Pawulu be Efesus saatewo kono
1 Apollos be Korinti saatewo kono waatoo meŋ na, Pawulu tambita niŋ konkotundoolu* la fo a futata Efesus saatewo ma. A ye baadiŋ doolu tara jee, 2 a ye mennu ñininkaa ko, “Fo ali ye Noora Kuliŋo soto le baŋ, biriŋ ali laata?” Ì ye a jaabi ko, “Hanii! M̀ maŋ a moyi faŋ ko, Noora Kuliŋo be sotoriŋ ne.” 3 Bituŋ Pawulu ko ì ye ko, “Ali batiseeta* muŋ batisee siifaa le la?” Ì ko a ye ko, “Yaayaa la batiseeroo.” 4 Wo to le Pawulu ko ì ye ko, “Yaayaa la batiseeroo mu tuuboo batiseeroo le ti, meŋ ka a yitandi ko, i ye i koo dii i la junuboolu la le. Aduŋ a ka a fo nuŋ moolu ye le ko, ì ñanta laa la wo kiliŋo le la, meŋ be naa la ate koolaa. Wo le mu Yeesu ti.”
5 Kabiriŋ ì ye ñiŋ moyi, ì batiseeta niŋ Maarii Yeesu too la. 6 Pawulu ye a buloo laa ì kaŋ doroŋ, ì faata niŋ Noora Kuliŋo la. Ì diyaamuta niŋ kaŋ koteŋolu la, aniŋ ì ka kiilaariyaa kumoolu fo. 7 Ì mu kee taŋ niŋ fula ñoŋ ne ti.
8 Bituŋ Pawulu dunta diina bendulaa* kono. A ka diyaamoo ke fatiyaa kono jee fo kari saba. A niŋ moolu ka kacaa, a ka a kata ka ì sondi Alla la mansabaayaa la kuwo la. 9 Bari doolu kuŋo jaata baake le, ì maŋ soŋ ka laa. Biriŋ ì ka kuu jawoolu fo ñiŋ siloo ma kafoo ñaa la, Pawulu bota ì kono, a ye baadiŋolu* samba a fee. Bituŋ a ka karandiroo ke luŋ-wo-luŋ Tirannus la karandiridulaa to. 10 A tententa ñiŋ na le fo sanji fula fo moolu bee mennu be sabatiriŋ Asiya*, Yahuudoolu niŋ Jirisinkoolu, si Maariyo la kumoo moyi.
11 Alla ye kaawakuu sembemaa baalu ke ka bo niŋ Pawulu buloo la. 12 Hani moolu ye serebetoolu niŋ faanoolu samba, mennu ye Pawulu baloo maa, ì ye ì maa kuurantoolu la, ì la kuuraŋolu ka ì bula le, aduŋ seetaani jawoolu ka finti ì kono.
Sekewa dinkewolu
13 Bituŋ Yahuudi doolu naata taa dulaalu to taariŋ, ka seetaani jawoo bayi moolu bala. Ì fanaa ye Maarii Yeesu too kumandi moolu kunto, mennu ye seetaani jawoo soto. Ì ko, “Ŋà ali yaamari niŋ wo Yeesu too la, Pawulu ka meŋ na kuwo kawandi, ali bo ì bala!” 14 Piriisi* ñaatonka Sekewa dinkee woorowuloo be ñiŋ moolu kono le, mennu ka ñiŋ ke. 15 Bari seetaani jawoo ye ì jaabi ko, “Ŋa Yeesu loŋ ne, aduŋ ŋa Pawulu fanaa la kuwo loŋ ne, bari jumaa le mu alitolu ti?” 16 Bituŋ kewo meŋ ye seetaani jawoo soto, a podita ì kaŋ. A ye ì bee noo niŋ a semboo la, a ye ì barama jawuke fo ì bala kenseŋo borita ka finti buŋo kono.
17 Moolu bee mennu be sabatiriŋ Efesus, Yahuudoolu niŋ Jirisinkoolu, naata ñiŋ loŋ. Ì bee faata niŋ silaŋo la, aduŋ Maarii Yeesu too naata kuliyaa baake. 18 Moo jamaa mennu naata laa, ì ye ì la kuu jawoolu lankenema, ì ye mennu ke nuŋ. 19 Ì jamaa mennu be batuutaayaa la nuŋ, ì ye ì la wo kitaaboolu juruma ñoo kaŋ, ì ye ì jani kenebaa to. Wolu bee soŋo kafuriŋo ñoo ma, a si kaañaŋ kodiforo kuntu wuli taŋ luulu fee. 20 Ka bo niŋ ñiŋ siloolu la Maariyo la kumoo la semboo naata je, aduŋ a ka janjaŋ doroŋ.
21 Ñiŋ kuwolu bee koolaa, Pawulu ye a muta Nooroo kono ka taa niŋ Makedoniya niŋ Akaya tundoolu la fo Yerusalaamu. A ko, “Niŋ m bota jee, ŋa taa Rooma fanaa.” 22 Bituŋ a ye a la maakoyirilaa fula kii Makedoniya, Timoti niŋ Erastus, bari a faŋo sabatita Asiya le fo waatindiŋ.
Fitinoo wulita Efesus
23 Wo waatoo kono, fitina baa wulita Maariyo la siloo kamma. 24 Kodiforo tunkannaa doo le tarata jee, meŋ too mu Demetiriyus ti. A ka Aritimis batubuŋo muluŋolu le dadaa niŋ kodiforoo la. Ñiŋ dookuwo ka nafaa baa le naati kodiforo tunkannaalu ye jee. 25 Demetiriyus ye ì bee kumandi ñoo kaŋ, a ko ì ye ko, “Kewolu, ali ye a loŋ ne ko, ǹ ka naafuloo soto ñiŋ dookuwo le to. 26 Ali ye a je le, aduŋ ali ye a moyi le fanaa, ñiŋ Pawulu ka meŋ ke. A ka moolu sondi, aduŋ a ye ì jamaa yelemandi niŋ kumoo le la ko, ‘Alla te keriŋ, meŋ dadaata niŋ buloo la.’ A la ñiŋ dookuwo maŋ daŋ Efesus dammaa to, bari a ye a ke ñiŋ Asiya tundoo bee le kaŋ. 27 A maŋ ke ko, ǹ na dookuwo doroŋ ne be tiñaa la, bari Aritimis batubuŋo fanaa be ke la jutunna feŋo le ti. Hani a si ke noo faŋ, ñiŋ batu musumansoo Aritimis, Asiya niŋ duniyaa bee ka meŋ batu, a be foo la a la horomoo la le.”
28 Kabiriŋ ì ye ñiŋ moyi, ì kamfaata baake, aduŋ ì sarita santo ko, “Efesus moolu la Aritimis warabaata le!” 29 Bituŋ saatewo bee jakasita. Ì bee wafuta ka taa beŋ ì la bayee to. Ì ye Kayus niŋ Aristakus muta ka ì kuruntu jee. Wolu mu Pawulu taamañoolu le ti, mennu bota Makedoniya. 30 Pawulu lafita taa la moolu kono, bari baadiŋolu maŋ soŋ. 31 Wo maralibankoo ñaatonkoo doolu mennu mu Pawulu teeroolu ti, ì ye kumoo kii a ye ka a daani ko, a kana taa bayee to.
32 Kafoo dunta jakasoo kono. Doolu be sari kaŋ kuu kiliŋ ne la, doolu kuu doo, aduŋ moo jamaa maŋ a loŋ, meŋ ye a tinna ì be bendiŋ ñoo kaŋ jee. 33 Kabiriŋ Yahuudoolu be Alesanda ñori kaŋ kafoo ñaato, moo doolu mennu be kafoo kono, ì ye a wakiilindi ka feŋ fo. Bituŋ a ye taamanseeroo ke niŋ a buloo la fo a si ì faŋolu kanandi. 34 Bari biriŋ ì ye a kalamuta ko, a mu Yahuudoo le ti, ì bee wuurita ñoo la fo montoroo waati fula ñoŋ na ko, “Efesusinkoolu la Aritimis warabaata le!”
35 Labaŋo la saatewo la safeerilaa le ye kafoo deyindi noo. A ko ì ye ko, “Efesus moolu! Moo jumaa le maŋ a loŋ ko, Efesus le mu saatewo ti, meŋ ka Aritimis sembemaa la batubuŋo kanta, a niŋ a la bere senuŋo, meŋ boyita naŋ ka bo saŋo santo? 36 Baawo ñiŋ kuwolu te soosoo noo la, ali ñanta i deyi la le, ali kana kuu ke korontoo kono. 37 Ali ye ñiŋ kewolu samba naŋ jaŋ, mennu maŋ suuñaari ke batubuŋo kono, aduŋ ì maŋ ǹ na batumusumansoo tooñee. 38 Wo to, niŋ Demetiriyus niŋ kodiforo tunkannaalu mennu be a fee ye tuumiroo soto moo doo ma, kiitiidulaalu be yeleriŋ ne, aduŋ kumandaŋolu be jee le. Ì si taa luwaa siloo la. 39 Bari niŋ ali lafita feŋ doo le kafu la ñiŋ kuwo kaŋ, a si ke kansulu kafoo kono. 40 Ñiŋ kuwo meŋ be keriŋ bii, a maŋ koyi ntolu ye. Niŋ Roomankoolu ye ǹ tuumi jerewo la, ǹ te daliila soto la, ka ǹ tankandi.”
41 Kabiriŋ a ye ñiŋ kumoolu fo a kafoo naata janjaŋ.
Paul in Ephesus
1 While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interior of the province and arrived in Ephesus. There he found some disciples 2 and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?”
“We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit,” they answered.
3 “Well, then, what kind of baptism did you receive?” Paul asked.
“The baptism of John,” they answered.
4 Paul said, “The baptism of John was for those who turned from their sins; and he told the people of Israel to believe in the one who was coming after him—that is, in Jesus.”
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 Paul placed his hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came upon them; they spoke in strange tongues and also proclaimed God's message. 7 They were about twelve men in all.
8 Paul went into the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly with the people, holding discussions with them and trying to convince them about the Kingdom of God. 9 But some of them were stubborn and would not believe, and before the whole group they said evil things about the Way of the Lord. So Paul left them and took the believers with him, and every day he held discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 10 This went on for two years, so that all the people who lived in the province of Asia, both Jews and Gentiles, heard the word of the Lord.
The Sons of Sceva
11 God was performing unusual miracles through Paul. 12 Even handkerchiefs and aprons he had used were taken to the sick, and their diseases were driven away, and the evil spirits would go out of them. 13 Some Jews who traveled around and drove out evil spirits also tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus to do this. They said to the evil spirits, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches.” 14 Seven brothers, who were the sons of a Jewish High Priest named Sceva, were doing this.
15 But the evil spirit said to them, “I know Jesus, and I know about Paul; but you—who are you?”
16 The man who had the evil spirit in him attacked them with such violence that he overpowered them all. They ran away from his house, wounded and with their clothes torn off. 17 All the Jews and Gentiles who lived in Ephesus heard about this; they were all filled with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was given greater honor. 18 Many of the believers came, publicly admitting and revealing what they had done. 19 Many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in public. They added up the price of the books, and the total came to fifty thousand silver coins. 20 In this powerful way the word of the Lord kept spreading and growing stronger.
The Riot in Ephesus
21 After these things had happened, Paul made up his mind to travel through Macedonia and Achaia and go on to Jerusalem. “After I go there,” he said, “I must also see Rome.” 22 So he sent Timothy and Erastus, two of his helpers, to Macedonia, while he spent more time in the province of Asia.
23 It was at this time that there was serious trouble in Ephesus because of the Way of the Lord. 24 A certain silversmith named Demetrius made silver models of the temple of the goddess Artemis, and his business brought a great deal of profit to the workers. 25 So he called them all together with others whose work was like theirs and said to them, “Men, you know that our prosperity comes from this work. 26 Now, you can see and hear for yourselves what this fellow Paul is doing. He says that hand-made gods are not gods at all, and he has succeeded in convincing many people, both here in Ephesus and in nearly the whole province of Asia. 27 There is the danger, then, that this business of ours will get a bad name. Not only that, but there is also the danger that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will come to mean nothing and that her greatness will be destroyed—the goddess worshiped by everyone in Asia and in all the world!”
28 As the crowd heard these words, they became furious and started shouting, “Great is Artemis of Ephesus!” 29 The uproar spread throughout the whole city. The mob grabbed Gaius and Aristarchus, two Macedonians who were traveling with Paul, and rushed with them to the theater. 30 Paul himself wanted to go before the crowd, but the believers would not let him. 31 Some of the provincial authorities, who were his friends, also sent him a message begging him not to show himself in the theater. 32 Meanwhile the whole meeting was in an uproar: some people were shouting one thing, others were shouting something else, because most of them did not even know why they had come together. 33 Some of the people concluded that Alexander was responsible, since the Jews made him go up to the front. Then Alexander motioned with his hand for the people to be silent, and he tried to make a speech of defense. 34 But when they recognized that he was a Jew, they all shouted together the same thing for two hours: “Great is Artemis of Ephesus!”
35 At last the city clerk was able to calm the crowd. “Fellow Ephesians!” he said. “Everyone knows that the city of Ephesus is the keeper of the temple of the great Artemis and of the sacred stone that fell down from heaven. 36 Nobody can deny these things. So then, you must calm down and not do anything reckless. 37 You have brought these men here even though they have not robbed temples or said evil things about our goddess. 38 If Demetrius and his workers have an accusation against anyone, we have the authorities and the regular days for court; charges can be made there. 39 But if there is something more that you want, it will have to be settled in a legal meeting of citizens. 40 For after what has happened today, there is the danger that we will be accused of a riot. There is no excuse for all this uproar, and we would not be able to give a good reason for it.” 41 After saying this, he dismissed the meeting.