Laahidi timmandoo Yaawe ye
1 Yaawe* diyaamuta Musa ye, 2 ka a fo Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Niŋ moo ye laahidoo taa ka moo kerekere nte Yaawe ye, ka muru ka wo moo kumakaa, ñiŋ nankamoolu le ñanta joo la: 3 Niŋ kewo le mu, meŋ siyo be ka bo sanji muwaŋ ka taa sanji taŋ wooro, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu taŋ luulu le ti. 4 Niŋ a ye a tara musoo le mu, meŋ fanaa siyo be wo ñoŋ, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu taŋ saba le ti. 5 Sanji luulu niŋ sanji muwaŋ teema, niŋ kewo le mu, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu muwaŋ ne ti. Niŋ musoo le mu, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu taŋ ne ti. 6 Ka bo kari kiliŋ na ka taa sanji luulu, niŋ kewo le mu, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu luulu le ti. Niŋ musoo le mu, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu saba le ti. 7 Ka bo sanji taŋ wooro ka taa wo ye santo la, niŋ kewo le mu, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu taŋ niŋ luulu le ti. Niŋ musoo le mu, a daa ñanta ke la kodiforo kuntu taŋ ne ti. 8 Niŋ moo ye wo laahidoo taa, aduŋ a maarii fuwaareyaata baake, fo a maŋ wo daa londiriŋo joo noo, ì ñanta a samba la naŋ piriisoo* ye le. Piriisoo si naa daa londi, a maarii si meŋ joo noo.
9 Niŋ a ye a tara laahidoo ñiŋ mu beeyaŋo le ti, moo si meŋ bondi noo sadaa* ti nte Yaawe ye, wo to wo sadaa siifaa meŋ-wo-meŋ be bondi la nte Yaawe ye, a be ke la feŋ senuŋo le ti. 10 A maarii maŋ ñaŋ na a beeyaŋo faliŋ na doo la, biriŋ a betemaa to, fo jawumaa to. Niŋ a ye wo beeyaŋo niŋ doo koteŋ faliŋ ñoo la, ì bee be ke la feŋ senuŋo le ti. 11 Niŋ a ye a tara laahidoo ñiŋ mu beeyaŋ kondiŋo le ti, moo buka meŋ bondi nte Yaawe ye sadaa ti, wo to a maarii si a samba piriisoo* ye. 12 Piriisoo si daa londi a la ka bo a beeyaŋo la beteyaa la, waraŋ a la beteyaabaliyaa la, aduŋ a ye a fo ñaameŋ, a ñanta ke la wo le ñaama. 13 Niŋ a ye a tara a maarii lafita a kumakaa la le, a ye muru a taayaa to, a ñanta ka talaadaa luulunjaŋo le laa a daa kaŋ.
14 Niŋ moo ye a la buŋo kerekere nte Yaawe ye, piriisoo si daa londi a la ka bo buŋo la beteyaa la, waraŋ a la beteyaabaliyaa la. Piriisoo ye daa meŋ londi a la, a be tu la wo daa le to. 15 Wo maarii meŋ ye a la buŋo kerekere, niŋ a lafita a kumakaa la, a ñanta talaadaa luulunjaŋo le lafaa la a daa kaŋ, a ye muru a taayaa to.
16 Niŋ moo ye karoo doo kerekere nte Yaawe ye ka bo a la keetaakenoo to, a daa ñanta londi la ka bo a kenoo si siimaŋ kesoo hapoo meŋ bondi noo. Wo sumaŋo ñanta ke la baali* siimaŋ kesoo kilo keme-wo-keme, kodiforo kuntu taŋ luulu le ti. 17 Niŋ a maarii ye a la kenoo kerekere ka bo Seyindiri Saŋo banta waatoo meŋ na, ì ye wo daa meŋ londi a la, wo le be tu la. 18 Niŋ a maarii ye a la kenoo kerekere waati le la, meŋ niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo la baŋ waatoo jamfata, piriisoo si nankamoo konti kodoo to ka bo saŋolu yaatewo la, mennu tuta janniŋ Seyindiri Saŋ koteŋo be sii la. A si naa a daa talaa. 19 Meŋ ye kenoo kerekere, niŋ a lafita a kumakaa la, a ñanta talaadaa luulunjaŋo le laa la a daa kaŋ, a ye muru a taayaa to. 20 Bari niŋ a maŋ lafi a kumakaa la, waraŋ niŋ a ye a waafi moo doo le ma, wo to a te kumakaa noo la kotenke. 21 Niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo siita, a be ke la feŋ senuŋo le ti nte Yaawe la karoo la, komeŋ kene kerekereriŋo. A be tara la piriisoo taayaa le to.
22 Niŋ moo ye kenoo kerekere nte Yaawe ye, a ye meŋ saŋ, aduŋ a maŋ ke a la keetaafeŋo ti, 23 piriisoo le ñanta daa londi la a la. A si saŋolu konti, mennu tuta janniŋ Seyindiri Saŋ koteŋo ka sii, a ye daa londi a la. Wo le to kewo ñiŋ si naa wo daa joo, wo luŋo faŋo la. A ye meŋ joo, a be ke la feŋ senuŋo le ti nte Yaawe la karoo la. 24 Niŋ Seyindiri Saŋo siita, meŋ ye kenoo saŋ, a ñanta a murundi la wo maarii ma le, a ye a saŋ meŋ bulu, a keta meŋ na keetaafeŋo ti. 25 Daalu bee ñanta londi la ko Batudulaa Senuŋo peesariñaa be laariŋ ñaameŋ. A kodiforo kuntoo la kuliyaa kaañanta karaamu taŋ niŋ fula le fee.
26 Moo-wo-moo maŋ ñaŋ na beeyaŋolu konoñaa foloo kerekere la nte Yaawe ye, kaatu wolu mu n taa le ti fokabaŋ. A keta ninsi le ti baŋ, waraŋ saajii waraŋ baa. Nte Yaawe taa le mu. 27 Niŋ a ye a tara beeyaŋ kondiŋo konoñaa foloo le mu, a maarii si a kumakaa noo le, a ye ke a taa ti, ka bo daa londiriŋo la. A ñanta talaadaa luulunjaŋo laa la a daa kaŋ ne. Niŋ a ye a tara a maŋ a kumakaa, piriisoo si a waafi noo doo ma wo daa kiliŋo la le, meŋ londita.
28 Moo maŋ ñaŋ na feŋ-wo-feŋ waafi la, waraŋ ka a kumakaa, ì ye meŋ landi nte Yaawe ye ka tara n na karoo la, komeŋ feŋ kerekereriŋo. A keta hadamadiŋ ne ti baŋ, waraŋ beeyaŋ, waraŋ keetaakenoo. A mu feŋ senuŋ baa le ti nte Yaawe la karoo la.
29 Hani niŋ a ye a tara moo le mu, ì ye meŋ dii ka tara nte Yaawe la karoo la komeŋ feŋ kerekereriŋo, a maŋ ñaŋ na kumakaa la. A ñanta faa la le.
30 Bankoo siimaŋo niŋ a yiridiŋolu jakoo bee mu nte Yaawe le taa ti. A mu feŋ senuŋo le ti n na karoo la. 31 Niŋ moo-wo-moo lafita a la siimaŋ jakoolu meŋ-wo-meŋ kumakaa la, a ñanta talaadaa luulunjaŋo laa la a daa kaŋ ne. 32 Ali la ninsoolu niŋ saajiyolu niŋ baalu yaatewo to, taŋ-wo-taŋ, ì si taamanseeroo ke kiliŋ bala, ka ke feŋ senuŋo ti nte Yaawe la karoo la. 33 Moo maŋ ñaŋ na kesendiri ke la, ka a la beeyaŋ betoolu bondi beteyaabaloolu kono, sako a si nte Yaawe taa niŋ doo faliŋ. Niŋ a ye ì faliŋ, ì bee be ke la feŋ senuŋo le ti, aduŋ kiliŋ te kumakaa noo la ì kono.

34 Ñinnu le mu Yaawe la yaamaroolu ti Banisirayilankoolu ye. A ye ì dii Musa la Sinayi Konkoo le kaŋ.
Laws concerning Gifts to the Lord
1 The Lord gave Moses 2 the following regulations for the people of Israel. When any of you have been given to the Lord in fulfillment of a special vow, you may be set free by the payment of the following sums of money, 3-7 according to the official standard:
–adult male, twenty to sixty years old: 50 pieces of silver–adult female: 30 pieces of silver–young male, five to twenty years old: 20 pieces of silver–young female: 10 pieces of silver–infant male under five: 5 pieces of silver–infant female: 3 pieces of silver–male above sixty years of age: 15 pieces of silver–female above sixty: 10 pieces of silver
8 If any of you make a vow and are too poor to pay the standard price, you shall bring the person to the priest, and the priest will set a lower price, according to your ability to pay.
9 If your vow concerns an animal that is acceptable as an offering to the Lord, then every gift made to the Lord is sacred, 10 and you may not substitute another animal for it. If you do, both animals belong to the Lord. 11 But if your vow concerns a ritually unclean animal, which is not acceptable as an offering to the Lord, you shall take the animal to the priest. 12 The priest shall set a price for it, according to its good or bad qualities, and the price will be final. 13 If you wish to buy it back, you must pay the price plus an additional 20 percent.
14 When any of you dedicate your house to the Lord, the priest shall set the price according to its good or bad points, and the price will be final. 15 If you wish to buy your house back, you must pay the price plus an additional 20 percent.
16 If any of you dedicate part of your land to the Lord, the price shall be set according to the amount of seed it takes to sow it, at the rate of ten pieces of silver per bushel of barley. 17 If you dedicate the land immediately after a Year of Restoration, the full price applies. 18 If you dedicate it any time later, the priest shall estimate the cash value according to the number of years left until the next Year of Restoration, and set a reduced price. 19 If you wish to buy your field back, you must pay the price plus an additional 20 percent. 20 If you sell the field to someone else without first buying it back from the Lord, you lose the right to buy it back. 21 At the next Year of Restoration the field will become the Lord's permanent property; it shall belong to the priests.
22 If you dedicate to the Lord a field that you have bought, 23 the priest shall estimate its value according to the number of years until the next Year of Restoration, and you must pay the price that very day; the money belongs to the Lord. 24 At the Year of Restoration the field shall be returned to the original owner or to the descendants.
25 All prices shall be set according to the official standard.
26 The first-born of an animal already belongs to the Lord, so no one may dedicate it to him as a freewill offering. A calf, a lamb, or a kid belongs to the Lord, 27 but the first-born of an unclean animal may be bought back at the standard price plus an additional 20 percent. If it is not bought back, it may be sold to someone else at the standard price.
28 None of you may sell or buy back what you have unconditionally dedicated to the Lord, whether it is a human being, an animal, or land. It belongs permanently to the Lord. 29 Not even human beings who have been unconditionally dedicated may be bought back; they must be put to death.
30 One tenth of all the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, belongs to the Lord. 31 If you wish to buy any of it back, you must pay the standard price plus an additional 20 percent. 32 One of every ten domestic animals belongs to the Lord. When the animals are counted, every tenth one belongs to the Lord. 33 You may not arrange the animals so that the poor animals are chosen, and you may not make any substitutions. If you do substitute one animal for another, then both animals will belong to the Lord and may not be bought back.
34 These are the commands that the Lord gave Moses on Mount Sinai for the people of Israel.