Tiliboo la dundaŋ daa sorondiŋo
1 Bituŋ wo kewo ye m murundi naŋ banta luwo dundaŋ daa Batudulaa Senuŋo to, meŋ ñaa be tilindiŋ tilibo karoo la, jee be sorondiŋ. 2 Yaawe ko n ye ko: “Ñiŋ dundaŋ daa ñanta tu la sorondiŋ ne. Moo maŋ ñaŋ na a yele la. Moo maŋ ñaŋ na duŋ na jee la. A ñanta tu la sorondiŋ ne, kaatu nte Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla dunta niŋ jee le la. Wo kamma la a ñanta tu la sorondiŋ ne. 3 Mansa doroŋ ne si sii noo dundaŋ buŋo kono jee, ka domoroo ke nte Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la. Bari a ñanta duŋ na niŋ siidulaa buŋo dundaŋ daa le la. Niŋ a pareeta fanaa, a ñanta finti la niŋ wo bundaa kiliŋo le la.”
Batudulaa kutoo dookuulaalu
4 Bituŋ kewo ye n samba naŋ Batudulaa Buŋo* ñaatiliŋo la, ka bo niŋ dundaŋ buŋo la meŋ ñaa be tilindiŋ maraa karoo la. A fele, Batudulaa Buŋo bee be faariŋ Yaawe la kallankeeyaa* la. Bituŋ ŋa m fayi bankoo to, m bitita n ñaadaa kaŋ.
5 Wo to le, Yaawe ko n ye ko, “Hadamadiŋo, i hakiloo tu i ye i lamoyi n na, i ye koroosiroo ke, fo i si a je aniŋ ka a loŋ m be naa meŋ fo la i ye, Batudulaa Buŋo luwaalu niŋ a saratoolu la kuwo to. I hakiloo tu moolu to, mennu ñanta duŋ na Batudulaa Buŋo kono, aniŋ mennu maŋ ñaŋ na duŋ na jee. 6 A fo n na moolu ye, wo moo muritiriŋolu, nte Yaawe, ì Maariyo ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: Alitolu Banisirayilankoolu! Ali la kuu haraamuriŋ kewolu landatambita le saayiŋ. 7 Hani a maŋ ke wo doroŋ ti. Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, ali ye luntaŋolu fanaa dundi n na Batudulaa Senuŋo kono le, mennu mu sunnabaloolu ti, ì maŋ soŋ ka n na yaamaroolu muta, ka jee kosondi, aduŋ ali ka beeyaŋ keŋo niŋ yeloo le bo n ye sadaa* ti jee. Ka bo niŋ ali la wo kuu haraamuriŋ kewolu le la ali ye n na kambeŋo tiñaa. 8 Ali maŋ n na saratoolu muta, ko ali ñanta a ke la n ye ñaameŋ. Wo noo to ali ye luntaŋolu bula ka mara n na Batudulaa Senuŋo dookuwo la. 9 Wo to, nte Yaawe, ali Maariyo ye ñiŋ ne fo ali ye ko: Luntaŋo te duŋ noo la n na Batudulaa Senuŋo kono, kaatu ì mu sunnabaloolu le ti, ì maŋ n na yaamaroolu muta. Hani mennu faŋolu be sabatiriŋ n na moolu kono, ì te duŋ noo la n na dulaa senuŋo kono muumeeke.
10 “Wo bee kaŋ, Lewi lasili moo doolu ye ì koo dii n na, ì keta moo filiriŋolu ti, ì kafuta moo doolu ma Banisirayilankoolu kono, ka wolu la jalaŋolu batu. Ì fanaa ñanta ì la junuboo kuluuroo soto la le, ì la foroyaabaliyaa kamma la. 11 Bari hani wo, m be ì bula la le ka ke dookuulaalu ti n na batudulaa to. Ì ñanta ke la n na Batudulaa Buŋo dundaŋ daa kantalaalu le ti, ka beeyaŋ jani sadaalu faa, aniŋ ka batulaalu maakoyi. 12 Bari koomanto, waatoo meŋ na n na moolu be jalambatoo la, wo Lewi lasili moolu le ye ì maakoyi ka ke ì la jalaŋ batudulaa dookuulaalu ti. Wo le ye a tinna n na moolu boyita ì la junube jawoolu kono. Wo kamma la, ŋa n kali ko, Lewi lasili moolu be ì la junuboo kuluuroo soto la le.” Maarii Yaawe le ye a fo.
13 Yaawe ko: “Ì te ke la n na piriisi* dookuulaalu ti. Ì te sutiyaa noo la n na, wo jani sadaa senuŋolu ñaatiliŋo la mennu mu feŋ senuŋ baalu ti. Ì ñanta ì la kuluuroo maloo dunoo taa la le, kaatu ì la wo kuu haraamuriŋ kewo jawuyaata le. 14 Hani wo itolu le be mara la n na Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwo la, aniŋ ka dookuu koleŋolu bee ke, mennu ñanta ke la n na buŋo to.
15 “Piriisoolu mennu keta Sadoki koomalankoolu ti Lewi lasiloo moolu kono, wolu le marata n na Batudulaa Senuŋo dookuwo la nuŋ, aduŋ ì foroyaata nte ñaatiliŋo la le biriŋ Banisirayilanka toomaalu ye ì koo dii n na. Wo kamma la, ñiŋ piriisoolu le be sutiyaa noo la n na, aniŋ ka tenteŋ ka dookuwo ke n ye. Itolu doroŋ ne be beeyaŋ jani sadaa keŋo niŋ a yeloo bo noo la n ye sadaa ti.” Maarii Yaawe le ye a fo.
16 Yaawe ko: “Itolu doroŋ ne si duŋ noo n na Batudulaa Senuŋo kono ka sutiyaa n na sadaajanidulaa* la, ka dookuwo ke n ye jee. Aduŋ itolu le be mara la Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwolu bee la. 17 Niŋ ì dunta Batudulaa konoto luwo to, ì ñanta piriisoo la fatari dendikoo le duŋ na. Piriisoo maŋ ñaŋ na dendika duŋ na, ì ye meŋ dadaa niŋ saajiitiyolu la, niŋ ì be ì la dookuwo ke kaŋ konoto luwo to waraŋ Batudulaa Buŋo kono. 18 Ì la naawoolu aniŋ ì la kotondaŋolu, ì bee ñanta ke la fataroo le ti. Ì maŋ ñaŋ na feŋ duŋ na ì bala, meŋ si ì tarandi, niŋ ì be dookuwo la. 19 Niŋ ì ye i bandi ì la dookuwo la ka taa moo doolu be daameŋ banta luwo to, ì ñanta ì la piriisi dendikoo wura la le, ka a tu wo buŋ senuŋo kono jee. Bituŋ ì si dendika doolu duŋ, i si a je, moo doolu kana taa wo dendika senuŋolu maa meŋ si naa mantooroo saabu ì ma.
20 “Piriisoolu maŋ ñaŋ na ì kuŋolu nunku la niŋ ì be saŋakumboo la, waraŋ ka ì kuntiñoo bula a ye jamfa, sunu waatoo kono, bari ì ñanta ì kuntiñoolu mesu la le ka ì topatoo, ko a ñanta tara la ñaameŋ. 21 Ì maŋ ñaŋ na dolo miŋ na niŋ ì be duŋ na Batudulaa konoto luwo to. 22 Piriisoo maŋ ñaŋ na bulamusoo futuu la, waraŋ furuyaamusoo. Bari a ñanta sunkutoo le futuu la meŋ mu Banisirayilankoo ti, waraŋ piriisoo la furuyaamusoo. 23 Piriisoolu le ñanta n na moolu karandi la ka a loŋ feŋolu mennu jankuta aniŋ mennu maŋ janku, aniŋ ka feŋ senuŋolu niŋ feŋ kosoriŋolu bondi ì ye ñoo to. 24 Ì be ke la n na moolu ye kiitiikuntulaa le ti, ì be kuyaalu niŋ ñoosaboolu baŋ na n na moolu teema le. Ì be ì la kuwolu bee taamandi la le ko n na saratoolu ye a laa ñaameŋ. N na piriisoolu faŋolu ñanta n na yaamaroolu muta la le. Ì ñanta n na juurali looriŋolu bee ke la a ñaama le aniŋ ka n na Loobula Luŋo horoma.
25 “Piriisoo maŋ ñaŋ na ka kata furewo la, ka a faŋ kosondi, fo a faamaa furewo le mu, waraŋ a baamaa, a diŋo, a kotoomaa, waraŋ a doomaa meŋ maŋ futuu. Niŋ a ye a faŋ kosondi, 26 a ñanta a faŋo seneyandi la le. Bituŋ a si i batu fo tili woorowulanjaŋo luŋo la. 27 Niŋ a be muru la a la dookuwo la waati meŋ na, dulaa senuŋo konoto luwo to, a ñanta junube kafarilaŋ sadaa bo la a faŋo ye le.” Maarii Yaawe le ye a le fo.
28 “Piriisoo maŋ ñaŋ na a fansuŋ kenoolu soto la, Banisirayila la keetaakenoolu to, kaatu nte faŋo le be ke la n na piriisoolu ye keetaafeŋo ti. Nte faŋo le be ì topatoo la. 29 Wo to, ì be baluu la niŋ moolu la sadaalu le la, ì ka mennu samba naŋ Batudulaa Buŋo to. Wolu le mu siimaŋ sadaalu, junube kafarilaŋ sadaalu, aniŋ jooseyiraŋ sadaalu ti. Aduŋ niŋ moolu ye feŋ-wo-feŋ kerekere nte Yaawe ye, Banisirayila kono, wo be ke la n na piriisoolu le taa ti. 30 Katiri waatoo, ì la siimaŋ kendoolu mennu bota ì la katiri kuŋ foloolu to, be ke la piriisoolu le taa ti, aniŋ soorifeŋ doolu ì ye mennu dii n na. Niŋ moo-wo-moo ye mbuuroo jani, mbuuru kuŋ foloo mu piriisoolu taa le ti. Wo to le, m be n na neemoo jindi la naŋ n na moolu la suwolu kono. 31 Piriisoolu maŋ ñaŋ na subu jifariŋo domo la, waraŋ suboo, daafeŋo ye meŋ faa, fo kunoo to waraŋ beeyaŋo.”
The East Gate Must Remain Closed
1 The man took me back to the outer courtyard, near the east gate of the temple area. I saw that the doors to this gate were closed. 2 The Lord said:
I, the Lord God of Israel, came through this gate, so it must remain closed forever! No one must ever use it. 3 The ruler of Israel may come here to eat a sacrificial meal that has been offered to me, but he must use only the entrance room of this gate.
People Who Are Not Allowed in the Temple
4 Then the man took me through the north gate to the front of the temple. I saw that the brightness of the Lord's glory had filled the temple, and I immediately bowed with my face to the ground.
5 The Lord said:
Ezekiel, son of man, I am going to give you the laws for my temple. So pay attention and listen carefully to what kind of people are allowed to come in the temple, and what kind are not. 6 Tell those rebellious people of Israel:
I, the Lord God, command you to stop your evil ways! 7 My temple has been disgraced, because you have let godless, stubborn foreigners come here when sacrifices are being offered to me. You have sinned and have broken our solemn agreement. 8 Instead of following the proper ways to worship me, you have put foreigners in charge of worship at my temple.
9 And so I, the Lord God, say that no godless foreigner who disobeys me will be allowed in my temple. This includes any foreigner living in Israel.
The Levites Are Punished
The Lord said:
10 Some of the Levites turned their backs on me and joined the other people of Israel in worshiping idols. So these Levites must be punished! 11 They will still be allowed to serve me as temple workers by guarding the gates and by killing the animals to be sacrificed and by helping the worshipers. 12 But because these Levites served the people of Israel when they worshiped idols, I, the Lord God, promise that the Levites will be punished. They did not stop the Israelites from sinning, 13 and now I will no longer let the Levites serve as my priests or come near anything sacred to me. They must suffer shame and disgrace for their disgusting sins. 14 They will be responsible for all the hard work that must be done in the temple.
Rules for Priests
The Lord said:
15 The priests of the Levi tribe who are descendants of Zadok the priest were faithful to me, even when the rest of the Israelites turned away. And so, these priests will continue to serve as my priests and to offer the fat and the blood of sacrifices. 16 They will come into my temple, where they will offer sacrifices at my altar and lead others in worship.
17 When they come to the inner courtyard, they must wear their linen priestly clothes. My priests must never wear anything made of wool when they are on duty in this courtyard or in the temple. 18 Even their turbans and underwear must be made of linen to keep my priests from sweating when they work. 19 And before they leave to join the other people in the outer courtyard, they must take off their priestly clothes, then place them in the sacred rooms and put on their regular clothes. That way, no one will touch their sacred clothes and be harmed.
20 Priests must never shave their heads when they are mourning. But they must keep their hair properly trimmed and not let it grow too long. 21 They must not drink wine before going to the inner courtyard.
22 A priest must not marry a divorced woman; he can marry only a virgin from Israel or the widow of another priest.
23 Priests must teach my people the difference between what is sacred and what is ordinary, and between what is clean and what is unclean. 24 They will make decisions in difficult legal cases, according to my own laws. They must also observe the religious festivals my Law requires and must always respect the Sabbath.
25 Touching a dead body will make a person unclean. So a priest must not go near a dead body, unless it is one of his parents or children, or his brother or unmarried sister. 26 If a priest touches a dead body, he is unclean and must go through a ceremony to make himself clean. Then seven days later, 27 he must go to the inner courtyard of the temple and offer a sacrifice for sin. After that, he may once again serve as my priest. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
28 I myself will provide for my priests, and so they won't receive any land of their own. 29 Instead, they will receive part of the grain sacrifices, as well as part of the sacrifices for sin and sacrifices to make things right. They will also be given everything in Israel that has been completely dedicated to me. 30 The first part of every harvest will belong to the priests. They will also receive part of all special gifts and offerings the Israelites bring to me. And whenever any of my people bake bread, they will give their first loaf as an offering to the priests, and I will bless the homes of the people when they do this.
31 Priests must not eat any bird or animal that dies a natural death or that has been killed by a wild animal.