Yaawe ye Esekiyeli tomboŋ ka a ke annabiyomoo ti
1 Wo to le wo kumakaŋo ko n ye ko, “Ite hadamadiŋo, wuli i ye loo, ŋa diyaamu i ye.”
2 Kabiriŋ a diyaamuta n ye, Yaawe* la Nooroo dunta n na, a ye n londi m moo fula siŋo la. Wo to le, n naata a moyi a ka meŋ fo n ye. 3 Bituŋ a ko n ye ko: “Hadamadiŋo, m be i kii la Banisirayilankoolu mennu kaŋ, ì muritita m ma le. Ì be balandiŋ ne ka n na yaamaroolu muta, ka bo ì mumuñolu la jamaanoo la fo ka naa tuku bii la. 4 M be naa i kii la ñiŋ moolu mennu kaŋ, ì mu moo kaŋ jaaroolu le ti, aduŋ ì mu yaamari mutabaloolu le ti. I si a fo ì ye ko, nte Maarii Yaawe le ye ñiŋ kumakaŋo fo. 5 Baawo ì mu moo kaŋ jaaroolu le ti, a si ke ì ye i lamoyi i la, a si ke ì te i lamoyi la i la. Bari ì be a loŋ na le ko, annabiyomoo le tarata ì kono nuŋ.
6 “Ite hadamadiŋo, kana sila ì la, aduŋ kana sila ì fokumoolu fanaa la. Hani niŋ a keta i fee le ko i be ŋaniŋolu le kono, aniŋ ko i be sabatiriŋ buntaloolu le kono, kana sila ì la fereŋ, i kijoo kana fara ka sila ì la kumoolu la. Kaatu ì mu moo kaŋ jaaroolu le ti. 7 I si n na kumakaŋo fo ì ye. A si ke noo ì ye i lamoyi i la, waraŋ ì te soŋ na ka i lamoyi i la. Kaatu ì mu moo muritiriŋolu le ti. 8 Bari ite hadamadiŋo, kana muriti m ma, ko itolu ye a ke ñaameŋ. I daa yele, i ye feŋo domo, m be naa meŋ dii la i la.”
9 Bituŋ ŋa buloo le je, a be tilindiŋ n na. Kitaabu moromororiŋ safeeriŋo le be wo buloo ñiŋ kono. 10 A ye kitaaboo le yele n ñaatiliŋo la. Ŋa a je le ko, niikuyaa kumoolu, saŋakumboo, aniŋ kooroo kumoolu le be safeeriŋ a kara fuloo bee la.
1 saying, “Mortal man, stand up. I want to talk to you.” 2 While the voice was speaking, God's spirit entered me and raised me to my feet, and I heard the voice continue, 3 “Mortal man, I am sending you to the people of Israel. They have rebelled and turned against me and are still rebels, just as their ancestors were. 4 They are stubborn and do not respect me, so I am sending you to tell them what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them. 5 Whether those rebels listen to you or not, they will know that a prophet has been among them.
6 “But you, mortal man, must not be afraid of them or of anything they say. They will defy and despise you; it will be like living among scorpions. Still, don't be afraid of those rebels or of anything they say. 7 You will tell them whatever I tell you to say, whether they listen or not. Remember what rebels they are.
8 “Mortal man, listen to what I tell you. Don't be rebellious like them. Open your mouth and eat what I am going to give you.” 9 I saw a hand reaching out toward me, and it was holding a scroll. 10 The hand unrolled the scroll, and I saw that there was writing on both sides—cries of grief were written there, and wails and groans.