Annabilayi Hoseya
1 Yaawe* la kumoolu fele, mennu naata Hoseya kaŋ, Beeri dinkewo. Ì naata a kaŋ ñiŋ Yahuuda mansoolu la marali tiloolu le la: Usiya, Yotamu, Ahasi aniŋ Hesekiya. Meŋ ye Banisirayila mara wo waatoolu la, wo le mu Yerobowamu ti, Yehowasi dinkewo.
Hoseya la dimbaayaa
2 Yaawe la diyaamu foloo Hoseya ye, a ko a ye le ko, “Taa i ye cakamusoo futuu, ali ye cakadiŋolu wuluu, kaatu ñiŋ banku moolu ka cakayaa maañaa le ke, bayiri ì ye ì koo dii nte Yaawe la le.” 3 Bituŋ Hoseya taata, a ye Komeri futuu, Dibulayimu dimmusoo. Wo ye konoo taa, a ye dinkewo wuluu a ye.
4 Bituŋ Yaawe ko a ye ko, “A toolaa Yesireeli la, kaatu ñaato domandiŋ m be Yehu dimbaayaa jarabi la yeleboŋo le la, meŋ keta Yesireeli. Aduŋ m be daŋ ke la Banisirayila mansamarali bankoo la le. 5 Wo luŋo la, m be Banisirayila la kalabeñoo kati la Yesireeli Wulumbaŋo to le.”
6 Komeri ye konoo taa kotenke, a ye dimmusoo wuluu. Bituŋ Yaawe ko Hoseya ye ko, “A toolaa Lo-Ruhama la, kaatu n te balafaa soto la Banisirayila ye kotenke, waraŋ ka yamfa ì ye. 7 Bari m be balafaa soto la Yahuuda ye le, m be ì tanka la le ka bo niŋ nte Yaawe faŋo la, ì la Alla. N na a tankandoo te bo la niŋ kalabeñoo la, hawusaroo*, keloo, suwoolu waraŋ suu borindilaalu.”
8 Biriŋ Komeri ye Lo-Ruhama bondi sunjoo to, a ye konoo taa kotenke, a ye dinkewo wuluu. 9 Bituŋ Yaawe ko a ye ko, “A toolaa Lo-Ammi la, kaatu ali maŋ ke n na moolu ti, aduŋ nte maŋ ke ali la Alla ti.”
Banisirayila be neemoo soto la le kotenke
10 “Hani wo Banisirayilankoolu yaatewo be ke la le ko bankumunkoo, meŋ te sumaŋ noo la sako a yaatewo si loŋ. Aduŋ a fota a ma daameŋ to ko, ‘Ali maŋ ke n na moolu ti,’ a be fo la a ma jee le to ko, ‘Alla baluuriŋo diŋolu.’ 11 Yahuuda moolu niŋ Banisirayila moolu be kafu la ñoo ma le, ì ye ke kiliŋ ti, ì ye ñaatonka kiliŋ tomboŋ. Ì si yiriwaa ì la bankoo kaŋ kotenke. Tooñaa-tooñaa, Yesireeli la luŋo be ke la luŋ baa le ti.”
1 This is the message which the Lord gave Hosea son of Beeri during the time that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel.
Hosea's Wife and Children
2 When the Lord first spoke to Israel through Hosea, he said to Hosea, “Go and get married; your wife will be unfaithful, and your children will be just like her. In the same way my people have left me and become unfaithful.”
3 So Hosea married a woman named Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim. After the birth of their first child, a son, 4 the Lord said to Hosea, “Name him ‘Jezreel,’ because it will not be long before I punish the king of Israel for the murders that his ancestor Jehu committed at Jezreel. I am going to put an end to Jehu's dynasty. 5 And in Jezreel Valley I will at that time destroy Israel's military power.”
6 Gomer had a second child—this time it was a daughter. The Lord said to Hosea, “Name her ‘Unloved,’ because I will no longer show love to the people of Israel or forgive them. 7 But to the people of Judah I will show love. I, the Lord their God, will save them, but I will not do it by war—with swords or bows and arrows or with horses and horsemen.”
8 After Gomer had weaned her daughter, she became pregnant again and had another son. 9 The Lord said to Hosea, “Name him ‘Not-My-People,’ because the people of Israel are not my people, and I am not their God.”
Israel Is to Be Restored
10 The people of Israel will become like the sand of the sea, more than can be counted or measured. Now God says to them, “You are not my people,” but the day is coming when he will say to them, “You are the children of the living God!” 11 The people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited. They will choose for themselves a single leader, and once again they will grow and prosper in their land. Yes, the day of Jezreel will be a great day!