Alla Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwo daa mutakuuta
1 Wo waatoo la annabiyomu fula, Hakayi aniŋ Ido koomalankoo doo Jakariya, ye kiilaariyaa kumoolu fo Yahuudoolu ye mennu be Yerusalaamu aniŋ Yahuuda bee, Banisirayila la Alla tooyaa la. 2 Bituŋ Seyalitiyeli dinkewo Serubabeli, aniŋ Yosadaki dinkewo Yesuwa, wulita ka Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* lookuu Yerusalaamu. Alla la annabiyomoolu tarata ì fee le ka ì wakiilindi.
3 Wo waati kiliŋo la Yufurati Baakoo kumandaŋo Tatenayi, aniŋ Setari-Bosenayi, aniŋ ì dookuuñoolu naata ì kaŋ ka ì ñininkaa ko, “Jumaa le ye kaŋo dii ali la ka ñiŋ buŋo loo, aniŋ ka jooraŋolu parendi a ye?” 4 Aduŋ ì ye ì ñininkaa le fanaa ko, “Moolu mennu ka ñiŋ buŋo loo, ì too ndii?” 5 Bari Alla le tarata Yahuudoolu la ñaatonkoolu kanta kaŋ, aduŋ ì maŋ ì ñaato kuntu, fo janniŋ kibaaroo be futa la Dariyusi ma foloo, a ye jaabiroo safee ñiŋ kuwo to ka a kii naŋ.
6 Ñiŋ ne mu leetaroo kumoolu ti Yufurati Baakoo kumandaŋo Tatenayi, aniŋ Setari-Bosenayi niŋ a dookuuñoolu, kisikisirilaalu, ye mennu kii Mansa Dariyusi ye. 7 Ì ye kibaaroo meŋ kii a ye, a safeeta teŋ ne:
Leetaroo ka taa Mansa Dariyusi le yaa, aniŋ kontondiri baa.
8 M̀ be mansa kalamutandi la ñiŋ na ko, ǹ taata Yahuuda kumandaŋ mara bankoo kaŋ ne, Alla warariŋo la buŋo to. Ì be a loo kaŋ niŋ bere baalu le la, aniŋ ka babara biliyolu ke bumbaloo bala. Dookuwo ñiŋ be ke kaŋ niŋ saayoo le la, aduŋ a be taa kaŋ ñaato le.
9 Aduŋ ŋà ì la ñaatonkoolu ñininkaa le ko, “Jumaa le ye kaŋo dii ali la ka ñiŋ buŋo loo, aniŋ ka jooraŋolu parendi a ye?” 10 Ŋà ì ñininkaa ì la kuntiyolu toolu fanaa la le, fo ǹ si ì safee i ye.
11 Ì ye ǹ jaabi ñiŋ ne la ko, “Ntolu mu Arijana niŋ duniyaa Maarii la dookuulaalu le ti. Ǹ ka buŋo le loo meŋ loo foloota sanji jamaa koomanto. Banisirayila la mansakee baa le ye a loo ka a baŋ. 12 Bari m̀ mumuñolu ye Arijana Maarii kamfandi le, wo le ye a tinna a ye ì duŋ Kalideyankoo Nebukanesa bulu, Babiloni mansakewo. A ye ñiŋ buŋo tiñaa le, aniŋ fanaa a ye moolu muta le ka ì samba Babiloni. 13 Bari Babiloni mansakee doo, Kirusi la maraloo sanji foloo kono, a ye yaamaroo dii ka Alla la ñiŋ buŋo seyinkaŋ loo. 14 Wo koolaa fanaa Mansa Kirusi ye Alla Batudulaa Buŋo sani jooraŋolu niŋ kodiforo jooraŋolu fintindi naŋ jalambuŋo kono le, Babiloni bankoo kaŋ. Nebukanesa le ye ì taa nuŋ Alla Batudulaa Buŋo kono Yerusalaamu, a ye ì samba Babiloni jalambuŋo kono. Wo le to Mansa Kirusi ye ì dii kewo la meŋ too mu Sesibasa ti, a ye meŋ tomboŋ ka a ke kumandaŋo ti. 15 A ko a ye le ko, ‘Ñiŋ jooraŋolu taa, i ye taa ì ke Batudulaa Buŋo kono Yerusalaamu, aduŋ Alla Batudulaa Buŋo si loo a noo kotoo to.’ 16 Bituŋ Sesibasa naata a ye Alla Batudulaa Buŋo fondamaŋo laa Yerusalaamu. Ka bo wo luŋo la ka naa fo saayiŋ, a tarata loo kaŋ ne, aduŋ a maŋ baŋ foloo.”
17 Bituŋ saayiŋ, niŋ a diyaata ite mansa faŋo ye, i si Babiloni bankoo la taarika maabodulaalu kono juubee, ka a loŋ fo Mansa Kirusi le ye yaamaroo dii, ka Alla Batudulaa Buŋo seyinkaŋ loo Yerusalaamu. Bituŋ ite mansa faŋo si jaabiroo kii ǹ ye, ka i la lafoo yitandi ǹ na.
1 At that time two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah son of Iddo, began to speak in the name of the God of Israel to the Jews who lived in Judah and Jerusalem. 2 When Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Joshua son of Jehozadak heard their messages, they began to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and the two prophets helped them.
3 Almost at once Governor Tattenai of West-of-Euphrates, Shethar Bozenai, and their fellow officials came to Jerusalem and demanded: “Who gave you orders to build this Temple and equip it?” 4 They also asked for the names of all the men who were helping build the Temple. 5 But God was watching over the Jewish leaders, and the Persian officials decided to take no action until they could write to Emperor Darius and receive a reply. 6 This is the report that they sent to the emperor:
7 “To Emperor Darius, may you rule in peace.
8 “Your Majesty should know that we went to the province of Judah and found that the Temple of the great God is being rebuilt with large stone blocks and with wooden beams set in the wall. The work is being done with great care and is moving ahead steadily.
9 “We then asked the leaders of the people to tell us who had given them authority to rebuild the Temple and to equip it. 10 We also asked them their names so that we could inform you who the leaders of this work are.
11 “They answered, ‘We are servants of the God of heaven and earth, and we are rebuilding the Temple which was originally built and equipped many years ago by a powerful king of Israel. 12 But because our ancestors made the God of Heaven angry, he let them be conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia, a king of the Chaldean dynasty. The Temple was destroyed, and the people were taken into exile in Babylonia. 13 Then in the first year of the reign of King Cyrus as emperor of Babylonia, Cyrus issued orders for the Temple to be rebuilt. 14 He restored the gold and silver Temple utensils which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and had placed in the temple in Babylon. Emperor Cyrus turned these utensils over to a man named Sheshbazzar, whom he appointed governor of Judah. 15 The emperor told him to take them and return them to the Temple in Jerusalem, and to rebuild the Temple where it had stood before. 16 So Sheshbazzar came and laid its foundation; construction has continued from then until the present, but it is still not finished.’
17 “Now, if it please Your Majesty, have a search made in the royal records in Babylon to find whether or not Emperor Cyrus gave orders for this Temple in Jerusalem to be rebuilt, and then inform us what your will is in this matter.”