Kooroo boyita Yerusalaamu saatewo kaŋ
1 Ariyeli, Ariyeli, kooroo be boyi la i kaŋ ne,
ite saatewo, Dawuda sabatita meŋ to.
Saŋ-wo-saŋ ali si taa ali la ñiŋ juuraloolu la.
2 Bari hani wo, m be toora kuwo naati la Ariyeli kaŋ ne.
A si kumboo a ye woosii,
a si ke n ye komeŋ sadaajanidulaa*.
3 M be i suki la karoo bee le la,
ŋa i murubeŋ niŋ tatoolu la,
ŋa i suki sansaŋo la.
4 I boyiriŋo, i si kuma ka bo bankoo duuma-duuma naŋ,
i la kumoolu ye finti naŋ buutoo duuma.
I kaŋo be bo la naŋ bankoo kono le komeŋ mañamafeŋo,
aduŋ i la diyaamoo be ke la dumburoo le ti naŋ buutoo kono.

5 Bari ñiŋ bee ñaa-wo-ñaa,
i jawu jurumoo be naa ke la le ko kankaŋ kenseŋo,
tilimbali kafu jurumoo ye tii ko fuufulewo.
6 Wo loo to, Yaawe* Alihawaa Maariyo* si i kiisa.
A niŋ saŋ feteŋ baa le be naa ñoo la,
banku jarajara baa,
foño saŋara baa, turubaadoo,
aniŋ kasaarali dimbaa neŋolu.
7 Bituŋ bankoolu bee la kafoolu mennu ka Ariyeli kele
ka a niŋ a la tatoo boyinkaŋ, ka a detendi.
Ì bee be ke la le ko siiboo,
ka yeemaŋ ko suuto jeroo.
8 Bankoolu bee la kafoolu mennu ka Siyoni* Konkoo kele,
be ke la le ko, niŋ konkotoo siiboota, a be domoroo la,
bari a konkootoo ye naa wuli,
komeŋ niŋ mindootoo siiboota, a be miŋo la,
bari mindoo jawoo maŋ bo a la.
9 Ali ali faŋolu hakilintaŋyandi doroŋ, ali ye hakilintaŋyaa.
Ali ali faŋolu finkindi, ali ye finki.
Ali ye siira, bari a te ke la doloo ti.
Ali ye timili-tamali, wayini* te a saabu la.
10 Kaatu ko, Yaawe ye siinoo baa le kupi ali kaŋ,
aduŋ annabiyomoolu mennu keta ali jerilaŋ ñaalu ti,
a ye wolu ñaalu tawuŋ ne,
jerilaalu mennu keta ali kuŋolu ti,
a ye wolu kuŋolu suki.
11 N na ñiŋ jeroo muumewo keta ali ye le ko kitaabu notoriŋo. Niŋ ì ye a dii moo la meŋ ye karaŋo noo, ì ko a ye ko, “Ñiŋ karaŋ baŋ,” a be a fo la le ko, “N te a noo la, kaatu a be notoriŋ ne.” 12 Waraŋ niŋ ì ye kitaaboo ñiŋ dii moo la, meŋ maŋ karaŋo noo, ì ko, “Dukaree ñiŋ karaŋ ǹ ye,” a be ì jaabi la le ko, “Nte maŋ karaŋo noo.”
13 Yaawe ko: “Ñiŋ moolu ka m batu ì daalu doroŋ ne la,
ì ka m buuñaa ì neŋ kolomoo doroŋ ne la,
bari ì sondomoolu jamfata n na le.
Niŋ ì be m batu la, ì ka bula hadamadiŋolu la yaamaroo le nooma,
ì ye meŋ karaŋ ì kuŋ fee.
14 Wo to saayiŋ, m be jaakaloo laa la ñiŋ moolu kaŋ ne kotenke,
dewuŋ ye laa dewuŋ kaŋ.
Moo ñaamendiŋolu la ñaameŋo si yeemaŋ,
hakilidiyaa ye maabo hakilimaalu ma.”
Jikoo ñaato siniŋ
15 Kooroo be moolu le ye mennu ye a kata baake,
ka ì la yaamaroolu maabo Yaawe ma.
Ì ka ì la kebaaroolu ke diboo kono,
ì ka a fo ko, “Jumaa le ka ǹ je?
Jumaa le be a loŋ na, ǹ ka meŋ ke?”
16 Ali ka kuwolu kunna faliŋ ne,
ko niŋ boodaalaa faŋo falinta potoo ti.
Fo meŋ dadaata si a fo noo a dadaalaa ye,
“I maŋ n dadaa”?
Daandiŋo si a fo noo a dadaalaa ye ñaadii le ko,
“I maŋ feŋ loŋ”?

17 Tooñaa, a te mee la faŋ,
Libanooni sutoo si yelema ka ke doodulaa kendiŋo ti,
doodulaa kendiŋo ye ke ko sutu yiriwaariŋo.
18 Wo luŋo la tulu sukiriŋolu si moo moyi,
a be kitaaboo karaŋ na,
aduŋ finkintewolu be i je la le,
ì te tara la fiŋo niŋ diboo kono.
19 Yaawe be moo toorariŋolu kontaanindi la le kotenke,
aduŋ fentaŋolu be seewoo la Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa la kuwo to le.
20 Moo tooralaalu te tara la baluwo to kotenke,
Alla ñaawalilaalu siyo si baŋ,
aduŋ mennu ñaa ka tu looriŋ ka kuu jawoo ke,
21 mennu la kumoo ka moo nondi,
ì ka moo feere, meŋ ka kiitii kuntoo ke saatee dundaŋ daa* to,
ì ka moo tilindiŋo la boloo buusi a la ì la seedenduriyaa la,
wo moolu bee si faa.

22 Wo to saayiŋ, Yaawe meŋ ye Iburayima kumakaa, a ye ñiŋ ne fo Yaakuba lasiloo moolu la kuwo to ko:
“Malu kuwo te laa la Yaakuba koomalankoolu kaŋ kotenke,
ka ì ñaadaalu furayindi.
23 Kaatu ko, niŋ ì koomalankoolu ye a je,
m be meŋ ke la ì kono,
wo be a tinna le ì ye n too horoma.
Ì be Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa horoma la le.
Banisirayila la Alla ñaasilaŋo be tara la ì la le.
24 Mennu hakiloo jakasita,
ì si naa fahaamuroo soto,
mennu ka woosii kalantaŋo ke,
ì fanaa be soŋ na le ka karandi.”
The Fate of Jerusalem
1 God's altar, Jerusalem itself, is doomed! The city where David camped is doomed! Let another year or two come and go, with its feasts and festivals, 2 and then God will bring disaster on the city that is called “God's altar.” There will be weeping and wailing, and the whole city will be like an altar covered with blood. 3 God will attack the city, surround it, and besiege it. 4 Jerusalem will be like a ghost struggling to speak from under the ground, a muffled voice coming from the dust.
5 Jerusalem, all the foreigners who attack you will be blown away like dust, and their terrifying armies will fly away like straw. Suddenly and unexpectedly 6 the Lord Almighty will rescue you with violent thunderstorms and earthquakes. He will send windstorms and raging fire; 7 then all the armies of the nations attacking the city of God's altar, all their weapons and equipment—everything—will vanish like a dream, like something imagined in the night. 8 All the nations that assemble to attack Jerusalem will be like a starving person who dreams he is eating and wakes up hungry, or like someone dying of thirst who dreams he is drinking and wakes with a dry throat.
Disregarded Warnings
9 Go ahead and be stupid! Go ahead and be blind! Get drunk without any wine! Stagger without drinking a drop! 10 The Lord has made you drowsy, ready to fall into a deep sleep. The prophets should be the eyes of the people, but God has blindfolded them. 11 The meaning of every prophetic vision will be hidden from you; it will be like a sealed scroll. If you take it to someone who knows how to read and ask him to read it to you, he will say he can't because it is sealed. 12 If you give it to someone who can't read and ask him to read it to you, he will answer that he doesn't know how.
13 The Lord said, “These people claim to worship me, but their words are meaningless, and their hearts are somewhere else. Their religion is nothing but human rules and traditions, which they have simply memorized. 14 So I will startle them with one unexpected blow after another. Those who are wise will turn out to be fools, and all their cleverness will be useless.”
Hope for the Future
15 Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are doomed! They carry out their schemes in secret and think no one will see them or know what they are doing. 16 They turn everything upside down. Which is more important, the potter or the clay? Can something you have made say, “You didn't make me”? Or can it say, “You don't know what you are doing”?
17 As the saying goes, before long the dense forest will become farmland, and the farmland will go back to forest.
18 When that day comes, the deaf will be able to hear a book being read aloud, and the blind, who have been living in darkness, will open their eyes and see. 19 Poor and humble people will once again find the happiness which the Lord, the holy God of Israel, gives. 20 It will be the end of those who oppress others and show contempt for God. Every sinner will be destroyed. 21 God will destroy those who slander others, those who prevent the punishment of criminals, and those who tell lies to keep honest people from getting justice.
22 So now the Lord, the God of Israel, who rescued Abraham from trouble, says, “My people, you will not be disgraced any longer, and your faces will no longer be pale with shame. 23 When you see the children that I will give you, then you will acknowledge that I am the holy God of Israel. You will honor me and stand in awe of me. 24 Foolish people will learn to understand, and those who are always grumbling will be glad to be taught.”