Siyoni too kutoo
1 Siyoni* la kuwo le ye a saabu n te n deyi la,
Yerusalaamu la kuwo le ye a tinna n te n dahaa la,
fo niŋ a la tiliŋo malata ko fanikewo,
a la kiisoo ye ke ko niŋ pacamoo le be mala kaŋ suutoo.
2 Siyoni, bankoolu be i la tiliŋo je la le,
mansoolu bee ye i la kallankeeyaa* je.
Too kutoo le be fo la i kunto,
Yaawe* faŋo be meŋ dii la i la.
3 I be muluŋ na le ko mansanaafa ñiimaa Yaawe bulu,
mansa ñaroo, i la Alla bulu.
4 Moolu te i kumandi la Tumbuŋo la kotenke, waraŋ Banku Tiñaariŋo.
Ì be i kumandi la Kanuntee Saatewo le la,
i la bankoo be muluŋ na le ko maañoo,
kaatu Yaawe be kontaani la i la kuwo la le,
aduŋ i la bankoo be ke la a taa le ti,
ko maañoo ka ke a keemaa taa ti ñaameŋ.
5 I diŋolu be i topatoo la seewoo le kono,
ko fondinkewo ka a la maañoo topatoo ñaameŋ.
Alla be seewoo soto la i la karoo la le,
ko maañootiyo ka kontaani a la maañoo la kuwo la ñaameŋ.

6 Hee Yerusalaamu, ŋa saatee kantalaalu le londi i la tata sansaŋolu kaŋ santo.
Suuto tili la ì te tara la deyiriŋ muumeeke duwaa la.
Alitolu mennu ka duwaa daani Yaawe bulu, ali kana i foñondiŋ.
7 Ali kana i foño,
fo niŋ a ye Yerusalaamu loo fo a ye bambaŋ,
a ye ke duniyaa ye jayiri dulaa ti.

8 Yaawe kalita niŋ a la sembe baa la le ko,
a nene te ali la siimaŋo dii la ali jawoolu la kotenke,
ka ke ì ye daañinoo ti.
Tumarankewolu te wayinoo* miŋ na kotenke,
ali ye ali semboo bo ka meŋ dookuu.
9 Moolu mennu ye siimaŋo kati,
wolu be a domo la le, ì ye Yaawe jayi.
Mennu ye wayini yiridiŋolu kafu ñoo ma,
wolu le be a jiyo miŋ na,
Yaawe la Dulaa Senuŋo luwo to.

10 Yerusalaamunkoolu, ali finti,
ali finti niŋ dundaŋ daalu la!
Ali siloo parendi moolu ye.
Ali sila kendoo dadaa, ali a dadaa kuu!
Ali a beroolu bondi.
Ali ye bandeeroo wulindi,
ka a ke bankoolu ye taamanseeroo ti.
11 Yaawe ye kankulaaroo ke le fo duniyaa daŋo to
ka a fo Dimmusuriŋ* Siyoni ye ko:
“A juubee, i Kiisandirilaa naata le.
A la jooroo be a bulu le,
aduŋ a niŋ nafaa le ka naa.”
12 Ì be i la moolu kumandi la Moo Senuŋolu le la,
Yaawe la Kumakaariŋolu.
Ì be i kumandi la Lafinna Dulaa le la,
aniŋ Saatee Tumbumbaloo.
1 I will speak out to encourage Jerusalem;
I will not be silent until she is saved,
And her victory shines like a torch in the night.
2 Jerusalem, the nations will see you victorious!
All their kings will see your glory.
You will be called by a new name,
A name given by the Lord himself.
3 You will be like a beautiful crown for the Lord.
4 No longer will you be called “Forsaken,”
Or your land be called “The Deserted Wife.”
Your new name will be “God Is Pleased with Her.”
Your land will be called “Happily Married,”
Because the Lord is pleased with you
And will be like a husband to your land.
5 Like a young man taking a virgin as his bride,
He who formed you will marry you.
As a groom is delighted with his bride,
So your God will delight in you.

6 On your walls, Jerusalem, I have placed sentries;
They must never be silent day or night.
They must remind the Lord of his promises
And never let him forget them.
7 They must give him no rest until he restores Jerusalem
And makes it a city the whole world praises.

8 The Lord has made a solemn promise,
And by his power he will carry it out:
“Your grain will no longer be food for your enemies,
And foreigners will no longer drink your wine.
9 But you that planted and harvested the grain
Will eat the bread and praise the Lord.
You that tended and gathered the grapes
Will drink the wine in the courts of my Temple.”

10 People of Jerusalem, go out of the city
And build a road for your returning people!
Prepare a highway; clear it of stones!
Put up a signal so that the nations can know
11 That the Lord is announcing to all the earth:
“Tell the people of Jerusalem
That the Lord is coming to save you,
Bringing with him the people he has rescued.”
12 You will be called “God's Holy People,”
“The People the Lord Has Saved.”
Jerusalem will be called “The City That God Loves,”
“The City That God Did Not Forsake.”