Banisirayilankoolu la kunjaa
1 Yaawe* ko: “Hee Yaakuba koomalankoolu,
ì ka ali kumandi Banisirayila fanaa la le,
ali i lamoyi, m be naa meŋ fo la ali ye.
Ali bota Yahuuda lasiloo le kono,
ali kalita Yaawe too la le,
ali ko, ali ka Banisirayila la Alla le batu,
bari ali buka a ke tooñaa niŋ tiliŋo siloo la.
2 Ali ko, ali mu saatee senuŋo diŋo le ti,
ali jikoo be looriŋ Banisirayila la Alla le kaŋ,
meŋ too mu Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* ti.

3 “Koomanto ŋa a fo ali ye le, meŋ be ke la.
Ŋa ñaato kuwolu fo le,
aduŋ ŋa moolu kalamutandi ì la le.
Kataba kiliŋ, ŋa wo kuwolu taamandi, ì naata ke.
4 Bayiri ŋa a loŋ ne ko,
ali mu moo kuŋ jaariŋ baalu le ti,
ali kaŋolu be jaariŋ ko newo,
ali kuŋolu be bambandiŋ ko jaawaloo.
5 Wo le ye a tinna ŋa ñiŋ kuwolu fo ali ye kabiriŋ nuŋ,
janniŋ ì ka sii, ŋa ì kankulaa ali ye le,
fo ali kana a fo ko, ali la jalaŋolu le ye a ke,
ali la babara batufeŋo aniŋ ali la nee jalaŋo le ye ì naati.
6 Ali ye a moyi le ŋa meŋ fo,
aduŋ ali ye a je le, a keta.
Fo ali te soŋ na a la baŋ?

“Ka bo saayiŋ na,
kuu kutoolu mennu be ali ye kumpoo to,
m be naa wo le fo la ali ye.
7 Koomanto ñiŋ kuwolu maŋ tara keriŋ,
bari ì be keriŋ ne saayiŋ,
janniŋ bii ka sii, ali nene maŋ ñiŋ moyi.
Wo to ali te a fo noo la ko,
ali ye ñiŋ kuwolu loŋ ne nuŋ.
8 Kabiriŋ koomanto, ali buka i lamoyi ñiŋ kuwolu la, ka ì fahaamu,
sako ka n na kumoo moyi.
Ŋa a loŋ ne ko, ali be ke la n ye jamfantuŋolu le ti.
Ali muritita m ma le, biriŋ ali wuluuta.
9 N too la kuwo kamma, ye a tinna le ŋa m faŋ muta,
m maŋ n na kamfaa yitandi.
N na horomoo kamma, m muñata ali ye le,
m maŋ ali kasaara.
10 Ŋa ali seneyandi le,
m maŋ a ke ko ì ka kodiforoo seneyandi ñaameŋ,
bari ŋa ali kotobo le ka bo niŋ niitooroo la.
11 Ŋa a ke n too la kuwo le kamma,
n te soŋ na n too ye tiñaa,
aduŋ n niŋ doo koteŋ te deŋ na n na kallankeeyaa* la.”
Banisirayilankoolu la firiŋo ka bo Babiloni
12 “Hee Yaakuba, i lamoyi n na,
ŋa ite Banisirayila meŋ kumandi!
Nte le mu Alla ti!
Nte le mu foloo ti,
aduŋ nte le mu labaŋo ti.
13 M faŋo le ye duniyaa fondamaŋo laa,
m bulubaa buloo ye saŋ fatoolu waree.
Niŋ ŋa ì kumandi, ì ka i danku m ma le.

14 “Ali bee ye naa beŋ ñoo kaŋ, ali ye i lamoyi.
Batufeŋ jumaa le ye ñiŋ kuwolu yitandi,
mennu be naa ke la teŋ?
Nte Yaawe ye meŋ kanu,
wo le be n na feeroo taamandi la Babiloninkoolu kamma,
a buloo be laa la ì kaŋ ne.
15 Nte Yaawe faŋo le diyaamuta, ŋa a kumandi.
Ŋa a naati le, aduŋ a be kututeyi la a la dookuwo to le.
16 Ali kata n na naŋ, ali ye i lamoyi ñiŋ na:
Kabiriŋ foloodulaa to,
m buka n na diyaamoo ke kulloo kono,
waatoo meŋ na a be ke la,
m be jee le.”

Saayiŋ, Maarii Yaawe le ye n niŋ a la Nooroo kii,
ka a la kiilaariyaa kankulaa.

17 Ali Kumakaalaa Yaawe, Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa, a ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Nte le mu Yaawe ti, ali la Alla
meŋ ye ali karandi ali la nafaa kuwo la,
ŋa siloo yitandi ali la le,
ali ñanta taa la niŋ meŋ na.
18 Niŋ ali ye ali hakiloo tu nuŋ n na yaamaroolu to,
ali la kayiroo be feenee la le ko baajiyo,
tiliŋo ye ke ko baa baliŋo.
19 Ali koomalankoolu be siyaa la le ko bankumunkoo,
ali diŋolu te yaatee noo la.
Ì toolu te buruka la muumeeke,
waraŋ ì ye kasaara n ñaatiliŋo la.”

20 Ali finti Babiloni,
ali ye bori Babiloninkoolu la!
Ali seewootoo ye wuuri, ka ñiŋ kankulaa,
duniyaa tonkoŋ naanoo bee ñanta a loŋ na le ko,
Yaawe ye a la dookuulaa Yaakuba kumakaa le.
21 Mindoo maŋ ì muta
biriŋ a ye ì ñaatonkayaa keñewuloo* kono,
a ye jiyo bondi ì ye beroo kono,
a ye beroo fara, jiyo bota naŋ a kono.

22 Yaawe ko: “Moo kuruŋolu te kayiroo soto la fereŋ.”
God Is Lord of the Future
1 Listen to this, people of Israel,
you that are descended from Judah:
You swear by the name of the Lord
and claim to worship the God of Israel—
but you don't mean a word you say.
2 And yet you are proud to say
that you are citizens of the holy city
and that you depend on Israel's God,
whose name is the Lord Almighty.

3 The Lord says to Israel,
“Long ago I predicted what would take place;
then suddenly I made it happen.
4 I knew that you would prove to be stubborn,
as rigid as iron and unyielding as bronze.
5 And so I predicted your future long ago,
announcing events before they took place,
to keep you from claiming
that your idols and images made them happen.

6 “All I foretold has now taken place;
you have to admit my predictions were right.
Now I will tell you of new things to come,
events that I did not reveal before.
7 Only now am I making them happen;
nothing like this took place in the past.
If it had, you would claim that you knew all about it.
8 I knew that you couldn't be trusted,
that you have always been known as a rebel.
That is why you never heard of this at all,
why no word of it ever came to your ears.

9 “In order that people will praise my name,
I am holding my anger in check;
I am keeping it back and will not destroy you.
10 I have tested you in the fire of suffering,
as silver is refined in a furnace.
But I have found that you are worthless.
11 What I do is done for my own sake—
I will not let my name be dishonored
or let anyone else share the glory
that should be mine and mine alone.”
Cyrus, the Lord's Chosen Leader
12 The Lord says,
“Listen to me, Israel, the people I have called!
I am God, the first, the last, the only God!
13 My hands made the earth's foundations
and spread the heavens out.
When I summon earth and sky,
they come at once and present themselves.

14 “Assemble and listen, all of you!
None of the gods could predict
that the man I have chosen would attack Babylon;
he will do what I want him to do.
15 I am the one who spoke and called him;
I led him out and gave him success.

16 “Now come close to me and hear what I say.
From the beginning I have spoken openly
and have always made my words come true.”
(Now the Sovereign Lord has given me his power and sent me.)
The Lord's Plan for His People
17 The holy God of Israel,
the Lord who saves you, says:
“I am the Lord your God,
the one who wants to teach you for your own good
and direct you in the way you should go.

18 “If only you had listened to my commands!
Then blessings would have flowed for you
like a stream that never goes dry.
Victory would have come to you
like the waves that roll on the shore.
19 Your descendants would be as numerous as grains of sand,
and I would have made sure they were never destroyed.”

20 Go out from Babylon, go free!
Shout the news gladly; make it known everywhere:
“The Lord has saved his servant Israel!”
21 When the Lord led his people through a hot, dry desert,
they did not suffer from thirst.
He made water come from a rock for them;
he split the rock open, and water flowed out.

22 “There is no safety for sinners,” says the Lord.