1 Hadamadiŋo meŋ, a ka wuluu ka bo musoo le kono,
a baluu tili maŋ siyaa,
a bee be faariŋ nambaroo la.
2 A la kuwo be le komeŋ firoo ka finti ñaameŋ, a ye naa noro.
A ka yeemaŋ ne komeŋ niiniyo, a buka tu keriŋ.
3 Feŋo meŋ be ko teŋ,
fo ite Alla be i ñaa loo la wo kaŋ ne baŋ?
Fo i be n samba la kiitiyo la le baŋ?
4 Hadamadiŋo maŋ seneyaa,
feŋ senuŋ si bo noo a bala ñaadii le?
5 Hadamadiŋo la baluwo ye dandulaa le soto.
Ite Alla, ite le ye a baluu tiloo nankamoo loŋ,
a te tambi noo la meŋ na.
6 A bula, i ye a doroŋ fili a faŋ ma, a ye dahaa soto,
komeŋ tili dookuulaa meŋ pareeta a la dookuwo la.
7 Jikoo ka tara yiroo la kuwo to le, ì ye meŋ kuntu,
a si baluu noo kotenke le, a ye soroŋ.
8 Hani niŋ a suloolu kotoota bankoo kono,
a kuntundaŋo be naa faa la bankoo kono,
9 bari niŋ a ye hani jiyo domandiŋ soto doroŋ,
a si soroŋ, a ye bulu kutoolu fintindi,
komeŋ yiri faliŋ kutoo.
10 Bari hadamadiŋo, niŋ a faata,
a daŋo bee ka ke wo le ti.
Wo to a ka tara mintoo le, niŋ a maŋ tara keriŋ?

11 Ko baajiyo ka jaa ñaameŋ,
aniŋ boloŋo jiyo ka loo ñaameŋ, a ye jaa,
12 hadamadiŋo la kuwo misaaloo be teŋ ne.
Niŋ a faata, a te wuli la hani niŋ saŋ fatoolu bee yeemanta,
a te wuli la saayaa kono kotenke.

13 M be lafi la ñiŋ ne la, i ye n samba laakira,
ŋa tara maaboriŋ jee, fo niŋ i la kamfaa banta.
Bituŋ i ye naa waatoo londi,
i be kali la n na kuwo kalamuta la meŋ na.
14 Niŋ hadamadiŋo faata,
fo a be wuli la le koteŋ baŋ?
M be tara la muñariŋ n na bataa luŋolu bee kono le,
fo janniŋ m firiŋ luŋo.
15 I be n kumandi la le, aduŋ m be n danku la i ma le.
N na kuwo be naa i meeyaa la le, ite meŋ ye n daa.
16 Wo to, i be tara la n simfaañaalu yaatee kaŋ ne,
bari i te tara la n na junube kuwolu koroosi la.
17 N na junube kuwolu bee be kafu la ñoo ma bootoo le kono,
i ye ñina ì la,
i be n na baara jawoolu tuutuu la le.

18 Hani konkoo, a ka boyi le, a ye janjaŋ,
aduŋ bere baa fanaa ka bo noo a noo to le.
19 Jiyo ka beroolu kunkaŋo koosa le,
sanji baa ka bankoo kunkaŋo koosa,
wo to, ite le ka hadamadiŋo la jikoo tiñaa.
20 Ite le ka a kasaara niŋ i semboo la,
a ye taa yereŋ.
Ite le ka a muluŋo faliŋ, i ye a la kuwo daŋ.
21 A diŋolu si tara kuliyaa kono, ate te a loŋ noo la.
Ì si tara noo dooyaa kono, ate te a kalamuta noo la.
22 Hadamadiŋo ka a faŋo la bala dimoo doroŋ ne kalamuta noo,
aniŋ a faŋo niyo la kuyaa.
1 We are all born weak and helpless.
All lead the same short, troubled life.
2 We grow and wither as quickly as flowers;
we disappear like shadows.
3 Will you even look at me, God,
or put me on trial and judge me?
4 Nothing clean can ever come
from anything as unclean as human beings.
5 The length of our lives is decided beforehand—
the number of months we will live.
You have settled it, and it can't be changed.
6 Look away from us and leave us alone;
let us enjoy our hard life—if we can.

7 There is hope for a tree that has been cut down;
it can come back to life and sprout.
8 Even though its roots grow old,
and its stump dies in the ground,
9 with water it will sprout like a young plant.
10 But we die, and that is the end of us;
we die, and where are we then?

11 Like rivers that stop running,
and lakes that go dry,
12 people die, never to rise.
They will never wake up while the sky endures;
they will never stir from their sleep.

13 I wish you would hide me in the world of the dead;
let me be hidden until your anger is over,
and then set a time to remember me.
14 If a man dies, can he come back to life?
But I will wait for better times,
wait till this time of trouble is ended.
15 Then you will call, and I will answer,
and you will be pleased with me, your creature.
16 Then you will watch every step I take,
but you will not keep track of my sins.
17 You will forgive them and put them away;
you will wipe out all the wrongs I have done.

18 There comes a time when mountains fall
and solid cliffs are moved away.
19 Water will wear down rocks,
and heavy rain will wash away the soil;
so you destroy our hope for life.
20 You overpower us and send us away forever;
our faces are twisted in death.
21 Our children win honor, but we never know it,
nor are we told when they are disgraced.
22 We feel only the pain of our own bodies
and the grief of our own minds.