Piriisi kuntii baa kambeŋ kutoo ye
1 M̀ be kuu kummaa meŋ fo kaŋ, a fele: Ŋà piriisi* kuntii baa le soto, meŋ be siiriŋ Alla Mansa Tallaa la mansasiiraŋo bulubaa karoo la Arijana kono. 2 A ka dookuwo ke Dulaa Senuŋ Baa* le kono Alla la Tiriliisi Senuŋo* to. Ñiŋ mu Tiriliisi tooñaa le ti, hadamadiŋ maŋ meŋ londi, bari Maariyo faŋo.
3 Piriisi kuntii baa-wo-kuntii baa tombonta le ka beeyaŋ sadaalu* niŋ sadaa koteŋolu bo. Wo kamma la, ñiŋ piriisoo fanaa ñanta feŋ soto la le, a si meŋ bondi sadaa ti. 4 Niŋ a ye a tara, a be duniyaa le kono, wo to a te ke noo la piriisoo ti muk, kaatu piriisoolu be duniyaa kono le fokabaŋ, mennu ka sadaalu bondi ko Musa la Luwaa* ye a landi ñaameŋ. 5 Wo piriisoolu la dookuwo mu taamanseeroo niŋ niiniyo doroŋ ne ti kuwolu to, mennu be Arijana kono. Wo kamma la, biriŋ Musa pareeta ka Tiriliisi Senuŋo loo, Alla ye a yaamari ko, “I si feŋolu bee ke ko, a yitandita i la ñaameŋ konkoo kaŋ.” 6 Bari saayiŋ, Yeesu ye piriisiyaa dookuwo meŋ soto, wo le warata ka tambi wo piriisi doolu la dookuwo la. A tambita ì la dookuwo la le ko kambeŋ kutoo, Yeesu keta kanjurilaa ti kambeŋo meŋ ye, wo le beteyaata ka tambi kambeŋ kotoo la, kaatu a kambeŋo loota laahidi betoolu le kaŋ ka tambi wo doolu la.
7 Niŋ a ye a tara, kambeŋ kotoo maŋ sootaari soto, wo to suula te tara la kambeŋ kutoo la naa to. 8 Bari Alla ye sootaaroo je a la moolu la kuwo to le, wo le ye a tinna a ko:
“Luŋolu be naa le,
m be kambeŋ kutoo le siti la
n niŋ Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda teema.”
Maariyo le ye a fo.
9 “A te ke la komeŋ ŋa kambeŋo meŋ siti
n niŋ ì mumuñolu teema,
kabiriŋ ŋa ì tambindi ka ì bondi naŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ.
Ì maŋ tu tilindiŋ n na kambeŋo ye,
wo le ye a tinna ŋa n koo dii ì la.”
Maariyo le ye a fo.
10 “M be kambeŋ kutoo meŋ siti la
n niŋ Banisirayila teema,
niŋ wo luŋolu tambita,
a be ke la ñiŋ ne ti:
M be n na yaamaroolu ke la ì hakiloolu kono le,
ŋa ì safee ì sondomoolu bala.
M be ke la ì la Alla le ti,
aduŋ ì be ke la n na moolu le ti.”
Maariyo le ye a fo.
11 “Moo te a ñoŋ moo doo karandi la kotenke,
waraŋ ka a fo a baadiŋo ye ko,
‘Maariyo loŋ!’
kaatu ì bee le be n loŋ na,
biriŋ moondiŋ, fo moo baa.
12 M be yamfa la ì la kuu kuruŋolu la le,
n hakiloo te tara la ì la junuboolu kaŋ kotenke.”
13 Kabiriŋ Alla diyaamuta kambeŋ kutoo la kuwo to nuŋ, a ye kambeŋ foloo ke kotoomaa le ti. Aduŋ meŋ be kotoo kaŋ, aniŋ a semboo be bo kaŋ, wo be yeemaŋ kaŋ ne.
Jesus Our High Priest
1 The whole point of what we are saying is that we have such a High Priest, who sits at the right of the throne of the Divine Majesty in heaven. 2 He serves as high priest in the Most Holy Place, that is, in the real tent which was put up by the Lord, not by human hands.
3 Every high priest is appointed to present offerings and animal sacrifices to God, and so our High Priest must also have something to offer. 4 If he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer the gifts required by the Jewish Law. 5 The work they do as priests is really only a copy and a shadow of what is in heaven. It is the same as it was with Moses. When he was about to build the Sacred Tent, God told him, “Be sure to make everything according to the pattern you were shown on the mountain.” 6 But now, Jesus has been given priestly work which is superior to theirs, just as the covenant which he arranged between God and his people is a better one, because it is based on promises of better things.
7 If there had been nothing wrong with the first covenant, there would have been no need for a second one. 8 But God finds fault with his people when he says,
“The days are coming, says the Lord,
when I will draw up a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
9 It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors
on the day I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt.
They were not faithful to the covenant I made with them,
and so I paid no attention to them.
10 Now, this is the covenant that I will make with the people of Israel
in the days to come, says the Lord:
I will put my laws in their minds
and write them on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
11 None of them will have to teach their friends
or tell their neighbors,
‘Know the Lord.’
For they will all know me,
from the least to the greatest.
12 I will forgive their sins
and will no longer remember their wrongs.”
13 By speaking of a new covenant, God has made the first one old; and anything that becomes old and worn out will soon disappear.