Yusufa la taroo Potifa yaa
1 Kabiriŋ Isimayila koomalankoolu ye Yusufa samba Misira, Misira kewo doo le ye a saŋ ì bulu, ì ka a fo meŋ ye ko, Potifa. Potifa mu Firawoona la mansakundaa dookuulaa le ti, a kantalaalu la ñaatonkoo. 2 Yusufa tarata a ñiŋ maarii Misirankoo le yaa. Yaawe* tarata a fee le, aduŋ a naata ke moo le ti, meŋ ye ñaatotaa soto. 3 Potifa ye a je le ko, Yaawe be Yusufa fee le, a ye kuu-wo-kuu ke, Yaawe ka a so mantaabeŋo le la jee. 4 Wo le ye a tinna Yusufa la kuwo diyaata a ye. A naata Yusufa katandi a faŋ ma, a ye a marandi a la bunkono feŋolu ma, aniŋ a ye a la sotofeŋo bee karafa a ma. 5 Ka bo waatoo meŋ na, a ye a marandi a la buŋo kuwo ma, aniŋ ka a marandi a sotofeŋo bee ma, Yaawe ye neema ke a la buŋo ma le Yusufa la kuwo kaŋ. Yaawe la neemoo tarata a sotofeŋo bee le kaŋ, buŋo kono aniŋ kunkoo to. 6 Bituŋ a ye a sotofeŋo bee tu Yusufa la maroo to, feŋ maŋ tara ate faŋo kaŋ fo domoroo.
Yusufa mu kee ñiimaa baa le ti, a lookuuta. 7 Bituŋ a maarii Potifa la musoo naata a ñaa loo Yusufa kaŋ, a ko a ye ko, “Ŋà n laa.” 8 Bari Yusufa maŋ soŋ. Bituŋ a ko musoo ñiŋ ye ko, “A juubee, m maarii daa te a la feŋ na kuu to ñiŋ buŋo kono, a ye ì bee ke nte le la maroo to. 9 A maŋ a faŋ wara n ti ñiŋ buŋo kono, aduŋ a maŋ feŋ siyaa n ti fo ite, kaatu i mu a la musoo le ti. Nte si ñiŋ kuu jawu baa ke noo ñaadii le, ŋa junube kuwo soto Alla la karoo la?”
10 Luŋ-wo-luŋ a si a kumoo fo Yusufa ye, bari a maŋ soŋ hani ka i laa a daala, waraŋ ka tara a fee. 11 Luŋ kiliŋ Yusufa naata buŋo kono ka a la dookuwo ke. Bari a ye a tara le bunkononkoolu bee fintita buŋo kono. 12 Bituŋ Potifa la musoo ñiŋ ye a ñafu a la waramboo to, a ko a ye ko, “Ŋà n laa!” Bituŋ Yusufa ye a la dendika santonkoo fili a bulu, a borita ka taa banta.
13 Kabiriŋ musoo ñiŋ ye a je ko, Yusufa ye a la dendikoo fili a bulu le, a borita banta, 14 a ye bunkononkoolu kamfayi ko, “Ali a juubee, n keemaa ye Hiburunkoo* le samba naŋ ntolu kono, ka naa ǹ neŋ! A naata n kaŋ ne ka laañooyaa ñini m ma, wo to le n wuurita santo. 15 Bituŋ kabiriŋ a ye a je, n ka n kaŋo wulindi santo, a ye a la dendikoo fili laariŋ n daala, a borita banta.”
16 Bituŋ a ye Yusufa la dendikoo muta a faŋ bulu, fo a keemaa naata suwo kono. 17 A ye ñiŋ bee saata wo ye, a ko a ye ko, “I ye Hiburu joŋo meŋ samba naŋ ǹ kaŋ, naata n kaŋ ne ka laañooyaa ñini m ma. 18 Kabiriŋ n wuurita ka n kaŋo wulindi santo, a ye a la dendikoo fili laariŋ n daala, a ye i bori banta.” 19 Kabiriŋ Potifa la musoo ye ñiŋ kumoo saata a ye, a la joŋo Yusufa ye meŋ ke a la, a jusoo bota baake. 20 Bituŋ a ye Yusufa muta, a ye a soroŋ bunjawoo kono, mansa la bunjawutonkoolu ka tara daameŋ, a tarata bunjawoo kono jee.
21 Yaawe tarata a fee le. A hiinata a ma, a ye a la kuwo diyandi bunjawuto maralaa kuntiyo ye. 22 Bunjawuto maralaa kuntiyo naata Yusufa marandi bunjawutonkoolu bee ma, mennu be bunjawoo ñiŋ kono jee. Feŋ-wo-feŋ ñanta ke la jee, a ka taa niŋ a la maafaŋo le la. 23 Feŋ-wo-feŋ be Yusufa la maroo to, bunjawuto maralaa kuntiyo ñiŋ buka bula wo la kuwo nooma. Yaawe be Yusufa fee le, a ye ñaatotaa dii a la kuu-wo-kuu le to, a barata meŋ na.
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
1 Now the Ishmaelites had taken Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, one of the king's officers, who was the captain of the palace guard. 2 The Lord was with Joseph and made him successful. He lived in the house of his Egyptian master, 3 who saw that the Lord was with Joseph and had made him successful in everything he did. 4 Potiphar was pleased with him and made him his personal servant; so he put him in charge of his house and everything he owned. 5 From then on, because of Joseph the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian and everything that he had in his house and in his fields. 6 Potiphar turned over everything he had to the care of Joseph and did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.
Joseph was well-built and good-looking, 7 and after a while his master's wife began to desire Joseph and asked him to go to bed with her. 8 He refused and said to her, “Look, my master does not have to concern himself with anything in the house, because I am here. He has put me in charge of everything he has. 9 I have as much authority in this house as he has, and he has not kept back anything from me except you. How then could I do such an immoral thing and sin against God?” 10 Although she asked Joseph day after day, he would not go to bed with her.
11 But one day when Joseph went into the house to do his work, none of the house servants was there. 12 She caught him by his robe and said, “Come to bed with me.” But he escaped and ran outside, leaving his robe in her hand. 13 When she saw that he had left his robe and had run out of the house, 14 she called to her house servants and said, “Look at this! This Hebrew that my husband brought to the house is insulting us. He came into my room and tried to rape me, but I screamed as loud as I could. 15 When he heard me scream, he ran outside, leaving his robe beside me.”
16 She kept his robe with her until Joseph's master came home. 17 Then she told him the same story: “That Hebrew slave that you brought here came into my room and insulted me. 18 But when I screamed, he ran outside, leaving his robe beside me.”
19 Joseph's master was furious 20 and had Joseph arrested and put in the prison where the king's prisoners were kept, and there he stayed. 21 But the Lord was with Joseph and blessed him, so that the jailer was pleased with him. 22 He put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and made him responsible for everything that was done in the prison. 23 The jailer did not have to look after anything for which Joseph was responsible, because the Lord was with Joseph and made him succeed in everything he did.