Kibaari betoo, kiisoo la kuwo to
1 M Maarii Yaawe* la Nooroo be n kaŋ ne,
kaatu Yaawe le ye n tomboŋ,
ka kibaari betoo kawandi fuwaaroolu ye.
A ye n kii le ka moo jikilateyiriŋolu wakiilindi,
ka a kankulaa mutamoolu ye ko ì firinta le,
aniŋ ka bunjawutonkoolu bondi diboo kono.
2 Yaawe ye n kii le ka a kankulaa ko
a la maakoyiroo saŋo siita le,
aniŋ a be juloo joo la a jawoolu to luŋo meŋ na.
A ye n kii naŋ ne ka woosiilaalu sabarindi,
3 ka moolu maakoyi mennu be kumboo la Siyoni*,
ka ñaroolu dii ì la, seebuutoo noo to,
ka ì jusoo landi tulu seera diimaa la, wo ye seyi woosiyo noo to,
jayiroo warambamaa ye seyi nii fitiyo noo to.
Ì la tiliŋo ye semboo soto ko yiri baalu,
Yaawe ye mennu tutu ka a la kallankeeyaa* yitandi.

4 Ì be tumbuŋ kotoolu lookuu la le,
ì ye dulaalu mennu meeta kasaarariŋ, seyindi ì ñaama.
Ì be saatee tiñaariŋolu dadaakuu la le,
mennu janjanta, sanji jamaa koomanto.
5 Tumarankewolu le be ali la koorewolu kanta la,
ka ali la kunkoolu aniŋ ali la wayini* yiri kankaŋolu dookuu ali ye.
6 Alitolu be kumandi la Yaawe la piriisoolu* le la,
ì ye ali toolaa Alla la dookuulaalu la.
Ali be baluu la niŋ bankoolu la naafuloolu le la,
aduŋ ali be tintiŋ na ì la sotofeŋ ñiimaalu le la.

7 N na moolu, ali la malu kuwo noo to,
ali be fanka baa le soto la.
Ali la dooyaa noo to,
ali be kontaanoo le soto la ali la keetaafeŋo to.
Wo to ali be dulaa fula le soto la keetaa to ali la bankoo kaŋ,
aduŋ ali be tara la seewoo bambaloo le kono.

8 Yaawe ko: “Nte ye kiitii tilindiŋo le kanu,
ŋa suuñaaroo niŋ junube kuwo koŋ ne.
M be n na moolu joo la niŋ tiliŋo siloo le la,
n niŋ ì ye badaa-badaa kambeŋo siti.
9 Ì koomalankoolu te ke la moo maaboriŋ ti, bankoolu kaŋ,
aduŋ mennu bota ì bala, be daraja la moolu kono le.
Moo-wo-moo ye ì je, be soŋ na le ko,
ñinnu mu moolu le ti, nte Yaawe neemata mennu ma.”

10 Yaawe la kuwo seewoo tambita n kunna le,
n niyo laata n na Alla la karoo la le.
Kaatu a ye kiisoo dendikamaa le duŋ n na,
a ye tiliŋo warambamaa duŋ n na,
ko maañootiyo ka i paree ñaameŋ,
aniŋ ko maañoo ka a faŋo ñiiñandi a la ñaroolu la ñaameŋ.
11 Saayiŋ m Maarii Yaawe be a ke la le,
tiliŋo niŋ jayiroo ye naa bankoolu bee kaŋ,
ko fiifeŋ kesoolu ka faliŋ naakoo kono ñaameŋ,
aniŋ ko bankoo ka fiifeŋ mereŋo so semboo la ñaameŋ.
The Good News of Deliverance
1 The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his Spirit.
He has chosen me and sent me
To bring good news to the poor,
To heal the broken-hearted,
To announce release to captives
And freedom to those in prison.
2 He has sent me to proclaim
That the time has come
When the Lord will save his people
And defeat their enemies.
He has sent me to comfort all who mourn,
3 To give to those who mourn in Zion
Joy and gladness instead of grief,
A song of praise instead of sorrow.
They will be like trees
That the Lord himself has planted.
They will all do what is right,
And God will be praised for what he has done.
4 They will rebuild cities that have long been in ruins.

5 My people, foreigners will serve you.
They will take care of your flocks
And farm your land and tend your vineyards.
6 And you will be known as the priests of the Lord,
The servants of our God.
You will enjoy the wealth of the nations
And be proud that it is yours.
7 Your shame and disgrace are ended.
You will live in your own land,
And your wealth will be doubled;
Your joy will last forever.

8 The Lord says,
“I love justice and I hate oppression and crime.
I will faithfully reward my people
And make an eternal covenant with them.
9 They will be famous among the nations;
Everyone who sees them will know
That they are a people whom I have blessed.”

10 Jerusalem rejoices because of what the Lord has done.
She is like a bride dressed for her wedding.
God has clothed her with salvation and victory.
11 As surely as seeds sprout and grow,
The Sovereign Lord will save his people,
And all the nations will praise him.