Musa la wuluwo
1 Saayiŋ, kewo doo meŋ bota Lewi lasiloo kono, ye musoo futuu, a niŋ meŋ bota lasili kiliŋ. 2 A naata konoo taa, a ye dinkewo wuluu. Kabiriŋ a ye a je ko, dindiŋ kekuuriŋo le mu, a ye a maabo fo kari saba. 3 Kabiriŋ a maŋ a maabo noo kotenke, a ye sinsiŋo taa, meŋ dadaata niŋ baakinti kaloolu la, a ye a muu niŋ manoo la. A ye dindiŋo landi a kono, a ye a ke farasaañaŋolu kono, mennu be Nayili Boloŋo kono. 4 A kotoomusoo loota dulaa jaŋo to, ka a juubee, meŋ be ke la a la.
5 Bituŋ Firawoona dimmusoo taata Nayili Boloŋo to kuwo la, a la dookuulaa sunkutoolu be taamaŋ-taamaŋ na baa daala. A ye sinsiŋo je farasaañaŋolu kono, bituŋ a ye a la jommusu doo kii, ka taa a kamma. 6 A ye a yele, a ye deenaanoo je. A be kumboo la, aduŋ a naata balafaa soto a ye. A ko, “Ñiŋ mu Hiburunkoolu* le la deenaanoo ti.” 7 Wo to le deenaanoo kotoo keebaa ye Firawoona dimmusoo ñininkaa ko, “Fo ŋa taa Hiburu musu kiliŋ kamma naŋ, ka deenaanoo suusundi i ye baŋ?” 8 A ye a jaabi ko, “Haa, taa.” Bituŋ sunkutoo taata deenaanoo baamaa kamma naŋ. 9 Firawoona dimmusoo ko a ye ko, “Ñiŋ deenaanoo taa ka a suusundi n ye, aduŋ m be i joo la le.” Bituŋ musoo ye deenaanoo ñiŋ taa, ka a topatoo. 10 Kabiriŋ dindiŋo menta, a ye a samba Firawoona dimmusoo yaa, aduŋ a keta wo dinkewo ti. A ye a toolaa Musa le la, ka a fo ko, “Ŋa a bondi naŋ jiyo le kono.”
Musa kanata, a borita Midiyani
11 Luŋ kiliŋ kabiriŋ Musa menta, a taata a fansuŋ moolu Hiburunkoolu yaa, a ye ì juubee, ì ka dookuu koleŋo meŋ ke. A ye Misirankoo je, a ka Hiburunkoo buutee. 12 Kabiriŋ a ye a ñaa fayi ñiŋ maafaŋo la, a maŋ moo je, a ye Misirankoo faa, a ye a saareŋ bankoo kono. 13 A saamoo a taata, a ye a je, Hiburunka fula be keloo la. Meŋ boyita, a ko wo ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna, i ka i mooñoo Hiburunkoo lipa?” 14 Keendiŋo ko, “Jumaa le ye i ke maralilaa ti, ka kiitiyo teyi ǹ teema? Fo i lafita m faa la le ko i ye meŋ ke Misirankoo la baŋ?” Bituŋ Musa silata. A ye a miira ko, a ye meŋ ke, a lonta le.
15 Kabiriŋ Firawoona ye ñiŋ moyi, a ye a kata ka Musa faa. Bari Musa borita Firawoona la le. A taata Midiyani bankoo le kaŋ, a siita koloŋo daala.
16 Saayiŋ, Midiyani piriisoo* ye dimmusu woorowula le soto. Ì naata jiibiyo la, ka beeyaŋ mindulaa fandi ì faamaa la beeyaŋolu ye. 17 Kantarilaa doolu naata ka ì bayi. Bari Musa wulita, a ye ì maakoyi, a ye ì la beeyaŋolu mindi.
18 Kabiriŋ sunkutoolu muruta ì faamaa Yetiro yaa, a ye ì ñininkaa ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna, bii ali seyita naŋ juuna?” 19 Ì ye a jaabi ko, “Misirankoo le ye m̀ maakoyi kantarilaalu la kuwo to. Hani a ye jiyo faŋo bii ǹ ye le, a ye ǹ na beeyaŋolu mindi.” 20 A ye ì ñininkaa ko, “A lee? Muŋ ne ye a tinna, ali ye a tu jee? Ali a kumandi, a ye naa domoroo ke.”
21 Musa naata soŋ ka sabati ñiŋ keendiŋo fee. Wo ye a dimmusoo Sipora dii a la, a ye a futuu. 22 Sipora ye dinkewo wuluu, aduŋ Musa ye a toolaa Kerisomu le la, ka a fo ko, “N keta tumarankewo le ti wandi bankoo kaŋ.”
23 Waati jaŋ koolaa, Misira mansa faata. Banisirayilankoolu woosiita ì la joŋyaa la, aduŋ ì kumboota. Ì ye maakoyiroo daani ì la joŋyaa kuwo kamma la Alla bulu. 24 Alla ye ì la woosiyo moyi le, aduŋ a hakiloo bulata a niŋ Iburayima, Isiyaaka aniŋ Yaakuba la kambeŋo la. 25 Alla ye Banisirayilankoolu la kuwo juubee, aduŋ a ye a dewuŋ.
The Birth of Moses
1 During this time a man from the tribe of Levi married a woman of his own tribe, 2 and she bore him a son. When she saw what a fine baby he was, she hid him for three months. 3 But when she could not hide him any longer, she took a basket made of reeds and covered it with tar to make it watertight. She put the baby in it and then placed it in the tall grass at the edge of the river. 4 The baby's sister stood some distance away to see what would happen to him.
5 The king's daughter came down to the river to bathe, while her servants walked along the bank. Suddenly she noticed the basket in the tall grass and sent a slave woman to get it. 6 The princess opened it and saw a baby boy. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said.
7 Then his sister asked her, “Shall I go and call a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby for you?”
8 “Please do,” she answered. So the girl went and brought the baby's own mother. 9 The princess told the woman, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So she took the baby and nursed him. 10 Later, when the child was old enough, she took him to the king's daughter, who adopted him as her own son. She said to herself, “I pulled him out of the water, and so I name him Moses.”
Moses Escapes to Midian
11 When Moses had grown up, he went out to visit his people, the Hebrews, and he saw how they were forced to do hard labor. He even saw an Egyptian kill a Hebrew, one of Moses' own people. 12 Moses looked all around, and when he saw that no one was watching, he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand. 13 The next day he went back and saw two Hebrew men fighting. He said to the one who was in the wrong, “Why are you beating up a fellow Hebrew?”
14 The man answered, “Who made you our ruler and judge? Are you going to kill me just as you killed that Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and said to himself, “People have found out what I have done.” 15-16 When the king heard about what had happened, he tried to have Moses killed, but Moses fled and went to live in the land of Midian.
One day, when Moses was sitting by a well, seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of Midian, came to draw water and fill the troughs for their father's sheep and goats. 17 But some shepherds drove Jethro's daughters away. Then Moses went to their rescue and watered their animals for them. 18 When they returned to their father, he asked, “Why have you come back so early today?”
19 “An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds,” they answered, “and he even drew water for us and watered our animals.”
20 “Where is he?” he asked his daughters. “Why did you leave the man out there? Go and invite him to eat with us.”
21 So Moses decided to live there, and Jethro gave him his daughter Zipporah in marriage, 22 who bore him a son. Moses said to himself, “I am a foreigner in this land, and so I name him Gershom.”
23 Years later the king of Egypt died, but the Israelites were still groaning under their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry went up to God, 24 who heard their groaning and remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 25 He saw the slavery of the Israelites and was concerned for them.