1 Yuuba, saayiŋ deemaaroo woosii baŋ,
fo moo le be soto la, meŋ be i danku la i ma?
I be i la kuwo dunoo laa la malaayika jumaa le kaŋ?
2 Kamfaa ka toolewo kasaara le,
kiiliyaa ka hakilintaŋo faa.
3 Ŋa toolewolu je le ì ye suloo duŋ,
bari kataba kiliŋ dankoo boyita ì la suwolu kaŋ.
4 Ì diŋolu niŋ tankoo jamfata ñoo la.
Ì ye ì kiitindi tilimbaliyaa kono,
moo maŋ soto, meŋ si ì kiisa a kono.
5 Konkotoolu ye ì la katirifeŋolu domo,
hani mennu falinta ŋaniŋolu kono.
Hadumentuŋolu ye ì la fankoo kasaara.
6 Kuu jawoo buka fii noo bankoo kono,
sako kataa si faliŋ noo a kaŋ.
7 Bari hadamadiŋo wuluuta le bataa kuwo kono,
komeŋ dimbaa feremetoo ka tii santo ñaameŋ.

8 Niŋ nte mu ite ti, m be m faŋ seyi la Alla ma le,
ŋa n na kuwo laa a ñaa koto.
9 Ate le mu kaawakuu baalu kelaa ti,
mennu buka tara loŋo daa to,
aniŋ jaakali kuwolu mennu buka yaatee noo.
10 Ate le ka jiyo jindi bankoo kaŋ,
ate le ka kunkoolu jiiboŋ.
11 Ate le ka fammajiilaa la kuwo selendi santo,
ate le ka seewoo dii niikuyaatoo la.
12 Ate le ka feerentuŋolu la feeroolu janjaŋ,
fo ì kana kututeyi.
13 Ate le ka moo ñaamendiŋo muta ì faŋolu la ñaameŋ kuwolu kono.
A ye neeneerilaalu la neeneeri yaamaroolu daŋ.
14 Hani tiloo ñaama, itolu ka tara diboo le kono.
Ì ka moomooroo ke tilibuloo ko ì be suutoo le kono.
15 Bari ate Alla, fuwaaroolu, a ka wolu tanka moo jawoolu neŋ jawoo ma le.
Ate le ka moolu tanka,
mennu be suuloo kono ka bo sembemaalu bulu.
16 Wo ñaama, fuwaaroolu si jikoo soto,
tilimbaloo ye a daa soroŋ ñoo bala.

17 Seewoo be moo la kuwo to,
Alla ye meŋ londi sila tilindiŋo kaŋ.
Wo kamma la, niŋ Alla Tallaa be i so kaŋ kuluwo la,
kana balaŋ a la.
18 Ate le ka dimoo ke, a ye a jaara.
Ate le ka baramoo ke, a ye a kendeyandi.
19 Ate le be i tanka la maasiiba kuwo ma waatoo bee la,
kataa kuu te boyi la i kaŋ fereŋ.
20 Niŋ konko jawoo naata, ate le be i balundi la,
aniŋ keloo waatoo la, ate le be i tanka la saayaa ma.
21 Alla le be i tanka la koomakumaroo ma,
aduŋ a te jari la ñiŋ na, i ye silaŋ kuu soto,
niŋ kasaara kuwo naata.
22 Kasaaroo waatoo niŋ konko jawoo kono,
i be tara la jele kaŋ ne.
I te sila la wulakono daafeŋolu la.
23 I be tankoo soto la kene fanuŋolu to le,
kayiroo le be tara la ì niŋ wulakono daafeŋolu teema.
24 I si ñiŋ dankeneyaa soto ko,
i la dimbaayaa be tara la kayiroo le kono.
Niŋ i ye i la beeyaŋolu yaatee, feŋ te dasa la kooma.
25 I si ñiŋ loŋ ko, i diŋolu be siyaa la le.
I koomalankoolu be siyaa la le,
ì be siyaa la duniyaa kono le komeŋ ñaamoo.
26 I be faa la i kotooriŋo le la,
komeŋ siimaŋ muroo ka kati siimaŋ kaloo bala ñaameŋ,
niŋ a moo waatoo siita.

27 Ŋà kisikisiroo ke ñiŋ kuwo la le, tooñaa le mu.
Lamoyiri ke kuwo ñiŋ na, i ye a muta i faŋ fee.
1 Call out, Job. See if anyone answers.
Is there any angel to whom you can turn?
2 To worry yourself to death with resentment
would be a foolish, senseless thing to do.
3 I have seen fools who looked secure,
but I called down a sudden curse on their homes.
4 Their children can never find safety;
no one stands up to defend them in court.
5 Hungry people will eat the fool's crops—
even the grain growing among thorns
and thirsty people will envy his wealth.
6 Evil does not grow in the soil,
nor does trouble grow out of the ground.
7 No indeed! We bring trouble on ourselves,
as surely as sparks fly up from a fire.

8 If I were you, I would turn to God
and present my case to him.
9 We cannot understand the great things he does,
and to his miracles there is no end.
10 He sends rain on the land
and he waters the fields.
11 Yes, it is God who raises the humble
and gives joy to all who mourn.
12-13 He upsets the plans of cunning people,
and traps the wise in their own schemes,
so that nothing they do succeeds;
14 even at noon they grope in darkness.
15 But God saves the poor from death;
he saves the needy from oppression.
16 He gives hope to the poor and silences the wicked.

17 Happy is the person whom God corrects!
Do not resent it when he rebukes you.
18 God bandages the wounds he makes;
his hand hurts you, and his hand heals.
19 Time after time he will save you from harm;
20 when famine comes, he will keep you alive,
and in war protect you from death.
21 God will rescue you from slander;
he will save you when destruction comes.
22 You will laugh at violence and hunger
and not be afraid of wild animals.
23 The fields you plow will be free of rocks;
wild animals will never attack you.
24 Then you will live at peace in your tent;
when you look at your sheep, you will find them safe.
25 You will have as many children
as there are blades of grass in a pasture.
26 Like wheat that ripens till harvest time,
you will live to a ripe old age.
27 Job, we have learned this by long study.
It is true, so now accept it.