Alla la horomoo niŋ waroo jayiroo
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si ke niŋ kontiŋ julu seyoo la. Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 Kooni Yaawe*, m̀ Maarii,
duniyaa bee ye a loŋ ne i too warata ñaameŋ.
I la kallankeeyaa* jayiroo ka futa saŋ fatoolu ma le.
2 Deenaanoolu niŋ dindiŋolu ka a suukuu le.
I ye tankadulaa le loo, i jawoolu la kuwo kamma la,
ka konnantewo deyindi, aniŋ julujoolaa.

3 Niŋ ŋa i la saŋ fatoolu la kuwo miira,
i buloo la daaroo,
karoo aniŋ looloolu, i ye mennu londi,
4 muŋ ne mu moo ti fo i hakiloo ka bula a la?
Muŋ ne mu hadamadiŋo ti fo i ka a topatoo?
5 Hani wo i ye a la fisamanteeyaa dasandi
i faŋo la le domandiŋ.
I ye horomoo niŋ buuñaa dii a la le,
ka a mansayandi.
6 I ye a marandi i la daaroo bee kunna le,
i ye feŋolu bee ke a koto,
7 saajiyolu niŋ ninsoolu bee,
aniŋ wulakono daafeŋolu,
8 kunoolu mennu ka yaayoo santo,
ñewolu mennu ka yaara baa kono,
aniŋ baakono daafeŋolu bee.

9 Kooni Yaawe, m̀ Maarii,
duniyaa bee ye a loŋ ne i too warata ñaameŋ.
(A psalm by David for the music leader. )
The Wonderful Name of the Lord
1 Our Lord and Ruler,
your name is wonderful
everywhere on earth!
You let your glory be seen
in the heavens above.
2 With praises from children
and from tiny infants,
you have built a fortress.
It makes your enemies silent,
and all who turn against you
are left speechless.

3 I often think of the heavens
your hands have made,
and of the moon and stars
you put in place.
4 Then I ask, “Why do you care
about us humans?
Why are you concerned
for us weaklings?”
5 You made us a little lower
than you yourself,
and you have crowned us
with glory and honor.

6 You let us rule everything
your hands have made.
And you put all of it
under our power—
7 the sheep and the cattle,
and every wild animal,
8 the birds in the sky,
the fish in the sea,
and all ocean creatures.

9 Our Lord and Ruler,
your name is wonderful
everywhere on earth!