1 N niyo korita,
m baluu tiloolu be naa baŋo le la,
kaburoo le ka m batu.
2 Ñaawalilaalu ye n kuru,
m faŋo ñaa le loota ì la jawuyaa kuwo kaŋ.

3 Alla, ite faŋo le be nte sankayaa la.
Jumaa le si nte sankayaa noo ite koolaa?
4 Baawo ite faŋo le ye ì sondomeñaalu suki
fo ì kana fahaamuroo ke noo,
wo kamma la, i kana ì sawoo londi.
5 Fo i be a ke kaŋ ne baŋ,
ko kuma kotoomaa ye a fo ñaameŋ?
Niŋ moo ye a teeroolu jamfaa tinewo kamma,
a diŋolu ka toora le.

6 Alla ye n ke jelefeŋo le ti moo bee ye,
moo meŋ, moolu ka daajiyo fayi a ñaadaa kaŋ.
7 Niitooroo ye n ñaalu dibindi,
m baloo keta ko koloma jaaroo.
8 Moolu mennu ye a miira ko, itolu tilinta le,
aduŋ ì maŋ sootaari soto,
wolu bee jaakalita ñiŋ kuwo la le,
bituŋ ì ye a muta ko, nte mu moo kuruŋo le ti.
9 Bari moo meŋ tilinta, wo be tu la a la siloo le kaŋ,
aduŋ moo meŋ buloolu seneyaata,
semboo be tu la wara la le doroŋ.
10 Bari ali naa, ali bee, ali ye a kata kotenke!
N te moo ñaamendiŋo tara la ali kono.

11 M baluu tiloolu banta,
n na feeroolu janjanta, aniŋ n hame kuwolu.
12 N teeroolu ko, suutoo mu tilibuloo le ti,
maloo be jaŋ ne, a keta diboo ti ñaa-wo-ñaa.
13 M maŋ jiki soto, fo kaburoo meŋ be naa ke la n yaa ti,
daameŋ m be n na laaraŋo loo la jee diboo kono.
14 M be kaburu dinkoo le kumandi la m faa ti,
ŋa tumboolu kumandi m baa ti, aniŋ m baarimmusoolu.
15 Nte la jikoo be tara la muŋ ne kaŋ?
Jumaa le ye jiki koteŋ je nte la karoo la?
16 Fo n niŋ jikoo ñiŋ be taa ñoo la kaburoo kono le baŋ?
Fo n niŋ a be saareŋ na ñoo la le baŋ, ka ke bankumunkoo ti?
1 The end of my life is near. I can hardly breathe;
there is nothing left for me but the grave.
2 I watch how bitterly everyone mocks me.
3 I am being honest, God. Accept my word.
There is no one else to support what I say.
4 You have closed their minds to reason;
don't let them triumph over me now.
5 In the old proverb someone betrays his friends for money,
and his children suffer for it.
6 And now people use this proverb against me;
they come and spit in my face.
7 My grief has almost made me blind;
my arms and legs are as thin as shadows.
8 Those who claim to be honest are shocked,
and they all condemn me as godless.
9 Those who claim to be respectable
are more and more convinced they are right.
10 But if all of them came and stood before me,
I would not find even one of them wise.

11 My days have passed; my plans have failed;
my hope is gone.
12 But my friends say night is daylight;
they say that light is near,
but I know I remain in darkness.
13 My only hope is the world of the dead,
where I will lie down to sleep in the dark.
14 I will call the grave my father,
and the worms that eat me
I will call my mother and my sisters.
15 Where is there any hope for me?
Who sees any?
16 Hope will not go with me
when I go down to the world of the dead.