Yuuba la Bilidadi jaabi fulanjaŋo
1 Bituŋ Yuuba naata jaabiroo ke ko:

2 Alitolu be i dahaa la nte niyo toorandoo la waati jumaa le la,
aniŋ ka tara n dimindi la kumakaŋolu la?
3 Ko siiñaa taŋ, ali naata le ka n dooyaa.
Ali te malu la baŋ ka tu la n neŋ na teŋ?
4 Niŋ a ye a tara tooñaa le mu ko,
nte maŋ tara sila kendoo kaŋ,
n na jenkoo, wo tuta nte faŋo le bulu.
5 Alitolu ye ali faŋolu ke le ko alitolu le fisiyaata nte ti,
bituŋ ali ka n na malu kuwo taa ka n dooyaa a la.
6 Fo ali maŋ ñiŋ loŋ ko, Alla faŋo le ye ñiŋ laa nte kaŋ?
Ate faŋo le ye a la jaloo miniŋ n na.

7 N woosiita, fitina kuwo meŋ laata n kaŋ,
dankuru maŋ ke n na kuwo to.
Ŋa deemaaroo ñini,
bari tooñaa maŋ soto.
8 Alla le ye siloo soroŋ, m maŋ tambi noo.
A ye m fili diboo kono ka siloo ñini m faŋ ye.
9 Ate le ye n na fankoo bee taa,
a ye horomoo bondi n kaŋ.
10 Ate le ye n jasi karoo bee la, fo m banta.
A ye n na jikoo taa m bulu,
komeŋ niŋ i ye yirisuŋo wutu.
11 A ye a la kamfaa jindi n kaŋ,
ka m muta ko a jawoo.
12 A ye a la kelediŋ kafoolu bendi ñoo kaŋ,
ì ye sapoolu dadaa ka n suki,
ka daakaa loo n na tiriliisoo* karoo bee la.

13 A ye m baadiŋolu bee jamfandi n na,
n lombaalu bee keta n ye luntaŋolu ti.
14 N siiñoolu bee ye ì koo dii n na,
n teeroolu bee ñinata n na.
15 N na kumpaborilaalu,
hani n na joŋ sunkutoolu bee le ye m muta komeŋ luntaŋo.
N keta ì ñaa koto ko bantalankoo.
16 Ŋa n na dookuulaa kumandi, a maŋ n danku,
fo nte faŋo le muruta ka a daani.
17 N niijiyo keta m musu ye tanoo ti,
m baadiŋolu ñewunta n na.
18 Hani dindiŋolu bee le ka jutu n na,
niŋ m fintita naŋ, ì ye n ke jelefeŋo ti.
19 N teeroolu bee jututa n na,
n kanuntewolu yelemata n kaŋ jawuyaa siloo la.
20 M balajaatoo bee banta n kuloolu bala,
domandiŋ ne ye m bali faa la.
21 Ali balafaa soto n ye,
n teeroolu, ali balafaa soto n ye,
kaatu Alla faŋo buloo le laata n kaŋ.
22 Muŋ ne ye a tinna alitolu fanaalu be n nooma la teŋ,
ko Alla tarata n nooma ñaameŋ?
Fo n na dimoo bataa maŋ kaañaŋ ali fee baŋ?

23 Ñiŋ ne be diyaa la n ye,
m fokumoolu ye tara safeeriŋ,
moo ye soto ka ì safee kitaaboo kono.
24 A ye ì safee niŋ neekalaa la neefaataa bala,
waraŋ berewalaa bala, ì ye tara jee fo fawu.

25 Bari nte ye a loŋ ne ko,
n kiisandirilaa, wo be baluuriŋ ne,
aduŋ ate le be loo la n ye kuwo labandulaa
ñiŋ duniyaa kono jaŋ.
26 M balajaatoo tiñaata ñaa-wo-ñaa,
m baloo bee banta ñaa-wo-ñaa,
bari hani wo, m be Alla je la le.
27 M be a je la le, m faŋo ñaalu le be loo la a kaŋ.
N te ke la a fee luntaŋ ti.
Ñiŋ ne mu kuwo ti, n hakiloo be looriŋ meŋ kaŋ kat.
28 Niŋ ali ka a fo ko, “M̀ be a toorandi la le,”
aniŋ ka a fo ko, “A faŋo le ye a saabu a faŋ ma,”
29 wo to ali fanaalu ye ali hakiloo tu,
hawusaroo* kana ali fanaa maa.
Kaatu ali la kamfaa kuwo ñiŋ mu junuboo le ti,
meŋ jaraboo jarita hawusaroo la.
Ali a loŋ ko, kiitiyo luŋo sotota le.
1-2 Why do you keep tormenting me with words?
3 Time after time you insult me
and show no shame for the way you abuse me.
4 Even if I have done wrong,
how does that hurt you?
5 You think you are better than I am,
and regard my troubles as proof of my guilt.
6 Can't you see it is God who has done this?
He has set a trap to catch me.
7 I protest his violence,
but no one is listening;
no one hears my cry for justice.
8 God has blocked the way, and I can't get through;
he has hidden my path in darkness.
9 He has taken away all my wealth
and destroyed my reputation.
10 He batters me from every side.
He uproots my hope
and leaves me to wither and die.
11 God is angry and rages against me;
he treats me like his worst enemy.
12 He sends his army to attack me;
they dig trenches and lay siege to my tent.

13 God has made my own family forsake me;
I am a stranger to those who knew me;
14 my relatives and friends are gone.
15 Those who were guests in my house have forgotten me;
my servant women treat me like a stranger and a foreigner.
16 When I call a servant, he doesn't answer—
even when I beg him to help me.
17 My wife can't stand the smell of my breath,
and my own brothers won't come near me.
18 Children despise me and laugh when they see me.
19 My closest friends look at me with disgust;
those I loved most have turned against me.
20 My skin hangs loose on my bones;
I have barely escaped with my life.
21 You are my friends! Take pity on me!
The hand of God has struck me down.
22 Why must you persecute me the way God does?
Haven't you tormented me enough?

23 How I wish that someone would remember my words
and record them in a book!
24 Or with a chisel carve my words in stone
and write them so that they would last forever.

25 But I know there is someone in heaven
who will come at last to my defense.
26 Even after my skin is eaten by disease,
while still in this body I will see God.
27 I will see him with my own eyes,
and he will not be a stranger.

My courage failed because you said,
28 “How can we torment him?”
You looked for some excuse to attack me.
29 But now, be afraid of the sword—
the sword that brings God's wrath on sin,
so that you will know there is one who judges.