Kiitindiroo niŋ kiisoo
1 Yaawe* ko: “Ŋa m faŋo yitandi moolu la le,
mennu buka n na kuu ñininkaa,
aniŋ moolu mennu buka n ñini, fo ì si n je.
N ko bankoo meŋ buka n too kumandi ye ko,
‘M fele jaŋ! M fele jaŋ!’
2 Tiloo muumee n ka m buloo tiliŋ m faŋo la moolu ye le,
mennu ka balaŋ m ma,
ì maŋ tara sila kendoo kaŋ,
ì ka tara bulariŋ ì fansuŋ miiroolu nooma.
3 Moolu le mu, mennu ka tu la n hadaañi la, m faŋo ñaa la,
ka sadaalu* bondi naakoolu kono,
aniŋ ka cuuraayoo siisindi birikoolu kaŋ.
4 Ì ka tara siiriŋ kaburoolu le to,
ì ye suutoo laa dulaa denderiŋolu to.
Ì ka seewu suboo domo le,
aduŋ daa jiyo meŋ be ì la kaleeroo kono,
bota daafeŋ kondiŋolu suboo le bala.
5 Ì ka a fo le ko, ‘Jamfa n na, kana sutiyaa n na.
N seneyaabaata wo ye le, ite ye sutiyaa n na.’
Ñiŋ moolu ka muluŋ ne ko,
niŋ siisiyo be n nuŋ huwo kono,
tiloo muumee ì la kuwo ka tara m bala le ko dimbaa.”
6 Yaawe ko: “A juubee, a be safeeriŋ n ñaatiliŋo la le.
N te n deyi la,
bari m be n joo la le.
M be n joo la a ñaama le,
7 ali niŋ ali la alifaa foloolu bee la junuboo la.
Ì jututa n na le ka cuuraayoo siisindi jalaŋolu ye konkoolu kaŋ.
Ì ye ì la junube kuwolu mennu ke n na,
m be jaraboo jindi la ì kaŋ a ñaama le.”

8 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Ko jiyo doo ka tu wayini* diŋ ñatoo kono ñaameŋ,
bituŋ moo doo ko,
‘Kana a fayi, kaatu kendemaa doo be jee le!’
m be wo le ke la, n na dookuulaalu tooyaa kamma la.
N te ì bee kasaara la.
9 M be koomalankoolu bondi la Yaakuba lasiloo kono le,
Yahuuda koomalankoolu le be n na konkobankoo keetaa la.
N na tomboŋ moolu le be a keetaa la,
aduŋ n na dookuulaalu le be sabati la jee.
10 Saroni tundoo be ke la beeyaŋolu ye daañini dulaa le ti.
Akori Wulumbaŋo ye ke ninsi koorewolu la dahaa dulaa ti.
Ì be ke la n na moolu le taa ti, mennu ka n ñini.

11 “Bari alitolu mennu ye ali koo dii nte Yaawe la,
ali ñinata n na konko senuŋo* la,
ali ka domori feŋ sadaa naati Kadu jalaŋo ye,
miŋ feŋ diimaa, Meni jalaŋo ye,
12 nte le be a lañini la, hawusaroo* ye ali faa.
Ali be ñoyi la le, ì ye ali kanateyi,
bayiri ŋa ali kumandi le, ali maŋ n danku,
n diyaamuta ali ye, ali maŋ i lamoyi n na.
Ali ye kuu jawoo ke n ñaatiliŋo la le,
aniŋ ka bula kuwo nooma, m maŋ lafi meŋ na.”

13 Saayiŋ Maarii Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“N na dookuulaalu be domoroo ke la le,
bari alitolu be konko la le.
N na dookuulaalu be i miŋ na le,
bari mindoo be alitolu muta la le.
N na dookuulaalu be seewoo la le,
bari alitolu be duŋ na maloo le kono.
14 N na dookuulaalu nii seewooriŋo le be suukuwo laa la,
bari alitolu nii toorariŋo le be woosii la,
jikilateyoo ye a tinna
ali ka tu kumboo la.
15 N na tomboŋ moolu be alitolu too muta la dankoo le ti,
kaatu nte ali Maarii Yaawe le be ali faa la.
Bari m be too doo le dii la moolu la
mennu ye n horoma.
16 Moo-wo-moo be neemoo daani la bankoo kaŋ,
a be a daani la Alla tooñaa le bulu.
Moo-wo-moo kalita bankoo kaŋ,
a be kali la Alla tooñaa le too la.
Kaatu ñinoo be ke la bataalu la le mennu tambita,
ì ye bo n ñaa koto.”
Daari kutoo
17 “A juubee, m be saŋ kutoo niŋ banku kutoo le daa la.
Hakili te bula la folooto kuwolu la,
sako moo ka i miira ì la.
18 Bari m be feŋolu mennu daa la be a tinna la le,
ali ye tara seewoo niŋ maadiyaa kono fo abadaa.
Kaatu m be Yerusalaamu daakuu la le, ka ke ñaaboo dulaa ti,
a moolu la kuwo si n seewoo.
19 M be kontaani la Yerusalaamu la kuwo la le,
ŋa seewoo soto n na moolu la kuwo to.
Kumboo kaŋo niŋ woosiyo te moyi la jee kotenke.

20 “Deenaani te tara la jee kotenke
meŋ be baluu la tili dantaŋ doroŋ na,
waraŋ keebaa ye faa, a maŋ kotoo kendeke.
Moo-wo-moo faata i siyo be sanji keme,
be muluŋ na le ko, i mu fondinkewo doroŋ ne ti.
Moo meŋ siyo maŋ futa sanji keme,
ì be a fo la le a dankata le.
21 Ì be buŋolu loo la le,
ì ye sabati ì kono,
Ì ye wayini yiri kankaŋolu tutu,
ì ye ì yiridiŋolu domo.
22 Ì te buŋo loo la kotenke,
doolu ye tara sabatiriŋ jee,
waraŋ ka tuturoo ke,
doolu ye a domo.
Kaatu yirisuŋo siyo ka jamfa ñaameŋ,
n na moolu siyo be jamfa la wo le ñaama.
N na tomboŋ moolu be diyaa soto la
ì faŋo la dookuwo to le, fo a ye mee.
23 Ì te ì semboo bo la kensenke,
waraŋ ka diŋolu wuluu,
kasaaroo be naa mennu kaŋ,
kaatu ì be ke la moolu le ti,
Yaawe be neema la mennu ma,
ì niŋ ì koomalankoolu bee.
24 Janniŋ ì ka kumandiroo ke,
m be n danku la le.
Niŋ ì be diyaamu kaŋ n ye ì la suula kuwolu la,
m be ì la duwaa jaabi la le.
25 Suluwo niŋ saajiiriŋo be domoroo ke la ñoo kaŋ ne,
jatoo be ñaamoo ñimi la ko ninsoo,
kankaŋo ye ke saa la domoroo ti.
Ì te mantoora ke la,
ì te kasaarali ke la n na konko senuŋo* bee kaŋ.
Nte Yaawe le ye a fo.”
God's Punishment of the Rebellious
1 The Lord said, “I was ready to answer my people's prayers, but they did not pray. I was ready for them to find me, but they did not even try. The nation did not pray to me, even though I was always ready to answer, ‘Here I am; I will help you.’ 2 I have always been ready to welcome my people, who stubbornly do what is wrong and go their own way. 3 They shamelessly keep on making me angry. They offer pagan sacrifices at sacred gardens and burn incense on pagan altars. 4 At night they go to caves and tombs to consult the spirits of the dead. They eat pork and drink broth made from meat offered in pagan sacrifices. 5 And then they say to others, ‘Keep away from us; we are too holy for you to touch!’ I cannot stand people like that—my anger against them is like a fire that never goes out.
6 “I have already decided on their punishment, and their sentence is written down. I will not overlook what they have done, but will repay them 7 for their sins and the sins of their ancestors. They have burned incense at pagan hill shrines and spoken evil of me. So I will punish them as their past deeds deserve.”
8 The Lord says, “No one destroys good grapes; instead, they make wine with them. Neither will I destroy all my people—I will save those who serve me. 9 I will bless the Israelites who belong to the tribe of Judah, and their descendants will possess my land of mountains. My chosen people, who serve me, will live there. 10 They will worship me and will lead their sheep and cattle to pasture in the Plain of Sharon in the west and in Trouble Valley in the east.
11 “But it will be different for you that forsake me, who ignore Zion, my sacred hill, and worship Gad and Meni, the gods of luck and fate. 12 It will be your fate to die a violent death, because you did not answer when I called you or listen when I spoke. You chose to disobey me and do evil. 13 And so I tell you that those who worship and obey me will have plenty to eat and drink, but you will be hungry and thirsty. They will be happy, but you will be disgraced. 14 They will sing for joy, but you will cry with a broken heart. 15 My chosen people will use your name as a curse. I, the Sovereign Lord, will put you to death. But I will give a new name to those who obey me. 16 Anyone in the land who asks for a blessing will ask to be blessed by the faithful God. Whoever takes an oath will swear by the name of the faithful God. The troubles of the past will be gone and forgotten.”
The New Creation
17 The Lord says, “I am making a new earth and new heavens. The events of the past will be completely forgotten. 18 Be glad and rejoice forever in what I create. The new Jerusalem I make will be full of joy, and her people will be happy. 19 I myself will be filled with joy because of Jerusalem and her people. There will be no weeping there, no calling for help. 20 Babies will no longer die in infancy, and all people will live out their life span. Those who live to be a hundred will be considered young. To die before that would be a sign that I had punished them. 21-22 People will build houses and get to live in them—they will not be used by someone else. They will plant vineyards and enjoy the wine—it will not be drunk by others. Like trees, my people will live long lives. They will fully enjoy the things that they have worked for. 23 The work they do will be successful, and their children will not meet with disaster. I will bless them and their descendants for all time to come. 24 Even before they finish praying to me, I will answer their prayers. 25 Wolves and lambs will eat together; lions will eat straw, as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous. On Zion, my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil.”