1 N lafita ali ye a loŋ, n na kata kuwolu be warariŋ ali ye ñaameŋ, aniŋ mennu be Lawodiseya saatewo kono, aniŋ baadiŋ koteŋolu bee mennu nene maŋ nte je ì ñaa la. 2 N ka ñiŋ katoo ke le fo ì niyo si laa, aniŋ ì ye tara kambendiŋ ka ke kiliŋ ti kanoo kono, fo ì si fankoo bee soto, meŋ mu fahaamuroo ti dankeneyaa kono, aniŋ ì si Alla la kulloo loŋ meŋ mu Kiristu* ti. 3 Ñaameŋo niŋ londoo fankoo bee be maaboriŋ ate Kiristu le kono.
4 M be ñiŋ fo kaŋ ali ye le, fo moo-wo-moo kana ali neenee noo niŋ neeneeri kumoolu la. 5 Hani nte faŋo maŋ tara maabeeriŋ ali kono ñaa-wo-ñaa, bari nooroo kono, m be ali fee jee le, aduŋ n seewoota ka a je ko, ali be lookuuriŋ aniŋ ali be bambandiŋ ali la lannoo to Kiristu kono.
Yeesu noomalankoolu la firiŋo
6 Baawo ali sonta Kiristu Yeesu ma le ka ke ali Maariyo ti, wo to ali baluu ko moolu mennu mu a taalu ti. 7 Ali suloolu duŋ a kono, ali ye loo bambandinke a kono, fo ali si yiriwaa lannoo kono, ko ì ye ali karandi a la ñaameŋ. Ali faa niŋ tenturoo la.
8 Ali ali hakiloo tu fo moo-wo-moo kana ali joŋyandi yinkaroo niŋ neeneeri kuma kenseŋolu la, mennu ka tara dendiŋ hadamadiŋolu la aada kuwolu la, aduŋ ì maŋ soto ka bo niŋ Kiristu la, bari ñiŋ duniyaa semboolu. 9 Alla mankutoo be Kiristu kono le, a timmariŋo, hadamadiŋyaa kono, 10 aduŋ ali naata baluu timmariŋo soto ate le kono. Ate le mu alihawaa maralilaalu niŋ sembetiyolu bee la kuntiyo ti.
11 Ate le kono, ali naata sunna fanaa. Wo sunnoo maŋ ke hadamadiŋ buloo la, bari ali sunnata Kiristu le la, kabiriŋ ali ye ali la daajika kotoo wura ali bala, 12 aduŋ ali niŋ a naata baadee ñoo la batisoo kono. Ali niŋ a naata wulindi ñoo la fanaa wo batisoo kono, ka bo niŋ lannoo la ali ye meŋ soto Alla la semboo to, ate faŋo meŋ ye Kiristu wulindi ka bo saayaa kono.
13 Ali faata le nuŋ ali la junuboolu kamma la, aniŋ ali daajika kotoo, ali ye meŋ soto sunnabaliyaa kono. Bari Alla naata ali niŋ Kiristu balundi le, a yamfata ǹ na junuboolu bee la. 14 Alla ye ǹ na julu kotoolu safeeroo tuutuu le, mennu tarata ǹ kaŋ, ì niŋ luwaa meŋ ye ǹ tuumi. A ye wo juloo kayitoo landi kara la le, a ye a pempeŋ Kiristu la yiribantambiloo kaŋ. 15 Ka bo niŋ wo siloo la, a ye maralilaalu niŋ sembetiyolu la kelejooraŋolu buusi ì bulu le, a ye ì bee malundi kenebaa to, kaatu a ye ì noo ka bo niŋ Kiristu la yiribantambiloo le la.
16 Wo to, ali kana soŋ, moo-wo-moo ye ali tuumi feŋolu la, ali ka mennu domo, ali ka mennu miŋ, waraŋ Kari Kuta Juurali* luŋo, waraŋ Loobula Luŋo, waraŋ juurali luŋ koteŋolu. 17 Ñinnu mu niiniyo doroŋ ne ti kuwolu to, mennu be naa la, bari ì la kuwo tooñaa tarata Kiristu le kono. 18 Ali kana soŋ, moo-wo-moo ye ali daa bondi kañeerifeŋo ñoosaboo to. Wo moo siifaalu ka fantoorandoo le kummaayandi, a niŋ malaayika batoo, aduŋ ì ka kibiri ì la jeroolu la le. Ì la faŋ waroo tambita le, bari a maŋ daliila soto, kaatu a bee be dendiŋ ì la hadamadiŋyaa miiroolu le la. 19 Ì maŋ tara dendiŋ Kiristu la kotenke, meŋ mu kuŋo ti balajaatoo ye. Ate le ka balajaatoo domorindi, aduŋ a ye cokoolu niŋ fasoolu dii a la le ka a suufoolu muta ñoo bala. Ka bo wo siloo le la, balajaatoo ka meŋ, a ye yiriwaa ko Alla ye a yiriwandi ñaameŋ.
Baluu kutoo Kiristu kono
20 Baawo alitolu niŋ Kiristu faata ñoo la le fo ali niŋ ñiŋ alihawaa semboolu si kuntu, wo to, muŋ ne ye a tinna ali ka baluu hani ka bii ko moolu, mennu mu ñiŋ duniyaa taalu ti? Muŋ ne ye a tinna ali ka soŋ ñiŋ duniyaa la yaamaroolu ma, mennu be ko, 21 “Ali kana ñiŋ muta! Ali kana wo nene! Ali kana wo doo maa”? 22 Ñinnu bee mu hadamadiŋolu la yaamaroolu le ti, ka bo ì la miiroolu niŋ ì la karandiroolu la. Ì be dendiŋ suula feŋolu le la mennu ka labaŋ tiñaa la. 23 Tooñaa, ñiŋ yaamaroolu ka munta le ko ñaameŋo, kaatu ì ka baturi koleŋo le kummaayandi, aniŋ fantoorandoo meŋ buka balajaatoo kaari, bari ì maŋ nafaa soto ka hadamadiŋyaa la hame kuwolu mara.
1 Let me tell you how hard I have worked for you and for the people in Laodicea and for all others who do not know me personally. 2 I do this in order that they may be filled with courage and may be drawn together in love, and so have the full wealth of assurance which true understanding brings. In this way they will know God's secret, which is Christ himself. 3 He is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of God's wisdom and knowledge.
4 I tell you, then, do not let anyone deceive you with false arguments, no matter how good they seem to be. 5 For even though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, and I am glad as I see the resolute firmness with which you stand together in your faith in Christ.
Fullness of Life in Christ
6 Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. 7 Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving.
8 See to it, then, that no one enslaves you by means of the worthless deceit of human wisdom, which comes from the teachings handed down by human beings and from the ruling spirits of the universe, and not from Christ. 9 For the full content of divine nature lives in Christ, in his humanity, 10 and you have been given full life in union with him. He is supreme over every spiritual ruler and authority.
11 In union with Christ you were circumcised, not with the circumcision that is made by human beings, but with the circumcision made by Christ, which consists of being freed from the power of this sinful self. 12 For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in baptism you were also raised with Christ through your faith in the active power of God, who raised him from death. 13 You were at one time spiritually dead because of your sins and because you were Gentiles without the Law. But God has now brought you to life with Christ. God forgave us all our sins; 14 he canceled the unfavorable record of our debts with its binding rules and did away with it completely by nailing it to the cross. 15 And on that cross Christ freed himself from the power of the spiritual rulers and authorities; he made a public spectacle of them by leading them as captives in his victory procession.
16 So let no one make rules about what you eat or drink or about holy days or the New Moon Festival or the Sabbath. 17 All such things are only a shadow of things in the future; the reality is Christ. 18 Do not allow yourselves to be condemned by anyone who claims to be superior because of special visions and who insists on false humility and the worship of angels. For no reason at all, such people are all puffed up by their human way of thinking 19 and have stopped holding on to Christ, who is the head of the body. Under Christ's control the whole body is nourished and held together by its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God wants it to grow.
Dying and Living with Christ
20 You have died with Christ and are set free from the ruling spirits of the universe. Why, then, do you live as though you belonged to this world? Why do you obey such rules as 21 “Don't handle this,” “Don't taste that,” “Don't touch the other”? 22 All these refer to things which become useless once they are used; they are only human rules and teachings. 23 Of course such rules appear to be based on wisdom in their forced worship of angels, and false humility, and severe treatment of the body; but they have no real value in controlling physical passions.