1 M be lafiriŋ ne
n kuŋo ye ke woyoo ti,
n ñaalu ye ke ñaajii daloo ti,
fo n si kumboo suuto tili,
ñiŋ kamma ì ye n na kanu moolu mennu faa.
2 M be lafiriŋ ne
ŋa jiyaa dulaa soto keñewuloo* kono,
komeŋ jamfajaŋ taamalaa.
Fo n si n na moolu bula,
ŋa taa ka bo ì kono,
kaatu ì bee jeenelaa,
aduŋ ì mu fisiriwallee kafoo le ti.

3 Yaawe* ko:
“Ì neŋ kolomoolu be jenkeriŋ ne ko kalandiŋo,
aduŋ ì maŋ tara tooñaa ye,
ì be faniyaa le ye bankoo kaŋ.
Ì ka tu kuruŋyaa le laa la kuruŋyaa kaŋ,
ì maŋ nte Yaawe horoma fereŋ.
4 Wo to moo-wo-moo si i kekuu a siiñoo to,
moo kana laa hani a baadiŋ kiliŋ na,
kaatu baadiŋo bee, baadiŋ neeneerilaa,
moo-wo-moo ka tara a siiñoo tiñaa la taariŋ.
5 Moo-wo-moo ka a siiñoo neenee le,
hani kiliŋ buka tooñaa fo.
Ì ye ì neŋolu kuluu faniyaa le la,
ì ka kuu jawoo ke, ì korita tuubiseyi la.
6 Ka mantoora jurumi mantoora kaŋ moolu ye,
aniŋ ka neeneeri laa neeneeri kaŋ,
ì maŋ lafi ka nte Yaawe loŋ.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

7 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“A juubee, m be ì jarabi la le ka ì kotobo,
wo koolaa m be muŋ ne ke la, n na moolu kekuwo kamma la?
8 Ì neŋ kolomoo be saŋarariŋ ne ko kalabeñoo,
a ka neeneeri kumoo doroŋ ne fo.
Moo-wo-moo ka kayiroo le fo a siiñoo ye a daa to,
bari a sondomoo kono,
a ka ñapinkaŋo le feere a kamma.
9 Fo m maŋ ñaŋ na ì jarabi la ñiŋ kuwolu la baŋ?
Fo m maŋ ñaŋ na juloo joo la ñiŋ banku siifaa to baŋ?”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

10 M be kumboo la le ka lemba konkoolu ye,
ŋa beeyaŋ daañini dulaalu la kuwo saŋawoosii,
kaatu ì jaata le ka kenseŋyaa,
hani moo buka tambi niŋ jee la,
ninsi kumakaŋ buka moyi jee.
Kunoolu borita jee la le, aniŋ wulakono daafeŋolu.

11 Yaawe ko:
“M be Yerusalaamu ke la tumbuŋo le ti,
a ye ke kunkuwuloolu la daakaa ti.
M be Yahuuda saatewolu kenseŋyandi la le,
moo te sabati la jee.”

12 Jumaa le la ñaameŋo ye a sii ka ñiŋ kuwo bee fahaamu,
Yaawe ye a fo jumaa le ye, fo a maarii si a fataŋ-fansi moolu ye?
Muŋ ne ye a tinna bankoo bee tumbunta fereŋ,
a kenseŋyaata ko keñewuloo,
aduŋ moo le faŋo buka tambi niŋ jee la?
13 Yaawe ko, “Meŋ ye wo saabu wo le mu, ì ye ì koo dii n na luwaa la le, ŋa meŋ landi ì ye. Ì maŋ n na kumakaŋo muta, waraŋ ka a taamandi ko ŋa a fo ì ye ñaameŋ. 14 Ì ye wo tu jee le, ì kanjaaramaalu bulata kuwolu nooma ì faŋolu sondomoolu ye ì samba mennu kaŋ. Ì ka Baali* jalaŋolu le batu ko ì mumuñolu ye ì karandi a la ñaameŋ.”
15 Wo kamma la Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo, Banisirayila la Alla, ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: “A juubee, m be ñiŋ moolu domorindi la domori kunaŋo le la, ŋa ì mindi kunoo la. 16 M be ì janjandi la banku koteŋolu kaŋ ne taariŋ, itolu niŋ ì mumuñolu nene maŋ mennu loŋ. M be keloo le naati la ì kaŋ niŋ hawusaroo* la, fo ŋa ì baŋ kasaara la.”
Yerusalaamu moolu ye maakoyiroo kumboo
17 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Ali miirali ke, ali ye musu saŋakumboolaalu kumandi,
ali ye kiilaa kii a noolaa baalu ye ì kono.
18 Ì ye i tariyaa naŋ,
ì ye naa lemba ali ma,
fo ali ñaalu ye faa niŋ ñaajiyo la,
ñaajiyo ye buruntu ali ñaasiŋolu la.
19 Lembakaŋo moyi naŋ Siyoni* ko:
‘Hee, ǹ kasaarata le!
Maloo feeneeta ǹ kaŋ ne!
Fo ǹ si bo ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ doroŋ,
kaatu ì ye ǹ na buŋolu boyi le.’ ”

20 Yeremiya ko:
“Silaŋ, alitolu musoolu, ali ali tuloo loo Yaawe la kumoo la,
ali tuloo ye a la kumakaŋo moyi.
Ali ali dimmusoolu karandi saŋa lembañaa la,
moo-wo-moo si a siiñoo karandi saŋawoosiyo la.
21 Saayaa dunta naŋ ǹ na palanteeroolu le la,
a ye i seyiŋ ǹ na mansabuŋolu kono,
a ye dindiŋolu siyo kuntu mbeedoolu kaŋ,
ka taa fondinkewolu, bendulaa kenoolu to.”

22 Yaawe ko n si ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Moo furewolu be tara la fayiriŋ ne,
ì jambandimaa kene fanuŋolu kono.
Ì be ke la le ko niŋ katirilaalu ye siimaŋo kati,
ì ye a bulumaalu tu fatafatariŋ kooma,
moo maŋ soto ka ì sika.”

23 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Moo ñaamendiŋ kana kibiri a la ñaameŋo la,
sako moo bambandiŋ si kibiri a la bambaŋo la,
waraŋ naafulutii si kibiri a la naafuloo la.
24 Niŋ meŋ be kibiri la,
a si kibiri ñiŋ na ko,
a ye nte Yaawe* la kuwo fahaamu le ka n loŋ,
ka ñiŋ loŋ ko,
nte le mu Yaawe ti,
n ka taama kanu bambaloo le la,
nte le ka kiitiyo teyi,
aniŋ ka tiliŋo taamandi duniyaa kono,
aduŋ wolu le mu kuwolu ti mennu ka n seewoo.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.

25-26 Yaawe ko, “A juubee, luŋ be sii la m be ñiŋ banku moolu jarabi la le: Misirankoolu, Yahuuda moolu, Edomunkoolu, Ammoninkoolu, Mowabinkoolu, ka taa lasiloolu mennu be sabatiriŋ keñewuloo dandaŋolu la. Ñiŋ banku moolu sunnata ñaa-wo-ñaa, wo maŋ a tinna ì ka nte batu. Alitolu Banisirayilankoolu fanaa be wo le ñaama. Ali balajaatoolu sunnata le, bari ali sondomoolu maŋ faliŋ.”
1 I wish my head were a well of water,
and my eyes a fountain of tears,
so that I could cry day and night
for my people who have been killed.
2 I wish I had a place to stay in the desert
where I could get away from my people.
They are all unfaithful,
a mob of traitors.
3 They are always ready to tell lies;
dishonesty instead of truth rules the land.

The Lord says,
“My people do one evil thing after another
and do not acknowledge me as their God.”

4 Everyone must be on guard against their friends,
and no one can trust their relatives;
for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob,
and everyone slanders their friends.
5-6 They all mislead their friends,
and no one tells the truth;
they have taught their tongues to lie
and will not give up their sinning.
They do one violent thing after another,
and one deceitful act follows another.

The Lord says that his people reject him.
7 Because of this the Lord Almighty says,
“I will refine my people like metal
and put them to the test.
My people have done evil—
what else can I do with them?
8 Their tongues are like deadly arrows;
they always tell lies.
Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors,
but they are really setting a trap for them.
9 Will I not punish them for these things?
Will I not take revenge on a nation like this?
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

10 I said, “I will mourn for the mountains
and weep for the pastures,
because they have dried up,
and no one travels through them.
The sound of livestock is no longer heard;
birds and wild animals have fled and gone.”

11 The Lord says, “I will make Jerusalem a pile of ruins,
a place where jackals live;
the cities of Judah will become a desert,
a place where no one lives.”

12 I asked, “Lord, why is the land devastated and dry as a desert, so that no one travels through it? Who is wise enough to understand this? To whom have you explained it so that they can tell others?”
13 The Lord answered, “This has happened because my people have abandoned the teaching that I gave them. They have not obeyed me or done what I told them. 14 Instead, they have been stubborn and have worshiped the idols of Baal as their ancestors taught them to do. 15 So then, listen to what I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, will do: I will give my people bitter plants to eat and poison to drink. 16 I will scatter them among nations that neither they nor their ancestors have heard about, and I will send armies against them until I have completely destroyed them.”
The People of Jerusalem Cry Out for Help
17 The Lord Almighty said,
“Think about what is happening!
Call for the mourners to come,
for the women who sing funeral songs.”

18 The people said,
“Tell them to hurry and sing a funeral song for us,
until our eyes fill with tears,
and our eyelids are wet from crying.”

19 Listen to the sound of crying in Zion:
“We are ruined!
We are completely disgraced!
We must leave our land;
our homes have been torn down.”

20 I said,
“Listen to the Lord, you women,
and pay attention to his words.
Teach your daughters how to mourn,
and your friends how to sing a funeral song.
21 Death has come in through our windows
and entered our palaces;
it has cut down the children in the streets
and the young men in the marketplaces.
22 Dead bodies are scattered everywhere,
like piles of manure on the fields,
like grain cut and left behind by the reapers,
grain that no one gathers.
This is what the Lord has told me to say.”

23 The Lord says,
“The wise should not boast of their wisdom,
nor the strong of their strength,
nor the rich of their wealth.
24 If any want to boast,
they should boast that they know and understand me,
because my love is constant,
and I do what is just and right.
These are the things that please me.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

25-26 The Lord says, “The time is coming when I will punish the people of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab, and the desert people, who have their hair cut short. All these people are circumcised, but have not kept the covenant it symbolizes. None of these people and none of the people of Israel have kept my covenant.”