1 Kabiriŋ Dawuda kotoota baake, a ye Sulemani a dinkewo le ke mansa ti Banisirayila.
Lewi lasiloo niŋ ì la dookuu palaasoolu
2 Dawuda ye Banisirayila ñaatonkoolu, piriisoolu* niŋ Lewi lasiloo bee bendi. 3 A naata ka Lewi lasili kewolu bee yaatee, mennu ye sanji taŋ saba soto ka taa wo ye santo. Ì bee yirikoo taata kaañaŋ kee wuli taŋ saba, kee wuli seyi le fee. 4 Mansa naata moo wuli muwaŋ niŋ naani marandi Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* dookuwo ma, aniŋ a ye moo wuli wooro ke kiitiikuntulaalu niŋ kuntiyolu ti. 5 A ye moo wuli naani marandi dundaŋ daa kantoo ma, a ye moo wuli naani marandi suukuulaa ma aniŋ kumafeŋolu la, ate mansa faŋo ye mennu dii.
6 Bituŋ Dawuda naata Lewi lasiloo moolu talaa kafu saba ti, ka bo niŋ ì la lasili keñaa be ñaameŋ: Kerisoni, Kohati aniŋ Merari.
7 Kerisoni ye dinkee fula le soto, wolu le mu Ladani niŋ Simeyi ti. 8 Ladani ye dinkee saba le soto, wolu le mu: Yehiyeli ì la dimbaayaa ñaatonkoo, Setamu aniŋ Yoweli. 9 Simeyi ye dinkee saba le soto, wolu le mu: Selomoti, Hasiyeli aniŋ Harani. Ñinnu bee kiliŋ-kiliŋ naa ye ì fansuŋ kaabiiloo loo. 10 Simeyi naata dinkee naani doo soto fanaa, wolu le mu: Yahati, Sisa, Yewusi aniŋ Beriya. 11 Yahati le mu dimbaayaa ñaatonkoo ti, Sisa be a nooma. Yewusi niŋ Beriya maŋ dinkee jamaa soto, wo kamma la, itolu naata deŋ ka ke kaabiila kiliŋ ti.
12 Kohati ye dinkee naani le soto, wolu le mu: Amuramu, Isari, Heburoni aniŋ Usiyeli.
13 A dinkee keebaa Amuramu le mu Haaruna niŋ Musa faamaa ti. Haaruna niŋ a koomalankoolu le tombonta, ka mara jooraŋolu ma waatoo bee la, ka jani sadaalu* bondi Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la, ka baturoo ke, aniŋ ka neemoo duwaa moolu ye ka bo niŋ Yaawe too la. 14 Bari Alla la moo Musa koomalankoolu kontita Lewi lasiloo moolu le kono. 15 Musa ye dinkee fula le soto, wolu le mu Kerisomu ti, aniŋ Eliyesa. 16 Kerisomu dinkewolu kono, Sebuyeli le mu dimbaayaa ñaatonkoo ti. 17 Eliyesa ye dinkee kiliŋ doroŋ ne soto, Rehabiya, bari ate ye dinkee jamaa le soto.
18 Kohati dinkee fulanjaŋo Isari ye dinkee kiliŋ ne soto Selomiti, meŋ mu dimbaayaa ñaatonkoo ti.
19 Kohati dinkee sabanjaŋo Heburoni ye dinkee naani le soto, wolu le mu: Yeriya meŋ mu dimbaayaa ñaatonkoo ti, Amariya, Yahasiyeli aniŋ Yekameyamu.
20 Kohati dinkee labaŋo Usiyeli ye dinkee fula le soto, wolu le mu Mika ti dimbaayaa ñaatonkoo, aniŋ Isiya.
21 Merari ye dinkee fula le soto, wolu le mu Maali ti aniŋ Musi. Maali fanaa ye dinkee fula le soto, Eleyasa niŋ Kisi. 22 Bari Eleyasa faata le, a maŋ dinkee soto, a ye dimmusoolu dammaa le soto. A dimmusoolu futuuta ì sanawolu le ye, Kisi dinkewolu. 23 Musi ye dinkee saba le soto, wolu le mu: Maali, Ederi aniŋ Yeremoti.
24 Ñinnu bee mu Lewi lasiloo moolu le ti ka bo niŋ ì la kaabiiloolu la. Moolu mennu be sanji muwaŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, ì ye ì bee kiliŋ-kiliŋ naa yirika, ka ì toolu safee, aduŋ ì bee ye dookuu palaasoo soto le Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo kono. 25 Dawuda ko ì ye ko, “Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla le ye kayiroo dii a la moolu la, aduŋ ate faŋo be sabati la ì fee le Yerusalaamu fo fawu. 26 Aduŋ saayiŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu fanaa te kali Tiriliisi Senuŋo* ñiŋ samba la, aniŋ a jooraŋolu, ì ka baturoo ke mennu la.” 27 Ka bo Dawuda la yaamari labaŋo la, Lewi lasiloo moolu meŋ-wo-meŋ ye sanji muwaŋ ne soto, ka dookuwo dati Alla Batudulaa to. 28 Ì la dookuwo mu ñiŋ ne ti, ka Haaruna koomalankoolu maakoyi dookuwo la Alla Batudulaa to, ka mara luwo ma, aniŋ a buŋolu, ka baturi jooraŋolu jankundi, aniŋ dookuu koteŋolu. 29 Itolu le fanaa ñanta mara la mbuuru senuŋo* ma meŋ ka landi taabuloo kaŋ Alla Batudulaa Buŋo kono. Itolu le ñanta mara la fariñoo fanaa ma, ka a bondi siimaŋ sadaa ti, mbuuru leweñintaŋ dampatandiŋo niŋ mbuuru siifaa doolu, aniŋ ka mara sadaalu la waroo niŋ kuliyaa sumaŋo ma.
30 Ì ñanta ka Yaawe jayi aniŋ ka a tentu soomandaa-wo-soomandaa aniŋ wulaara-wo-wulaara, 31 aniŋ fanaa waati-wo-waati niŋ moolu be jani sadaa bondi kaŋ Yaawe ye Loobula Luŋolu la, Kari Kuta Juurali* luŋolu aniŋ juurali looriŋolu la. Ì ye Lewi lasiloo moolu le marandi Yaawe batoo la waatoolu bee la, ko ì ye ì yirikoolu laa ñaameŋ. 32 Ì ye ì bula ka Bendulaa Tiriliisoo niŋ Yaawe Batudulaa kono topatoo, ka ì baadiŋ piriisoolu, Haaruna koomalankoolu maakoyi, Yaawe Batudulaa dookuwo to.
1 When David was very old, he made his son Solomon king of Israel.
The Work of the Levites
2 King David brought together all the Israelite leaders and all the priests and Levites. 3 He took a census of all the male Levites aged thirty or older. The total was thirty-eight thousand. 4 The king assigned twenty-four thousand to administer the work of the Temple, six thousand to keep records and decide disputes, 5 four thousand to do guard duty, and four thousand to praise the Lord, using the musical instruments provided by the king for this purpose.
6 David divided the Levites into three groups, according to their clans: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
7 Gershon had two sons: Ladan and Shimei. 8 Ladan had three sons: Jehiel, Zetham, and Joel, 9 who were the heads of the clans descended from Ladan. (Shimei had three sons: Shelomoth, Haziel, and Haran.) 10-11 Shimei had four sons: Jahath, Zina, Jeush, and Beriah, in order of age. Jeush and Beriah did not have many descendants, so they were counted as one clan.
12 Kohath had four sons: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 13 His oldest son, Amram, was the father of Aaron and Moses. (Aaron and his descendants were set apart to be in charge of the sacred objects forever, to burn incense in the worship of the Lord, to serve him, and to bless the people in his name. 14 But the sons of Moses, the man of God, were included among the Levites.) 15 Moses had two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. 16 The leader among Gershom's sons was Shebuel. 17 Eliezer had only one son, Rehabiah, but Rehabiah had many descendants.
18 Kohath's second son, Izhar, had a son, Shelomith, the head of the clan. 19 Kohath's third son, Hebron, had four sons: Jeriah, Amariah, Jahaziel, and Jekameam. 20 Kohath's fourth son, Uzziel, had two sons, Micah and Isshiah.
21 Merari had two sons, Mahli and Mushi. Mahli also had two sons, Eleazar and Kish, 22 but Eleazar died without having any sons, only daughters. His daughters married their cousins, the sons of Kish. 23 Merari's second son, Mushi, had three sons: Mahli, Eder, and Jeremoth.
24 These were the descendants of Levi, by clans and families, every one of them registered by name. Each of his descendants, twenty years of age or older, had a share in the work of the Lord's Temple.
25 David said, “The Lord God of Israel has given peace to his people, and he himself will live in Jerusalem forever. 26 So there is no longer any need for the Levites to carry the Tent of the Lord's presence and all the equipment used in worship.” 27 On the basis of David's final instructions all Levites were registered for service when they reached the age of twenty, 28 and were assigned the following duties: to help the priests descended from Aaron with the Temple worship, to take care of its courtyards and its rooms, and to keep undefiled everything that is sacred; 29 to be responsible for the bread offered to God, the flour used in offerings, the wafers made without yeast, the baked offerings, and the flour mixed with olive oil; to weigh and measure the Temple offerings; 30 and to praise and glorify the Lord every morning and every evening 31 and whenever offerings to the Lord are burned on the Sabbath, the New Moon Festival, and other festivals. Rules were made specifying the number of Levites assigned to do this work each time. The Levites were assigned the duty of worshiping the Lord for all time. 32 They were given the responsibility of taking care of the Tent of the Lord's presence and the Temple, and of assisting their relatives, the priests descended from Aaron, in the Temple worship.