Sembetii kuruŋolu la jaraboo
1 Kooroo be boyi la moolu kaŋ ne,
mennu ka tilimbaliyaa feeroo siti,
aniŋ kuu kuruŋo,
niŋ ì be laariŋ ì la laaraŋolu kaŋ.
Niŋ fanoo keta,
ì ye a taamandi ì la sembe sotoo kaŋ.
2 Niŋ ì hameta kunku meŋ na,
ì ka wo buusi a maarii bulu le.
Niŋ ì lafita buŋo meŋ na,
ì ka a taa le.
Ì ka kewolu niŋ ì la dimbaayaalu toorandi,
ì ka ì sotofeŋolu foriseetoo taa.

3 Wo kamma la Yaawe* ye ñiŋ ne fo,
“Alitolu moo kuruŋolu,
ŋa maasiiboo le landi ali ñaato.
A be ke la ali ye le komeŋ yookoo*,
ali te ali kuŋo buusi noo la a koto,
aduŋ ali te balafiriŋ taamoo ñaa soto la.
Ñiŋ waatoo be ke la ali ye maasiiboo le ti.
4 Ñiŋ luŋo la,
moolu si ali ke jelefeŋo ti.
Ì si ñiŋ teelindiri denkiloo laa,
ì ye ì faŋ ke woosiilaalu ti ko,
‘Ntolu kasaarata le fereŋ.
Yaawe ye ǹ na moolu la keetaabankoo duŋ bulu koteŋolu bulu,
a buusita ǹ na.
A ye ǹ na kunkoolu talaa ǹ jawoolu teema.’ ”

5 Niŋ waatoo siita ka ñiŋ kenoolu murundi
ka bo alikuuroo la,
ali te moo soto la Yaawe la moolu kono,
meŋ be soŋ na ka sumandiroo ke ali ye.

6 Moolu ka nte kawandi le,
ka a fo n ye ko,
“I dahaa kawandoo la,
kana ñiŋ kuu siifaa kawandi.
Malu kuu te naa ntolu kaŋ.
7 Fo Yaakuba koomalankoolu dankata le baŋ?
Fo Yaawe la muñoo be bo kaŋ ne baŋ?
Fo a ka kuwolu ke teŋ ne baŋ?
Fo a la kumakaŋolu maŋ beteyaa moolu ye baŋ,
mennu tilinta?”

8 Yaawe ko:
“Alitolu le keta moolu ti,
mennu loota n na moolu ye jawuyaa daa to.
Ali ye tambilaalu la dendika baalu wura ì la,
mennu maŋ i yillaa kuu jawu-wo-kuu jawu ma,
aniŋ ko keloo be ke la.
9 Ali ye n na moolu la musoolu bayi
ka bo ì la buŋolu kono, ì niiseewoo dulaalu.
Ali ye n na neemoo buusi ì diŋolu la burayi.
10 Ali wuli, ali ye taa!
Dahaa dulaa te ali ye jaŋ.
Ali faŋolu le ye a nondi ali la junube kuu kewolu la.
A be kasaara la le,
kasaara baa faŋo la.
11 Niŋ a ye a tara moo le sotota,
kuma kenseŋ folaa aniŋ faniyaa folaa,
meŋ be ali kawandi la ko wayinoo* be siyaa la,
aniŋ dolo koteŋo,
ali be laa la wo maarii le la annabiyomuyaa la.”
Banisirayila moo toomaalu be tanka la
12 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko,
“Alitolu Yaakuba koomalankoolu,
a be koyiriŋ ne ko,
m be ali bee kafu la ñoo ma le.
M be Banisirayila moo toomaalu bee kafu la ñoo ma le.
M be ali ñaatonkayaa la,
ko niŋ ì be saajiyolu kenkeŋ kaŋ ì la buŋo kono,
ko niŋ ì be beeyaŋ koorewo kenkeŋ kaŋ daañini dulaa to.
Hadamadiŋolu maakaŋo doroŋ ne be moyi la ñiŋ dulaa to
ì la siyaa kamma.”

13 Alla le be siloo yele la,
a ye tambi ì ñaato, bituŋ ì ye a nooma.
Ì ye tambi niŋ saatee dundaŋ daa la, ì ye finti.
Ì la Mansa, Yaawe faŋo le be tambi la ì ñaato.
The Fate of Those Who Oppress the Poor
1 How terrible it will be for those who lie awake and plan evil! When morning comes, as soon as they have the chance, they do the evil they planned. 2 When they want fields, they seize them; when they want houses, they take them. No one's family or property is safe.
3 And so the Lord says, “I am planning to bring disaster on you, and you will not be able to escape it. You are going to find yourselves in trouble, and then you will not walk so proudly any more. 4 When that time comes, people will use the story about you as an example of disaster, and they will sing this song of despair about your experience:

We are completely ruined!
The Lord has taken our land away
And given it to those who took us captive.”

5 So then, when the time comes for the land to be given back to the Lord's people, there will be no share for any of you.
6 The people preach at me and say, “Don't preach at us. Don't preach about all that. God is not going to disgrace us. 7 Do you think the people of Israel are under a curse? Has the Lord lost his patience? Would he really do such things? Doesn't he speak kindly to those who do right?”
8 The Lord replies, “You attack my people like enemies. Men return from battle, thinking they are safe at home, but there you are, waiting to steal the coats off their backs. 9 You drive the women of my people out of the homes they love, and you have robbed their children of my blessings forever. 10 Get up and go; there is no safety here any more. Your sins have doomed this place to destruction.
11 “These people want the kind of prophet who goes around full of lies and deceit and says, ‘I prophesy that wine and liquor will flow for you.’
12 “But I will gather you together, all you people of Israel that are left. I will bring you together like sheep returning to the fold. Like a pasture full of sheep, your land will once again be filled with many people.”
13 God will open the way for them and lead them out of exile. They will break out of the city gates and go free. Their king, the Lord himself, will lead them out.