the work outside the Temple.
17 Mattaniah, the son of Mica and grandson of Zabdi, a descendant of Asaph. He led the Temple choir in singing the prayer of thanksgiving.
Bakbukiah, who was Mattaniah's assistant.
Abda, the son of Shammua and grandson of Galal, a descendant of Jeduthun.
18 In all, 284 Levites lived in the holy city of Jerusalem.
19 Temple guards:
Akkub, Talmon, and their relatives, 172 in all.
20 The rest of the people of Israel and the remaining priests and Levites lived on their own property in the other cities and towns of Judah. 21 The Temple workers lived in the part of Jerusalem called Ophel and worked under the supervision of Ziha and Gishpa.
22 The supervisor of the Levites who lived in Jerusalem was Uzzi, the son of Bani and grandson of Hashabiah. His ancestors included Mattaniah and Mica, and he belonged to the clan of Asaph, the clan that was responsible for the music in the Temple services. 23 There were royal regulations stating how the clans should take turns in leading the Temple music each day.
24 Pethahiah son of Meshezabel, of the clan of Zerah and the tribe of Judah, represented the people of Israel at the Persian court.
The People in Other Towns and Cities
25 Many of the people lived in towns near their farms. Those who were of the tribe of Judah lived in Kiriath Arba, Dibon, and Jekabzeel, and in the villages near these cities. 26 They also lived in the cities of Jeshua, Moladah, Bethpelet, 27 and Hazarshual, and in Beersheba and the villages around it. 28 They lived in the city of Ziklag, in Meconah and its villages, 29 in Enrimmon, in Zorah, in Jarmuth, 30 in Zanoah, in Adullam, and in the villages near these towns. They lived in Lachish and on the farms nearby, and in Azekah and its villages. That is to say, the people of Judah lived in the territory between Beersheba in the south and Hinnom Valley in the north.
31 The people of the tribe of Benjamin lived in Geba, Michmash, Ai, Bethel and the nearby villages, 32 Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah, 33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim, 34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat, 35 Lod, and Ono, and in Craftsmen's Valley. 36 Some groups of Levites that had lived in the territory of Judah were assigned to live with the people of Benjamin.