Yahuuda niŋ Tamara
1 Wo waatoo la, Yahuuda bota a baadiŋolu koto le, a taata sabati Hira yaa, meŋ bota Adullamu saatewo to. 2 Jee to, Yahuuda naata Kanaaninkoo doo dimmusoo je, meŋ faa too mu Suwa ti. Bituŋ a ye wo dimmusoo futuu, a niŋ a kafuta. 3 A ye konoo taa, a naata dinkewo wuluu. Bituŋ Yahuuda ye a toolaa Eri la. 4 A naata konoo taa kotenke, a ye dinkewo wuluu, a ye a toolaa Onani la. 5 A naata dinkewo wuluu kotenke, a ye a toolaa Sela la. A be ñiŋ dinkewo wuluu la tuma meŋ, wo tumoo ate faŋo be Kesibu le.
6 Yahuuda naata musoo ñini a dinkee foloo ye, meŋ too mu Eri ti. Musoo ñiŋ too mu Tamara le ti. 7 Bari Eri mu moo kuruŋo le ti Yaawe* ñaa koto. Bituŋ Yaawe naata a siyo daŋ. 8 Bituŋ Yahuuda ko Onani ye ko, “I kotookewo la musoo niimoo saata, i ye diŋolu wuluu i kotookewo ye a la.” 9 Bari Onani ye a loŋ ne ko, a be diŋolu mennu wuluu la a ñiŋ kotookewo la musoo la, ì te wolu muta la komeŋ ate le diŋo mu ì ti. Wo kamma la, niŋ a niŋ musoo ñiŋ kafuta, niŋ maniyoo be naa, a si a boŋ duuma. Ñiŋ kamma la a kana diŋ soto a kotookewo ye. 10 A ye meŋ ke, kuu kuruŋo le mu Yaawe ñaa koto. Wo kamma la, Yaawe ye a fanaa siyo daŋ. 11 Bituŋ Yahuuda ko a bitammusoo Tamara ye ko, “Tu furuyaayaa to i faamaa yaa, fo n dinkewo Sela ye meŋ.” Yahuuda ye ñiŋ silaŋo le soto ko, Sela fanaa kana taa faa ko a kotookee doolu. Bituŋ Tamara naata tara a faamaa yaa.
12 Waati jaŋ koolaa, Yahuuda la musoo meŋ mu Suwa dimmusoo ti, naata faa. Kabiriŋ Yahuuda la musoo la saŋawoosii waatoo tambita, a taata Timuna saatewo to a la saajiitii kuntulaalu kaŋ, a niŋ a teerimaa Hira, Adullamunkoo. 13 Kibaaroo futata Tamara ma le ko, a bitankee ka taa Timuna le saajiitii kuntoo la. 14 A ye a la furuyaa feŋolu wura. Bituŋ a ye a ñaadaa muuri bitiraŋ faanoo la, meŋ si a tinna moo te a suutee noo la. A siita Enayimu saatewo dundaŋ daa* to siloo kaŋ, meŋ ka taa Timuna. A ye a kalamuta le ko, Sela menta le, bari hani wo ì maŋ a futundi a ye, ka ke a keemaa ti.
15 Kabiriŋ Yahuuda ye a je, a ye a miira cakamusoo le ti, a ye a ñaadaa muuri ñaameŋ. 16 A taata a kaŋ sila karatantaŋo la, a ko a ye ko, “Naa, n lafita le n niŋ i ye kafu.” Bari a maŋ a suutee ko, a bitammusoo le mu. Tamara ko a ye ko, “I be muŋ ne dii la n na, niŋ i niŋ n kafuta?” 17 Yahuuda ye a jaabi ko, “M be baakotondiŋo le dii la i la.” Tamara ko a ye ko, “Fo niŋ i ye feŋ dii n na, ka i sankayaa, janniŋ i be a kii la naŋ.” 18 Yahuuda ye a jaabi ko, “M be muŋ ne dii la i la sankayaaraŋo ti?” Tamara ye a jaabi ko, “I la maarikilaŋ tampoo niŋ a juloo bondi, i ye wo dii n na, aniŋ i la taamaraŋ dokoo meŋ be i bulu.” Bituŋ a ye ì dii a la, a niŋ a kafuta. Ì la kafoo koolaa, a naata konoo soto. 19 Tamara seyita suwo kono, a ye a la bitiraŋ faanoo wura, a ye a la furuyaa feŋolu duŋ kotenke.
20 Kabiriŋ Yahuuda ye baakotondiŋo dii a teerimaa Adullamunkoo la ka taa a dii a la, ka sankoo ñiŋ bo, wo maŋ a je. 21 A ye Enayimunkoolu ñininkaa ko, “Ali maŋ wo cakamusoo je jaŋ baŋ, meŋ tarata sila karoo la?” Bari wolu ye a jaabi ñiŋ ne la ko, “Cakamusu nene maŋ tara jaŋ.” 22 Wo le to a muruta Yahuuda kaŋ, a ko a ye ko, “M maŋ a je, aduŋ saatee moolu fanaa ye ñiŋ ne fo ko, cakamusu nene maŋ tara jee.” 23 Yahuuda kumata ko, “N na ñiŋ baakotondiŋo diiriŋ koolaa bee i maŋ a je noo. A bula a ye sankayaa feŋolu muta jee, niŋ wo nte, m̀ be naa ke la jelefeŋo le ti.”
24 Kari saba ñaato, ì naata a fo Yahuuda ye ko, “I bitammusoo Tamara ye cakayaa le ke, fo a ye konoo soto a la.” Bituŋ Yahuuda kumata ko, “Ali a fintindi banta ka a jani.” 25 Ì be a fintindi kaŋ naŋ saatewo kono waatoo meŋ na, a ye sankayaa feŋolu ñinnu kii a bitankee ye, ka a fo a ye ko, “Ñiŋ feŋolu koroosi kendeke! Jumaa le taa mu ñiŋ maarikilaŋ tampoo ti, a niŋ a juloo, aniŋ taamaraŋ dokoo? Kewo meŋ taa mu ñiŋ feŋolu ti, wo le ye n konomaa.” 26 Yahuuda ye feŋolu ñinnu koroosi kendeke, a sonta ko, “Ate le be tooñaa kaŋ nte ti, kaatu m maŋ a futundi n dinkewo Sela ye.” Bari a niŋ a maŋ i laa kotenke.
27 Kabiriŋ a wuluu waatoo siita, fulandiŋolu le naata tara a wuluuñaŋo kono. 28 Kabiriŋ a be wuluu kaŋ, a diŋ kiliŋo ye a buloo fintindi naŋ banta. Bituŋ timmutalaa ye a buloo muta, a ye boorajulu wuleŋo siti a bala, a ko, “Ñiŋ ne foloo fintita naŋ.” 29 Bari deenaanoo naata a buloo murundi konoto le, a mooñoo fintita naŋ. Bituŋ timmutalaa ko, “Ite ye muŋ faŋ forisee le ke teŋ!” Wo kamma la, ì naata a toolaa Peresi la. 30 Wo koolaa le mu, doo naata finti naŋ, boorajulu wuleŋo be sitiriŋ a buloo bala. Bituŋ ì naata wo toolaa Sera la.
Judah and Tamar
1 About that time Judah left his brothers and went to stay with a man named Hirah, who was from the town of Adullam. 2 There Judah met a young Canaanite woman whose father was named Shua. He married her, 3 and she bore him a son, whom he named Er. 4 She became pregnant again and bore another son and named him Onan. 5 Again she had a son and named him Shelah. Judah was at Achzib when the boy was born.
6 For his first son Er, Judah got a wife whose name was Tamar. 7 Er's conduct was evil, and it displeased the Lord, so the Lord killed him. 8 Then Judah said to Er's brother Onan, “Go and sleep with your brother's widow. Fulfill your obligation to her as her husband's brother, so that your brother may have descendants.” 9 But Onan knew that the children would not belong to him, so when he had intercourse with his brother's widow, he let the semen spill on the ground, so that there would be no children for his brother. 10 What he did displeased the Lord, and the Lord killed him also. 11 Then Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar, “Return to your father's house and remain a widow until my son Shelah grows up.” He said this because he was afraid that Shelah would be killed, as his brothers had been. So Tamar went back home.
12 After some time Judah's wife died. When he had finished the time of mourning, he and his friend Hirah of Adullam went to Timnah, where his sheep were being sheared. 13 Someone told Tamar that her father-in-law was going to Timnah to shear his sheep. 14 So she changed from the widow's clothes she had been wearing, covered her face with a veil, and sat down at the entrance to Enaim, a town on the road to Timnah. As she well knew, Judah's youngest son Shelah was now grown up, and yet she had not been given to him in marriage.
15 When Judah saw her, he thought that she was a prostitute, because she had her face covered. 16 He went over to her at the side of the road and said, “All right, how much do you charge?” (He did not know that she was his daughter-in-law.)
She said, “What will you give me?”
17 He answered, “I will send you a young goat from my flock.”
She said, “All right, if you will give me something to keep as a pledge until you send the goat.”
18 “What shall I give you as a pledge?” he asked.
She answered, “Your seal with its cord and the walking stick you are carrying.” He gave them to her. Then they had intercourse, and she became pregnant. 19 Tamar went home, took off her veil, and put her widow's clothes back on.
20 Judah sent his friend Hirah to take the goat and get back from the woman the articles he had pledged, but Hirah could not find her. 21 He asked some men at Enaim, “Where is the prostitute who was here by the road?”
“There has never been a prostitute here,” they answered.
22 He returned to Judah and said, “I couldn't find her. The men of the place said that there had never been a prostitute there.”
23 Judah said, “Let her keep the things. We don't want people to laugh at us. I did try to pay her, but you couldn't find her.”
24 About three months later someone told Judah, “Your daughter-in-law Tamar has been acting like a whore, and now she is pregnant.”
Judah ordered, “Take her out and burn her to death.”
25 As she was being taken out, she sent word to her father-in-law: “I am pregnant by the man who owns these things. Look at them and see whose they are—this seal with its cord and this walking stick.”
26 Judah recognized them and said, “She is in the right. I have failed in my obligation to her—I should have given her to my son Shelah in marriage.” And Judah never had intercourse with her again.
27 When the time came for her to give birth, it was discovered that she was going to have twins. 28 While she was in labor, one of them put out an arm; the midwife caught it, tied a red thread around it, and said, “This one was born first.” 29 But he pulled his arm back, and his brother was born first. Then the midwife said, “So this is how you break your way out!” So he was named Perez. 30 Then his brother was born with the red thread on his arm, and he was named Zerah.