Samuuda la wuluwo
1 Banisirayilankoolu ye kuu jawoo ke Yaawe* ñaatiliŋo la kotenke. Bituŋ Yaawe ye ì duŋ Filisitinkoolu bulu fo sanji taŋ naani.
2 Kewo doo le mu, meŋ bota Sora, a too mu Manowa le ti. A bota Dani lasiloo le kono. A la musoo mu musu jiidibaloo le ti, a nene maŋ diŋ soto. 3 Yaawe la malaayikoo naata finti ñiŋ musoo kaŋ, a ko a ye ko, “Ite mu musu jiidibaloo ti ñaa-wo-ñaa, meŋ nene maŋ diŋ soto, i be konoo taa la le, aduŋ i be dinkewo le wuluu la. 4 I hakiloo tu, i kana wayinoo* miŋ, waraŋ dolo koteŋ, aduŋ i kana feŋ domo meŋ konta. 5 Niŋ i ye dindiŋo ñiŋ wuluu, liirilaŋo maŋ ñaŋ na maa la a kuŋo la. Kaatu ka bo waatoo meŋ na a be tara la a baamaa wuluuñaŋo kono, a be ke la Alla la moo le ti, komeŋ Nasira moo. Ate le be ke la moo ti, meŋ be a dati la ka Banisirayilankoolu bondi Filisitinkoolu bulu.”
6 Bituŋ musoo ñiŋ naata a fo a keemaa ye ko, “Alla la moo le naata n kaŋ, bari a muluŋo be le ko Alla la malaayikoo. A silaŋñaa warata baake le. M maŋ a ñininkaa noo, a bota naŋ daameŋ, aduŋ a fanaa maŋ a too fo n ye. 7 Bari a ko n ye le ko, ‘I be konoo taa la le, aduŋ i be dinkewo le wuluu la. Kana wayinoo miŋ, waraŋ dolo koteŋ, aduŋ i kana feŋ domo meŋ konta. Kaatu dindiŋo ñiŋ be ke la Nasira moo le ti Alla ye, ka bo luŋo meŋ na, a be wuluu la ka taa fo janniŋ a be faa la.’ ”
8 Bituŋ Manowa ye a buloo laa Yaawe ye, a ko a ye ko, “Hee Yaawe, ŋa i daani, fo i la moo i ye meŋ kii naŋ nuŋ, a si naa ǹ kaŋ kotenke. A ye ǹ karandi, ǹ ñanta meŋ ke la dindiŋo ñiŋ na kuwo to, meŋ ka naa wuluu teŋ.” 9 Alla ye i danku Manowa ma. Bituŋ a la malaayikoo naata kotenke musoo ñiŋ kaŋ, kabiriŋ a be siiriŋ kunkoo to. Bari a niŋ a keemaa Manowa maŋ tara ñoo kaŋ jee. 10 Bituŋ musoo ñiŋ tariyaatoo borita, a taata a fo a keemaa ye ko, “Kewo meŋ naata n kaŋ wo luŋ, a naata le kotenke.”
11 Manowa wulita, a bulata a musu nooma. A naata kewo ñiŋ kaŋ, a ko a ye ko, “Ite le mu kewo ti baŋ, meŋ diyaamuta nuŋ ñiŋ musoo ye?” Kewo ñiŋ ko a ye ko, “Nte le mu.” 12 Manowa ko a ye ko, “Saayiŋ, niŋ i la kumoolu keta tooñaa ti, muŋ ne ñanta ke la ñiŋ dindiŋo la baluuñaa ti? A ñanta muŋ ne ke la?”
13 Alla la malaayikoo ko Manowa ye ko, “Ñiŋ musoo si a hakiloo tu kumoolu bee to, ŋa mennu fo a ye. 14 A maŋ ñaŋ na feŋ-wo-feŋ ne domo la, meŋ bota wayini* yiroo bala. A maŋ ñaŋ na wayinoo miŋ na, waraŋ dolo koteŋ, aniŋ a kana feŋ domo meŋ konta. A ñanta ñiŋ kumoolu bee muta la le, ŋa a yaamari mennu la teŋ.”
15-16 Manowa maŋ a loŋ ko, ñiŋ kewo mu Yaawe la malaayikoo le ti. Bituŋ a ko a ye ko, “Ǹ lafita i ye i muñandiŋ ke, ŋà baakotondiŋo tabi i ye.” Bari Yaawe la malaayikoo ko Manowa ye ko, “Hani niŋ a ye a tara, i ye m mutandi jaŋ, n te i la domoroo domo la. Bari niŋ i lafita ka jani sadaa* bo, wo to a bo Yaawe ye.”
17 Bituŋ Manowa ko Yaawe la malaayikoo ye ko, “I too ndii? I si a je, niŋ i la kumoolu keta tooñaa ti, n si i horoma noo.” 18 Bari Yaawe la malaayikoo ko a ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna i ye n too ñininkaa? A kaawakuuyaata baake le.” 19 Bituŋ Manowa ye baakotondiŋo taa, aniŋ siimaŋ sadaa, a ye a jani Yaawe ye bere baa kaŋ. Yaawe naata kaawakuwo ke, aduŋ Manowa niŋ a la musoo be a fele kaŋ. 20 Wo to le dimbaa neŋo wulita ka bo sadaabodulaa* to ka taa saŋo santo, Yaawe la malaayikoo taata niŋ ñiŋ dimbaa neŋo le la. Kabiriŋ Manowa niŋ a musumaa ye ñiŋ je, ì ye i faŋ fayi duuma, ì ye ì foŋo loo bankoo to.
21 Yaawe la malaayikoo maŋ finti Manowa niŋ a la musoo kaŋ kotenke. Bituŋ Manowa naata a loŋ ko, ñiŋ kewo mu Yaawe la malaayikoo le ti. 22 Bituŋ a ko a la musoo ye ko, “Ntolu be faa la le, kaatu ŋà Alla le je.” 23 Bari a la musoo ko a ye le ko, “Niŋ Yaawe lafita ka m̀ faa, a te ǹ na jani sadaa niŋ ǹ na siimaŋ sadaa muta la ǹ ye. A te ñiŋ kuwolu bee yitandi la ǹ na, aniŋ ka ñiŋ kuma siifaa fo ǹ ye.”
24 Musoo ñiŋ naata dinkee wuluu, a ye a toolaa Samuuda la. Kambaanoo ñiŋ menta, aduŋ Yaawe neemata a ma. 25 Yaawe la Nooroo ye a dati ka a maamandi ka kuwolu ke Mahane-Dani, meŋ be Sora niŋ Esitawoli teema.
The Birth of Samson
1 The Israelites sinned against the Lord again, and he let the Philistines rule them for forty years.
2 At that time there was a man named Manoah from the town of Zorah. He was a member of the tribe of Dan. His wife had never been able to have children. 3 The Lord's angel appeared to her and said, “You have never been able to have children, but you will soon be pregnant and have a son. 4 Be sure not to drink any wine or beer, or eat any forbidden food; 5 and after your son is born, you must never cut his hair, because from the day of his birth he will be dedicated to God as a nazirite. He will begin the work of rescuing Israel from the Philistines.”
6 Then the woman went and told her husband, “A man of God has come to me, and he looked as frightening as the angel of God. I didn't ask him where he came from, and he didn't tell me his name. 7 But he did tell me that I would become pregnant and have a son. He told me not to drink any wine or beer, or eat any forbidden food, because the boy is to be dedicated to God as a nazirite as long as he lives.”
8 Then Manoah prayed to the Lord, “Please, Lord, let the man of God that you sent come back to us and tell us what we must do with the boy when he is born.”
9 God did what Manoah asked, and his angel came back to the woman while she was sitting in the field. Her husband Manoah was not with her, 10 so she ran at once and told him, “Look! The man who came to me the other day has appeared to me again.”
11 Manoah got up and followed his wife. He went to the man and asked, “Are you the man who talked to my wife?”
“Yes,” he answered.
12 Then Manoah said, “Now then, when your words come true, what must the boy do? What kind of a life must he lead?”
13 The Lord's angel answered, “Your wife must be sure to do everything that I have told her. 14 She must not eat anything that comes from the grapevine; she must not drink any wine or beer, or eat any forbidden food. She must do everything that I have told her.”
15-16 Not knowing that it was the Lord's angel, Manoah said to him, “Please do not go yet. Let us cook a young goat for you.”
But the angel said, “If I do stay, I will not eat your food. But if you want to prepare it, burn it as an offering to the Lord.”
17 Manoah replied, “Tell us your name, so that we can honor you when your words come true.”
18 The angel asked, “Why do you want to know my name? It is a name of wonder.”
19 So Manoah took a young goat and some grain, and offered them on the rock altar to the Lord who works wonders. 20-21 While the flames were going up from the altar, Manoah and his wife saw the Lord's angel go up toward heaven in the flames. Manoah realized then that the man had been the Lord's angel, and he and his wife threw themselves face downward on the ground. They never saw the angel again.
22 Manoah said to his wife, “We are sure to die, because we have seen God!”
23 But his wife answered, “If the Lord had wanted to kill us, he would not have accepted our offerings; he would not have shown us all this or told us such things at this time.”
24 The woman gave birth to a son and named him Samson. The child grew and the Lord blessed him. 25 And the Lord's power began to strengthen him while he was between Zorah and Eshtaol in the Camp of Dan.