Bankoo talaañaa lasiloolu teema
1 Yaawe ko: “Ñinnu le mu Banisirayila lasiloolu toolu ti aniŋ ì la tundoolu:
“Ka dati maraa karoo la Banisirayila bankoo naanewo to, Dani lasiloo be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to. A be tenteŋ na ka bo siloo meŋ bota Hetiloni ka taa Lebo-Hamati niŋ Hasari-Enoni meŋ be maraa karoo naanewo to, Damasiku niŋ Hamati daala, ka bo a tilibo karoo naanewo to, ka taa naanewo meŋ be tilijii karoo la Banisirayila bankoo to.
2 “Aseri be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Dani ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
3 “Nafutali be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Aseri ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
4 “Manase be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Nafutali ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
5 “Efurayimu* be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Manase ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
6 “Rubeni be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Efurayimu ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
7 “Yahuuda be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Rubeni ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
8 “Wo kenoo ali ñanta meŋ landi la kara la ka ke diiri kummaa ti nte Yaawe ye, a naanewo be tara la Yahuuda ye bulubaa karoo le la. A kenoo la fanoo ñanta kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee. A karoo la jamfoo niŋ Banisirayila lasili doolu bee la kenoolu karoo la jamfoo ñanta kaañaŋ na le. A be bo la tilibo karoo naanewo le to ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to. Nte Yaawe Batudulaa Senuŋo le be tara la a teema.
9 “Wo kenoo ali ñanta meŋ landi la kara la nte Yaawe ye, a karoo la jamfoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee, ka bo a tilibo karoo la ka taa fo tilijii karoo la, aniŋ a konoo la fanoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ ne fee ka bo a maraa karoo la ka taa fo bulubaa karoo la. 10 Dulaa senuŋo kenoo talaañaa be ke la teŋ ne: Piriisoolu* be kara kiliŋ ne soto la. Ì la wo kenoo maraa karoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee. A bulubaa karoo fanaa be kaañaŋ na wo ñoŋ ne fee. A tilibo karoo niŋ a tilijii karoo bee be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli taŋ ne fee. Nte Yaawe Batudulaa Senuŋo le be tara la a teema. 11 Ì ñanta ñiŋ kenoo le landi la kara la, ka ke piriisoolu taa ti. Ñinnu le mu Sadoki koomalankoolu ti, mennu ye ì faŋ kerekere, ì foroyaata dookuwo kono ì ka meŋ ke n ye. Itolu maŋ bula Banisirayilanka toomaalu nooma, ko Lewi lasili moo doolu ye a ke ñaameŋ nuŋ. 12 Itolu be dulaa soto la le ka ke ì taa ti wo dulaa senuŋo kenoo to. Jee le mu dulaa senuŋ baa ti, meŋ niŋ Lewi lasili moolu la kenoo be naanee la.
13 “Piriisoolu la kenoo daala, wo le be ke la Lewi lasili moolu la kenoo ti. A karoo la jamfoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee. A konoo la fanoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli taŋ ne fee. Niŋ ñiŋ dulaa fuloo kafuta ñoo ma ka ke dulaa kiliŋ ti, a karoo la jamfoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee. A konoo la fanoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ ne fee. 14 Piriisoolu niŋ Lewi lasili moolu maŋ ñaŋ na ñiŋ kenoo waafi la, waraŋ ka a faliŋ feŋ doo la, waraŋ ka luntaŋolu bula ì ye sabati jee, kaatu jee mu dulaa senuŋo le ti, meŋ kerekereta nte Yaawe ye.
15 “Bulubaa karoo la wo dulaa senuŋo to, ali ñanta dulaa le kuntu la jee ka a landi kara la, ka ke moolu bee taa ti. Moo-wo-moo meŋ lafita ka beeyaŋ daañinoo ke jee, waraŋ ka buŋo loo jee, si a ke noo jee le. Ì la saatee baa be tara la wo kenoo le teema. 16 Wo saatewo la waroo ñanta kaañaŋ na teŋ ne: A maraa karoo be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani niŋ keme luulu le fee. A bulubaa karoo fanaa be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani niŋ keme luulu le fee. A tilibo karoo niŋ a tilijii karoo bee be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani niŋ keme luulu le fee. A kara naanoo bee be kaañaŋ na waroo la le. 17 Ì ñanta kenoo bula la saatewo dandaŋo bee le la ka ke beeyaŋ daañini dulaa ti. Wo kenoo be tara la saatewo ye banta la le. Wo kenoo kara naanoo bee be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa keme fula niŋ taŋ luulu le fee. 18 Wo kene too meŋ tuta jee, meŋ be saatewo ye tilibo karoo la, a be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli taŋ ne fee, a tilijii karoo fanaa be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli taŋ ne fee. A niŋ dulaa senuŋo kenoo le be naanee la. A be ke la senebankoo le ti moolu ye, mennu be sabatiriŋ saatewo kono. Ì la daañinoo be bo la naŋ jee le to. 19 Moolu mennu be sabatiriŋ saatewo kono ka bo Banisirayila lasiloolu bee kono, be senoo ke la jee le to. 20 Wo dulaa muumee ali ñanta meŋ landi la kara la, aniŋ saatewo, ì kafuriŋo ñoo la, ì kara naanoo bee be kaañaŋ na le. Kara-wo-kara be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee.
21 “Kenoo meŋ be tu la tiliboo la aniŋ dulaa senuŋo kenoo niŋ saatewo kenoo, wo niŋ kenoo meŋ be tilijii karoo la, bee be ke la mansa le taa ti. A be dati la dulaa senuŋo kenoo tilibo karoo le la, ka taa fo Banisirayila bankoo tilibo karoo naanewo to. A tilijii karoo la, mansa la kenoo be dati la dulaa senuŋo kenoo tilijii karoo le to, ka taa fo Banisirayila bankoo naanewo tilijii karoo la. Ñiŋ kenoo karoo la jamfoo niŋ dulaa senuŋo kenoo bee kaañanta nonkonkatiñaa wuli muwaŋ niŋ luulu le fee. Dulaa senuŋo kenoo, Batudulaa Buŋo be meŋ teema, 22 aniŋ Lewi lasili moolu la kenoo, aniŋ wo kenoo, saatewo be daameŋ, be tara la mansa la wo dulaa fuloo le teema. Mansa taa niŋ Benjamini la kenoo le be naanee la bulubaa karoo la. Mansa taa niŋ Yahuuda taa ye naanee maraa karoo la. Wo to, mansa taa be tara la Yahuuda taa niŋ Benjamini taa le teema.
23 “Banisirayilanka lasili toomaalu la kenoolu be tara la ñiŋ ne ñaama: Bulubaa karoo la, Benjamini be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to. A be bo la tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
24 “Simeyoni be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Benjamini ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
25 “Isakari be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Simeyoni ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
26 “Sebuluni be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Isakari ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
27 “Kadu be dulaa kiliŋ ne soto la wo kenoo to, a niŋ Sebuluni ye naanee bulubaa karoo la. A be bo la a tilibo karoo naanewo le to, ka taa fo tilijii karoo naanewo to.
28 “Bulubaa karoo naanewo, meŋ keta Kadu taa ti, a be dati la Tamari le, ka taa fo tilibo karoo naanewo la, ka taa wo la fo Meriba Woyoo to, Kadesi maafaŋo la. Ka bo jee, a naanewo ye taa niŋ Misira Wulumbaŋo la fo a ye naki Baa Baa* la.
29 “Ñiŋ ne ñanta ke la sumandiroolu ti, wo kenoolu be talaa la ñaameŋ, ì be mennu dii la Banisirayilankoolu lasiloolu la ka ke ì la keetaafeŋo ti.” Maarii Yaawe le ye a fo.
Saatee dundaŋ daalu
30 Yaawe ko: “Ñinnu le be ke la saatee dundaŋ daalu ti. Tata sansaŋo meŋ be tara la maraa karoo la, ñanta kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani aniŋ keme luulu le fee. 31 A ñanta dundaŋ daa saba le soto la. Ì be ì toolu laa la Banisirayila lasiloolu le la. Ì be foloo toolaa la Rubeni le la, fulanjaŋo, Yahuuda. Sabanjaŋo, wo be ke la Lewi le ti.
32 “Saatewo tilibo karoo la, a tata sansaŋo ñanta kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani niŋ keme luulu le fee. Wo fanaa be dundaŋ daa saba le soto la, mennu be ke la Yusufa dundaŋ daa ti, Benjamini dundaŋ daa, aniŋ Dani dundaŋ daa.
33 “Saatewo bulubaa karoo la, a tata sansaŋo ñanta kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani niŋ keme luulu le fee, aduŋ a be dundaŋ daa saba le soto la, mennu be ke la Simeyoni dundaŋ daa ti, Isakari dundaŋ daa, aniŋ Sebuluni dundaŋ daa.
34 “Saatewo tilijii karoo la, a tata sansaŋo ñanta kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli naani niŋ keme luulu le fee, aduŋ a be dundaŋ daa saba le soto la, ì be mennu toolaa la Kadu dundaŋ daa, Aseri dundaŋ daa, aniŋ Nafutali dundaŋ daa la.
35 “Saatewo la waroo muumewo bee be kaañaŋ na nonkonkatiñaa wuli taŋ niŋ seyi le fee. Ka bo wo waatoo la ka taa fo fawu, wo saatewo too be ke la ñiŋ ne ti: Yaawe be jee le.”
The Division of the Land among the Tribes
1-7 The northern boundary of the land runs eastward from the Mediterranean Sea to the city of Hethlon, to Hamath Pass, to Enon City, to the boundary between the kingdoms of Damascus and Hamath. Each tribe is to receive one section of land extending from the eastern boundary west to the Mediterranean Sea, in the following order from north to south:
The Special Section in the Center of the Land
8 The next section of the land is to be set apart for special use. It is to be 10 miles wide from north to south, and the same length from east to west as the sections given to the tribes. The Temple will be located within this section.
9 In the center of this section, a special area 10 miles by 8 miles is to be dedicated to the Lord. 10 The priests are to have a portion of this holy area. From east to west their portion is to measure 10 miles, and from north to south, 4 miles. The Temple of the Lord is to be located in the middle of this area. 11 This holy area is to be for the priests who are descendants of Zadok. They served me faithfully and did not join the rest of the Israelites in doing wrong, as the other members of the tribe of Levi did. 12 So they are to have a special area next to the area belonging to the Levites, and it will be the holiest of all. 13 The Levites also are to have a special area, south of that of the priests. It too is to be 10 miles from east to west, by 4 miles from north to south. 14 The area dedicated to the Lord is the best part of all the land, and none of it may be sold or exchanged or transferred to anyone else. It is holy and belongs to the Lord.
15 The part of the special area that is left, 10 miles by 2 miles, is not holy, but is for the general use of the people. They may live there and use the land. The city is to be in the center of it, 16 and it will be a square, 2,520 yards on each side. 17 All around the city on each side there will be an open space 140 yards across. 18 The land that is left after the city has been built in the area immediately to the south of the holy area—4 miles by 2 miles on the east and 4 miles by 2 miles on the west—is to be used as farmland by the people who live in the city. 19 Anyone who lives in the city, no matter which tribe he comes from, may farm that land.
20 And so the total area in the center of the section which was set apart will be a square measuring 10 miles on each side, and it will include the area occupied by the city.
21-22 To the east and to the west of this area which contains the Temple, the priests' land, the Levites' land, and the city, the remaining land belongs to the ruling prince. It reaches east to the eastern boundary and west to the Mediterranean Sea, and is bounded on the north by the section belonging to Judah and on the south by the one belonging to Benjamin.
Land for the Other Tribes
23-27 South of this special section, each of the remaining tribes is to receive one section of land running from the eastern boundary west to the Mediterranean Sea, in the following order from north to south:
28 On the south side of the portion given to the tribe of Gad, the boundary runs southwest from Tamar to the oasis of Kadesh, and then northwest along the Egyptian border to the Mediterranean Sea.
29 The Sovereign Lord said, “That is the way the land is to be divided into sections for the tribes of Israel to possess.”
The Gates of Jerusalem
30-34 There are twelve entrances to the city of Jerusalem. Each of the four walls measures 2,520 yards and has three gates in it, each named for one of the tribes. The gates in the north wall are named for Reuben, Judah, and Levi; those in the east wall, for Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan; those in the south wall, for Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun; and those in the west wall are named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali. 35 The total length of the wall on all four sides of the city is 10,080 yards. The name of the city from now on will be “The-Lord-Is-Here!”