Ali muru Yaawe kaŋ
1 Musa ko Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
A fele ŋa kuu fula le landi ali ye, neemoo aniŋ dankoo. Niŋ ñiŋ kuwolu bee keta ali la, ŋa mennu fo ali ye, ali be bankoolu kaŋ, Yaawe* ali la Alla be ali janjandi la daamennu to, niŋ ali hakiloo bulata ñiŋ kuu fuloo la, ŋa mennu landi ali ye, 2 niŋ ali muruta Yaawe ali la Alla kaŋ, aduŋ ali niŋ ali koomalankoolu sonta a ma ali sondomoo bee la aniŋ ali niyo bee la, ko ŋa ali yaamari bii luŋo la ñaameŋ, 3 Yaawe be balafaa soto la ali ye le, a ye ali murundi naŋ ka bo bankoolu kaŋ, a ye ali janjandi daamennu to. A be ali firindi la le kotenke. 4 Hani niŋ ali janjanta duniyaa tonkoŋ fo tonkoŋ, Yaawe be ali kafu la ñoo ma le, a ye ali murundi naŋ. 5 Yaawe ali la Alla be ali samba la naŋ bankoo kaŋ ne, meŋ keta ali mumuñolu taa ti, fo a si ke ali taa ti. A be ali yiriwandi la, aniŋ ka ali yaatewo siyandi ka tambi ali mumuñolu la.
6 Aduŋ fanaa, a be ali niŋ ali koomalankoolu sondomoolu sunna la le, fo ali si a kanu ali sondomoo bee la aniŋ ali niyo bee la, bituŋ ali si baluu noo. 7 A be ñiŋ dankoolu bee laa la ali jawoolu le kaŋ, mennu ye ali koŋ, aniŋ mennu ka ali toorandi. 8 Bituŋ ali be soŋ na Yaawe ma le kotenke ka a la yaamaroolu bee muta, ŋa ali yaamari mennu la bii. 9 Yaawe ali la Alla be yiriwaa dii la ali la le kendeke, biriŋ diŋolu to, beeyaŋolu, siimaŋo, aniŋ ali la kata kuwolu bee to. A be ke la Yaawe ye seewoo le ti ka firiŋo dii ali la, ko a seewoota ali mumuñolu la kuwo to ñaameŋ. 10 Ñiŋ be ke la ali ye, niŋ ali sonta ka Yaawe ali la Alla la luwaalu niŋ saratoolu muta, mennu be safeeriŋ ñiŋ Luwaa Kitaaboo* kono, niŋ ali muruta Yaawe kaŋ ali sondomoo bee la aniŋ ali niyo bee la.
Ali baluwo tomboŋ
11 Ñiŋ luwaa ŋa ali yaamari meŋ na bii, a maŋ koleyaa, aduŋ a maŋ jamfa ali la. 12 A maŋ tara saŋo santo, ali si a fo meŋ na ko, “Jumaa le be sele la ntolu ye jee ka a samba ǹ ye naŋ duuma fo ǹ si a kumoolu moyi, ŋà baara ì la?” 13 A maŋ tara ali ye baakoo, ali si a fo meŋ na ko, “Jumaa le be baa teyi la ka a samba naŋ ǹ ye, fo ǹ si a kumoolu moyi, ŋà baara ì la?” 14 Wo nte! Kumoo be sutiyaariŋ ali la le. A be ali daa koto le, aniŋ ali sondomoo to. Wo to, ali si baara noo ì la le.
15 A fele, bii luŋo la m be kuu betoo niŋ kuu jawoo laa la ali ye, baluwo aniŋ saayaa. 16 Niŋ ali ye Yaawe ali la Alla la luwaalu muta, ŋa ali yaamari mennu la bii, ka Yaawe kanu, ka taama a la siloo la, ka a la yaamaroolu, saratoolu aniŋ karandiroo muta, ali be baluu la le, ali yaatewo ye siyaa. Yaawe si neema ali ma bankoo kaŋ, ali be duŋ kaŋ daameŋ ka a ke ali taa ti. 17 Bari niŋ ali ye ali koo dii Yaawe la, ali maŋ soŋ ka i lamoyi a la, ali sonta moolu ye ali filindi ka sujudi alla koteŋolu ye ka ì batu, 18 wo to tooñaa, bii luŋo la m be a fo la ali ye ko, ali be kasaara la le. Ali te siimaayaa la bankoo kaŋ, ali ka naa duŋ daameŋ Yoridani Boloŋo kara doo la ka ke ali taa ti. 19 Bii luŋo, saŋo niŋ bankoo le mu n niŋ ali teema seedoo ti ko, ŋa baluwo niŋ saayaa le laa ali ñaa koto, neemoo niŋ dankoo. Wo to, ali baluwo taa fo ali niŋ ali koomalankoolu si baluu. 20 Ali Yaawe ali la Alla kanu, ali ye a la kumoo muta, ali ye i deŋ a la. Wo le be baluwo niŋ siimaayaa dii la ali la, ali si tu sabatiriŋ bankoo kaŋ, Yaawe kalita ali mumu Iburayima, Isiyaaka aniŋ Yaakuba ye, ka daameŋ dii ì la.
Conditions for Restoration and Blessing
1 “I have now given you a choice between a blessing and a curse. When all these things have happened to you, and you are living among the nations where the Lord your God has scattered you, you will remember the choice I gave you. 2 If you and your descendants will turn back to the Lord and with all your heart obey his commands that I am giving you today, 3 then the Lord your God will have mercy on you. He will bring you back from the nations where he has scattered you, and he will make you prosperous again. 4 Even if you are scattered to the farthest corners of the earth, the Lord your God will gather you together and bring you back, 5 so that you may again take possession of the land where your ancestors once lived. And he will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your ancestors ever were. 6 The Lord your God will give you and your descendants obedient hearts, so that you will love him with all your heart, and you will continue to live in that land. 7 He will turn all these curses against your enemies, who hated you and oppressed you, 8 and you will again obey him and keep all his commands that I am giving you today. 9 The Lord will make you prosperous in all that you do; you will have many children and a lot of livestock, and your fields will produce abundant crops. He will be as glad to make you prosperous as he was to make your ancestors prosperous, 10 but you will have to obey him and keep all his laws that are written in this book of his teachings. You will have to turn to him with all your heart.
11 “The command that I am giving you today is not too difficult or beyond your reach. 12 It is not up in the sky. You do not have to ask, ‘Who will go up and bring it down for us, so that we can hear it and obey it?’ 13 Nor is it on the other side of the ocean. You do not have to ask, ‘Who will go across the ocean and bring it to us, so that we may hear it and obey it?’ 14 No, it is here with you. You know it and can quote it, so now obey it.
15 “Today I am giving you a choice between good and evil, between life and death. 16 If you obey the commands of the Lord your God, which I give you today, if you love him, obey him, and keep all his laws, then you will prosper and become a nation of many people. The Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are about to occupy. 17 But if you disobey and refuse to listen, and are led away to worship other gods, 18 you will be destroyed—I warn you here and now. You will not live long in that land across the Jordan that you are about to occupy. 19 I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life. 20 Love the Lord your God, obey him and be faithful to him, and then you and your descendants will live long in the land that he promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”