Kiilaariyaa kumoo meŋ fota Misira bankoo kamma
1 Yaawe* la kumoo le mu ñiŋ ti, meŋ naata Annabilayi Yeremiya kaŋ banku koteŋolu la kuwo to.
2 Foloo-foloo, Misira bankoo la kuwo to:
Yahuuda mansakewo Yehoyakimu, Yosiya dinkewo la mansayaa sanji naaninjaŋo kono, ñiŋ ne keta kiilaariyaa kumoo ti Misira mansakewo Firawoona Neko la kelediŋolu ma. Babiloni mansakewo Nebukanesa ye itolu le noo keloo to Karikemisi, Yufurati Boloŋo daala.
Yaawe ko:
3 “Ŋa Misirankoolu sari kaŋo moyi le ko,
‘Koteerindiŋ, koteeri* baa, ali ì parendi,
ali ye keloo waliŋ!
4 Ali suwoolu siti keleraŋ sareetoolu* la,
alitolu suukaŋ selelaalu, ali sele!
Ali ali la kelenaafoolu duŋ ka ali la keledaalu muta!
Ali ali la sooroolu daa diyaa,
ali ye ali la kele duŋ feŋolu duŋ!’
5 Ŋa muŋ ne je teŋ?
Ì jikilateyita le,
ì muruta ì koo la.
Ì ye ì la kelejawaroolu noo le,
ì borita tariyaake,
ì buka hani kooma fele,
kaatu maasiiboo le be karoo bee la.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
6 “Boridulaa te tariŋolu ye,
sako kelejawara si kana,
maraa karoo la, Yufurati Boloŋo daala,
ì takita jee le, ì boyita.

7 “Jumaa le ka waame wuli naŋ teŋ ko Nayili Boloŋ baa,
ko baalu mennu be woyi kaŋ?
8 Misira le ka waame naŋ teŋ ko Nayili Boloŋ baa,
ko baalu mennu be waame kaŋ.
A ka a fo ko, ‘M be wuli la le ŋa duniyaa muuri,
ŋa saatewolu kasaara, aniŋ ì moolu.’
9 Acaa, suwoolu ye kirimbaasi!
Keleraŋ sareetoolu ye saŋara bori!
Kelejawaroolu ye taa ñaato:
Kusi* aniŋ Puti kewolu,
mennu ye ì la koteeroolu cafu,
aniŋ Ludinkoolu mennu kalanta kala fayoo la.
10 Bari luŋo ñiŋ mu nte Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* la luŋo le ti,
julujoo luŋo, ka n joo n jawoolu to.
Hawusaroo* be faaroo ke la le fo a ye tiiña,
a ye i miŋ ì yeloo la fo a ye ñeeli.
Kaatu nte Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo be faari sadaaboo le ke la,
maraa kara bankoo kaŋ, Yufurati Boloŋo daala.

11 “Wo to taa Kileyadi ko! I ye moosibooroo ñini,
ite Misira meŋ be ko dimmusuriŋ kataariŋo.
I ye boori jamaa le maa kensenke,
ì maŋ i jaara noo.
12 Banku koteŋolu ye a moyi le malu kuwo meŋ laata i kaŋ,
aduŋ i la wuuroo ye duniyaa bee beŋ ne.
Kelejawara niŋ kelejawara seyinta ñoo la le,
ì bee boyita ñoo la.”
Nebukanesa la naa ka Misira bankoo kele
13 Yaawe la kumoo le mu ñiŋ ti, Yeremiya ye meŋ fo Babiloni mansakewo Nebukanesa la naa la kuwo to, ka Misira bankoo kele.

14 “Ali a fo Misira bankoo kaŋ,
ka a kankulaa Mikidoli saatewo kono jee,
ka a kankulaa Memfisi, aniŋ Tapanesi.
Ali a fo ko, ‘Misira, wuli i ye loo kuuke
ka i paree keloo la,
kaatu hawusaroo be kasaaroo naati la i kaŋ karoo bee le la.’
15 Muŋ ne ye i la jalaŋo Apisi borindi?
Muŋ ne ye a tinna i la wo tuuraa maŋ loo?
Kaatu ko, Yaawe ye a busandi duuma le.
16 I la kelediŋ jamaalu busandita le,
ì ka a fo ñoo ye ko, ‘Wuli, ŋà seyi ǹ na moolu yaa suu,
ǹ wuluu bankoo kaŋ,
ŋà kana ǹ jawoolu la hawusaroo ma.’
17 Ali Misira mansakewo Firawoona toolaa ñiŋ na:
‘Kibirilaa baa, meŋ na waatoo ye a daŋ.’ ”

18 Mansoo ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“A be koyiriŋ ñaameŋ ko nte be baluuriŋ ne,
nte meŋ too mu Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ti,
Tabori Konkoo ye buŋ konkoolu kono ñaameŋ,
aniŋ Karimeli Konkoo be jimbandiŋ Baa Baa* kunto ñaameŋ,
meŋ be naa ali kele la, a be ke la ali ye wo le ñaama.
19 Ali ali la fudoolu parendi ka taa mutoo kono,
alitolu Misirankoolu,
kaatu Memfisi be kenseŋyandi la le,
a ye tumbuŋ, moo te tara la siiriŋ jee.

20 “Misira mulunta ninsiriŋ ñiimaa le la,
bari joloo le ye a boyinkaŋ maraa la naŋ.
21 A la luwaasi kelediŋolu ka munta le ninsiriŋ nunkuriŋolu.
A fele, ì bee borita ñoo la,
ì maŋ loo ka keloo ke,
kaatu ì jarabi luŋo le naata ì kaŋ,
ì kuluu waatoo.
22 Misira ka kuma le ko
niŋ saa be bori la ka taa,
kaatu a jawoolu la kelediŋolu ka naa
niŋ semboo le la.
Ì niŋ teeraŋolu le ka naa a kamma,
ì ka munta yiri boyilaalu.
23 Ì be a sutu teyi la le,
a keta seeli teyibaloo ti ñaa-wo-ñaa,
kaatu ì yaatewo tambita kuntiŋolu la le,
daŋ te ì yaatewo la.
24 Misirankoolu be bula la malu kuwo kono le,
a be duŋ na maraa kara maafaŋ banku moolu le bulu.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
25 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo, Banisirayila la Alla ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: “A juubee, m be Misirankoolu la jalaŋo Amoni kuluu la le, meŋ be Tebesi saatewo to, aniŋ ñinnu bee: Misira bankoo niŋ a jalaŋolu bee, aniŋ a maralilaalu, ka taa Firawoona, aniŋ mennu bee be jikiriŋ a la. 26 M be ì duŋ na moolu bulu le mennu be ì niyo ñiniŋ kaŋ. M be ì duŋ na Babiloni mansakewo Nebukanesa niŋ a la kelediŋolu le bulu. Bari wo koolaa moolu be naa sii la Misira bankoo kaŋ ne, ko a keta ñaameŋ koomanto.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
Alla be Banisirayila tankandi la le
27 “Wo to ali kana sila,
alitolu Yaakuba koomalankoolu, n na dookuulaa,
sako ka jikilateyi,
ite Banisirayila.
Kaatu ko, m be i kiisa la naŋ dulaa jamfariŋolu to le,
ka i koomalankoolu bondi naŋ ì mutadulaa bankoo kaŋ.
Yaakuba be muru la naŋ ne ka tenkuŋo niŋ tankoo soto,
aduŋ moo te a silandi noo la.
28 Kana sila, ite Yaakuba koomoo, n na dookuulaa,
kaatu m be ali fee le,
ŋa wo bankoolu bee buruka le,
ŋa ali janjandi mennu kaŋ taariŋ,
bari n te alitolu buruka la.
M be ali kuluu la le ko a ñanta ali to ñaameŋ,
n te ali bula la muk, m maŋ ali kuluu.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
The Lord Speaks to Jeremiah about the Nations
1 The Lord often told me what to say about the different nations of the world.
What the Lord Says about Egypt
2 In the fourth year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia defeated King Neco of Egypt in a battle at the city of Carchemish near the Euphrates River. And here is what the Lord told me to say about the Egyptian army:

3 It's time to go into battle!
So grab your shields,
4 saddle your horses,
and polish your spears.
Put on your helmets and armor,
then take your positions.

5 I can see the battle now—
you are defeated
and running away,
never once looking back.
Terror is all around.
6 You are strong and run fast,
but you can't escape.
You fall in battle
near the Euphrates River.

7 What nation is this,
that rises like the Nile River
overflowing its banks?
8 It is Egypt, rising with a roar
like a raging river
and saying,
“I'll flood the earth,
destroying cities, and killing
everyone in them.”

9 Go ahead, Egypt.
Tell your chariots and cavalry
to attack and fight hard.
Order your troops to march out,
with Ethiopians and Libyans
carrying shields,
and the Lydians armed with bows
and arrows.

10 But the Lord All-Powerful
will win this battle
and take revenge
on his enemies.
His sword will eat them
and drink their blood
until it is full.
They will be killed in the north
near the Euphrates River,
as a sacrifice to the Lord.

11 Egypt, no medicine can heal you,
not even the soothing lotion
from Gilead.
12 All nations have heard you weep;
you are disgraced,
and they know it.
Your troops fall to the ground,
stumbling over each other.
A Warning for Egypt
13-14 When King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia was on his way to attack Egypt, the Lord sent me with a warning for every Egyptian town, but especially for Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpanhes. He said to tell them:

Prepare to defend yourselves!
Everywhere in your nation,
people are dying in war.
15 I have struck down
your mighty god Apis
and chased him away.
16 Your soldiers stumble
over each other
and say, “Get up!
The enemy will kill us,
unless we can escape
to our own land.”

17 Give the king of Egypt
this new name,

18 Egypt, I am the true king,
the Lord All-Powerful,
and as surely as I live,
those enemies who attack
will tower over you
like Mount Tabor among the hills
or Mount Carmel by the sea.
19 You will be led away captive,
so pack a few things
to bring with you.
Your capital, Memphis,
will lie empty and in ruins.

20 An enemy from the north
will attack you, beautiful Egypt,
like a fly biting a cow.
21 The foreign soldiers you hired
will turn and run.
But they are doomed,
like well-fed calves
being led to the butcher.

* 22 The enemy army will go forward
like a swarm of locusts.
Your troops will feel helpless,
like a snake in a forest
23 when men with axes
start chopping down trees.
It can only hiss
and try to escape.
24 Your people will be disgraced
and captured by the enemy
from the north.

25 I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. Soon I will punish the god Amon of Thebes and the other Egyptian gods, the Egyptian kings, the people of Egypt, and everyone who trusts in the Egyptian power. 26 I will hand them over to King Nebuchadnezzar and his army. But I also promise that Egypt will someday have people living here again, just as it had before. I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Will Bring Israel Home
The Lord said:

27 Israel, don't be afraid.
Someday I will bring you home
from foreign lands.
You and your descendants
will live in peace and safety,
with nothing to fear.
28 So don't be afraid,
even though now
you deserve to be punished
and have been scattered
among other nations.
But when I destroy them,
I will protect you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.