Sulemani ye a koo dii Alla la
1 Bari Mansa Sulemani ye banku koteŋ musu jamaalu le kanu mennu niŋ Misira mansa dimmusoo maŋ kiliŋ. Wo musoolu mu Mowabinkoolu le ti, Ammoninkoolu, Edomunkoolu, Sidoninkoolu aniŋ Hitinkoolu. 2 Wolu le keta bankoolu ti Yaawe* ko Banisirayilankoolu ye mennu la ko, “Ali niŋ ì kana futuu ñoo ye, kaatu ì be ali sondomoolu yelemandi la le ka bula ì la jalaŋolu nooma.” Wo ñaa-wo-ñaa Sulemani nakita ì la, aduŋ a niŋ ì tarata kanoo la. 3 A ye musu keme woorowula le soto mennu mu mansariŋolu ti, aniŋ kaŋ foroyandi musu* keme saba, aduŋ a la musoolu le ye a filindi. 4 Kabiriŋ Sulemani be kotoo kaŋ, a la musoolu ye a sondomoo yelemandi jalaŋolu kaŋ, aduŋ a sondomoo maŋ loo ka bambaŋ Yaawe a la Alla kaŋ, ko a faamaa Dawuda sondomoo tarata nuŋ ñaameŋ. 5 A bulata Asitoreti* le nooma, Sidoninkoolu la jalammusoo, aniŋ Moleki, Ammoninkoolu la jalaŋ haraamuriŋo. 6 Sulemani ye kuu jawoo le ke Yaawe ñaa koto. A maŋ bula Yaawe nooma niŋ a sondomoo bee la, komeŋ a faamaa Dawuda ye a ke ñaameŋ.
7 Konkoo kaŋ Yerusalaamu tiliboo la, Sulemani ye batudulaa tintiŋo* loo Kemosi ye jee, Mowabinkoolu la jalaŋ haraamuriŋo, aniŋ Moleki ye, Ammoninkoolu la jalaŋ haraamuriŋo. 8 A ye wo kuu kiliŋo le ke a la bantala musoolu bee ye, mennu ka cuuraayoo siisindi, aduŋ ì ka sadaalu* bo ì la jalaŋolu ye.
9 Yaawe naata kamfaa Sulemani kamma kaatu a sondomoo yelemata le ka a koo dii Yaawe la, Banisirayila la Alla, meŋ fintita a kaŋ siiñaa fula. 10 A ye a dandalaa ñaa-wo-ñaa ko a kana bula jalaŋolu nooma, Sulemani maŋ Yaawe la yaamaroo muta. 11 Wo kamma la Yaawe ko Sulemani ye ko, “Baawo ñiŋ ne mu i maañaa ti, aduŋ i maŋ n na kambeŋo muta aniŋ n na luwaalu, ŋa mennu dii i la, wo to a koyita le ko m be mansayaa buusi la i bulu le ŋa a dii i la dookuulaa kiliŋ na. 12 Wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, i faamaa Dawuda la kuwo kamma la, n te a ke la i la baluwo waatoo la. M be a buusi la i dinkewo le bulu. 13 Bari hani wo, n te mansayaa muumewo bee taa la a bulu, bari m be lasili kiliŋ dii la a la le n na dookuulaa Dawuda la kuwo kamma la, aniŋ Yerusalaamu la kuwo kamma la, ŋa saatewo meŋ tomboŋ m faŋo ye.”
Sulemani jawoolu
14 Bituŋ Yaawe ye jawoo wulindi Sulemani kamma meŋ keta Hadadi ti, Edomunkoo, meŋ bota Edomu mansa lasiloo kono. 15 Koomanto kabiriŋ Dawuda tarata Edomu kele kaŋ nuŋ, kelediŋ kuntiyo Yowabu, meŋ taata ka furewolu baadee, ye kewolu bee faa le mennu tarata Edomu. 16 Yowabu niŋ Banisirayilankoolu tuta nuŋ jee le fo kari wooro, fo kabiriŋ ì ye Edomu kewolu bee kasaara. 17 Bari wo waatoo Hadadi mu nuŋ kambaanendiŋo le ti, aduŋ a borita ka taa Misira, a niŋ Edomunkoo doolu mennu tarata nuŋ a faamaa koto dookuwo la. 18 Ì wulita ka bo Midiyani, ì taata Parani. Bituŋ kabiriŋ ì ye moolu taa Parani ka kafu ì ma, ì taata Misira, ka taa Firawoona yaa Misira mansa, meŋ naata buŋo niŋ kenoo dii Hadadi la, aniŋ domoroo.
19 Firawoona kontaanita Hadadi la kuwo la baake le fo a ye a faŋo la musoo Tapenesi doko musoo dii a la ka a futuu. 20 Tapenesi doko musoo ye dinkewo wuluu Hadadi la meŋ too mu Kenubati ti, meŋ Tapenesi ye a kuluu mansasuwo kono. Kenubati niŋ Firawoona faŋo diŋolu le tarata ñoo kaŋ jee.
21 Kabiriŋ Hadadi be Misira, a ye a moyi ko Dawuda beleta le ka kafu a mumuñolu ma aniŋ ko kelediŋolu la kuntiyo Yowabu fanaa faata le. Bituŋ a ko Firawoona ye ko, “M bula ŋa taa, i si a je n si muru noo m fansuŋ bankoo kaŋ.”
22 Firawoona ye a ñininkaa ko, “I mankita muŋ ne la jaŋ meŋ ye a tinna i lafita ka muru i fansuŋ bankoo kaŋ?” Hadadi ye a jaabi ko, “Hani feŋ, bari i si m bula ŋa taa!”
23 Jawu doo fanaa Alla ye meŋ wulindi Sulemani kamma wo le keta Resoni ti Eliyada dinkewo, meŋ borita a maarii Hadadesa koto, Soba mansa. 24 A ye kewolu taa ka ì kafundi a faŋo ma, aduŋ a keta balannaalu la kafu kuntiyo le ti, kabiriŋ Dawuda ye Soba kelediŋolu noo keloo la. Ñiŋ balannaalu taata Damasiku ka sabati jee, aduŋ ì ye Resoni ke mansa ti. 25 Resoni keta Banisirayila jawoo le ti Sulemani la baluwo waatoo bee kono, ka mantoora kuwo lafaa, Hadadi ye meŋ saabu. Resoni ye maraloo ke Aramu bankoo kaŋ, aduŋ a ye Banisirayila koŋ ne.
Alla ye laahidoo dii Yerobowamu la
26 Nebati dinkewo Yerobowamu fanaa ye balaŋo tiliŋ Sulemani la le. Ate mu nuŋ Efurayimu* lasili moo le ti meŋ bota Sereda, aduŋ a tarata nuŋ Sulemani la mansakundaa dookuulaalu le kono. A baamaa mu furuyaamusoo le ti meŋ too mu Seruya ti. 27 A ye balaŋo meŋ tiliŋ mansa la, a daliiloo mu ñiŋ ne ti: Sulemani ye sapoolu dadaa le, aniŋ a ye a faamaa Dawuda la Saatewo* faroolu dadaa. 28 Yerobowamu mu kee keseyaariŋ baa le ti, aduŋ biriŋ Sulemani ye a je ko, fondinkewo ñiŋ mu katalaa baa le ti, a ye a marandi foriseetoo dookuulaalu muumewo bee ma mennu bota Efurayimu niŋ Manase lasiloolu kono.
29 Wo waatoo la, kabiriŋ Yerobowamu be bo kaŋ Yerusalaamu, Annabilayi Ahiya, Silonkoo ye a tara siloo kaŋ. Ahiya ye waramba kutoo le duŋ. Ì moo fuloo fereriŋo kene koomoo to, 30 Ahiya ye a buloo duŋ a la waramba kutoo daa ka a fara farandaŋ taŋ niŋ fula ti. 31 Bituŋ a ko Yerobowamu ye ko, “Farandaŋ taŋ taa i faŋo ye, kaatu Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“ ‘A fele, m be mansayaa buusi la Sulemani bulu le, aduŋ m be lasili taŋ ne dii la i la. 32 Bari n na dookuulaa Dawuda la kuwo kamma la aniŋ Yerusalaamu saatewo, ŋa meŋ tomboŋ m faŋo ye Banisirayila lasiloolu bee kono, lasili kiliŋ ne be tu la Sulemani bulu. 33 M be ñiŋ ke la le kaatu Sulemani ye a koo dii n na le, aduŋ a ye Sidoninkoolu la jalammusoo Asitoreti batu, Kemosi Mowabinkoolu la jalaŋo, aniŋ Moleki Ammoninkoolu la jalaŋo. A maŋ taama n na siloolu la, sako ka kuu tilindiŋo ke n ñaalu koto, waraŋ ka n na yaamaroolu niŋ n na luwaalu muta, komeŋ a faamaa Dawuda ye a ke ñaameŋ.
34 “ ‘Bari n te mansayaa muumewo bee taa la Sulemani bulu. M be a tu la jee le a ye maraloo ke a la baluwo bee kono n na dookuulaa Dawuda la kuwo kamma la, ŋa meŋ tomboŋ, aniŋ meŋ ye n na yaamaroolu niŋ n na luwaalu bee muta. 35 M be mansayaa buusi la Sulemani dinkewo bulu le, aduŋ m be lasili taŋo dii la i la le. 36 M be a dinkewo tu la le a ye lasili kiliŋ mara. Niŋ wo keta, n na dookuulaa Dawuda koomoo la maraloo te dubeŋ na n ñaa koto Yerusalaamu, ŋa saatewo meŋ tomboŋ ŋa n too ke jee ka ke m batudulaa ti. 37 Bari m be ite ke la Banisirayila mansa ti le, aduŋ i lafita bankoo tundoo meŋ-wo-meŋ na, i be a mara la le. 38 Niŋ i ye i lamoyi n na yaamaroolu bee la, aniŋ niŋ i taamata n na siloolu la, aduŋ i ye kuu tilindiŋo baara n ñaa koto, ka n na luwaalu niŋ yaamaroolu muta ko n na dookuulaa Dawuda ye a ke ñaameŋ, wo to m be tara la i fee le. M be mansayaa buŋo loo la i ye le meŋ be mee la komeŋ ŋa meŋ loo Dawuda ye, aduŋ m be Banisirayila dii la i la le. 39 M be kuluuroo laa la Dawuda koomalankoolu kaŋ ne ñiŋ kuwo kamma la, bari wo te tu la fo abadaa.’ ”
40 Sulemani ye a kata ka Yerobowamu faa, bari Yerobowamu borita ka taa Misira, Mansa Sisaki yaa, aduŋ a siita jee fo kabiriŋ Sulemani beleta.
Sulemani la beloo
(2 Taarika 9:29-31)
41 Kuu koteŋolu bee Mansa Sulemani ye mennu ke, aniŋ a ye ñaameŋo meŋ yitandi, ì safeeta Sulemani la Taarikoo Kitaaboo le kono. 42 Sulemani tarata nuŋ Yerusalaamu le ka Banisirayila bee mara fo sanji taŋ naani. 43 Bituŋ a beleta ka kafu a mumuñolu ma, ì ye a baadee Yerusalaamu, a faamaa Dawuda la Saatewo to. Aduŋ a dinkewo Rehobowamu keta mansa ti a noo to.
Solomon Turns Away from God
1 Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides the daughter of the king of Egypt he married Hittite women and women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, and Sidon. 2 He married them even though the Lord had commanded the Israelites not to intermarry with these people, because they would cause the Israelites to give their loyalty to other gods. 3 Solomon married seven hundred princesses and also had three hundred concubines. They made him turn away from God, 4 and by the time he was old they had led him into the worship of foreign gods. He was not faithful to the Lord his God, as his father David had been. 5 He worshiped Astarte, the goddess of Sidon, and Molech, the disgusting god of Ammon. 6 He sinned against the Lord and was not true to him as his father David had been. 7 On the mountain east of Jerusalem he built a place to worship Chemosh, the disgusting god of Moab, and a place to worship Molech, the disgusting god of Ammon. 8 He also built places of worship where all his foreign wives could burn incense and offer sacrifices to their own gods.
9-10 Even though the Lord, the God of Israel, had appeared to Solomon twice and had commanded him not to worship foreign gods, Solomon did not obey the Lord but turned away from him. So the Lord was angry with Solomon 11 and said to him, “Because you have deliberately broken your covenant with me and disobeyed my commands, I promise that I will take the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your officials. 12 However, for the sake of your father David I will not do this in your lifetime, but during the reign of your son. 13 And I will not take the whole kingdom away from him; instead, I will leave him one tribe for the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city I have made my own.”
Solomon's Enemies
14 So the Lord caused Hadad, of the royal family of Edom, to turn against Solomon. 15-16 Long before this, when David had conquered Edom, Joab the commander of his army had gone there to bury the dead. He and his men remained in Edom six months, and during that time they killed every male in Edom 17 except Hadad and some of his father's Edomite servants, who escaped to Egypt. (At that time Hadad was just a child.) 18 They left Midian and went to Paran, where some other men joined them. Then they traveled to Egypt and went to the king, who gave Hadad some land and a house and provided him with food. 19 Hadad won the friendship of the king, and the king gave his sister-in-law, the sister of Queen Tahpenes, to Hadad in marriage. 20 She bore him a son, Genubath, who was raised by the queen in the palace, where he lived with the king's sons.
21 When the news reached Hadad in Egypt that David had died and that Joab the commander of the army was dead, Hadad said to the king, “Let me go back to my own country.”
22 “Why?” the king asked. “Have I failed to give you something? Is that why you want to go back home?”
“Just let me go,” Hadad answered the king. And he went back to his country.
As king of Edom, Hadad was an evil, bitter enemy of Israel.
23 God also caused Rezon son of Eliada to turn against Solomon. Rezon had fled from his master, King Hadadezer of Zobah, 24 and had become the leader of a gang of outlaws. (This happened after David had defeated Hadadezer and had slaughtered his Syrian allies.) Rezon and his gang went and lived in Damascus, where his followers made him king of Syria. 25 He was an enemy of Israel during the lifetime of Solomon.
God's Promise to Jeroboam
26 Another man who turned against King Solomon was one of his officials, Jeroboam son of Nebat, from Zeredah in Ephraim. His mother was a widow named Zeruah. 27 This is the story of the revolt.
Solomon was filling in the land on the east side of Jerusalem and repairing the city walls. 28 Jeroboam was an able young man, and when Solomon noticed how hard he worked, he put him in charge of all the forced labor in the territory of the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. 29 One day, as Jeroboam was traveling from Jerusalem, the prophet Ahijah from Shiloh met him alone on the road in the open country. 30 Ahijah took off the new robe he was wearing, tore it into twelve pieces, 31 and said to Jeroboam, “Take ten pieces for yourself, because the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, ‘I am going to take the kingdom away from Solomon, and I will give you ten tribes. 32 Solomon will keep one tribe for the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city I have chosen to be my own from the whole land of Israel. 33 I am going to do this because Solomon has rejected me and has worshiped foreign gods: Astarte, the goddess of Sidon; Chemosh, the god of Moab; and Molech, the god of Ammon. Solomon has disobeyed me; he has done wrong and has not kept my laws and commands as his father David did. 34 But I will not take the whole kingdom away from Solomon, and I will keep him in power as long as he lives. This I will do for the sake of my servant David, whom I chose and who obeyed my laws and commands. 35 I will take the kingdom away from Solomon's son and will give you ten tribes, 36 but I will let Solomon's son keep one tribe, so that I will always have a descendant of my servant David ruling in Jerusalem, the city I have chosen as the place where I am worshiped. 37 Jeroboam, I will make you king of Israel, and you will rule over all the territory that you want. 38 If you obey me completely, live by my laws, and win my approval by doing what I command, as my servant David did, I will always be with you. I will make you king of Israel and will make sure that your descendants rule after you, just as I have done for David. 39 Because of Solomon's sin I will punish the descendants of David, but not for all time.’”
40 And so Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but he escaped to King Shishak of Egypt and stayed there until Solomon's death.
The Death of Solomon
(2 Chronicles 9.29-31)
41 Everything else that Solomon did, his career, and his wisdom, are all recorded in The History of Solomon. 42 He was king in Jerusalem over all Israel for forty years. 43 He died and was buried in David's City, and his son Rehoboam succeeded him as king.