Seewoo be Yerusalaamu ye
1 Keñewuloo* niŋ kene kenseŋo be seewoo la le,
wula jaaroo be kontaani la le,
a bee ye jambakere.
2 A be yiriwaa la le, a ye ñiiñaa, ko firi ñiimaa.
A be tara la kontaaniriŋ baake le fo a ka denkiloo laa.
A be yiriwaa la le ko Libanooni sutoo be ñaameŋ,
a ye tara ñiiñaariŋ ko Karimeli Konkoo aniŋ Saroni kunkoolu.
Moolu bee be Yaawe* la mansabaayaa je la le,
aniŋ a la kallankeeyaa*.

3 Ali ali bulu lamfuriŋolu bambandi,
aniŋ ali kumbaliŋ koririŋolu.
4 Mennu jikilateyita, a fo ì ye ko,
“Ali fatiyaa, ali kana silaŋ,
kaatu ali la Alla be naa le
ka ali la makatoo bayi.
A be naa julujoo le la,
a be naa le ka ali kiisa.”
5 Wo to le finkintewolu ñaalu be yele la,
tulu sukiriŋolu ye moyiroo ke.
6 Lanjuurutoo si sawuŋ ko minaŋo,
mumunewo ye denkiloo laa seewoo kono.
Kaatu keñewuloo be faa la jiyo la le,
wuloo bee ye ke boloŋo ti.
7 Bankumunku kandoo bee be ke la jiyo le ti,
banku jaaroo ye woyoolu fintindi.
Kunkuwuloolu sabatidulaa,
saayiŋ ñantaŋo, seyiŋo, aniŋ baakintoo le be faliŋ na jee.
8 Sila fanuŋ baa le be tara la jee.
A be kumandi la sila jankuriŋo le la.
Seneyaabaloolu te taa niŋ ñiŋ siloo la,
a be ke la Alla la moolu le taa ti,
hani toolewolu te fili la a siloo kaŋ.
9 Jata te tara la jee,
sako daafeŋ saŋarariŋo si taama a kaŋ.
Moo te ì je la jee.
Moo kumakaariŋolu doroŋ ne be taama la jee.
10 Yaawe ye moolu mennu kumakaa le be muruŋ na Siyoni*,
ì niŋ suukuwo le be duŋ na jee,
seewoo bambaloo ye tara ì fee.
Niikuyaa niŋ niifitiyo be taa le,
kontaanoo niŋ seewoo ye ì futufaa.
God's Splendor Will Be Seen
1 Thirsty deserts will be glad;
barren lands will celebrate
and blossom with flowers.
2 Deserts will bloom everywhere
and sing joyful songs.
They will be as majestic
as Mount Lebanon,
as glorious as Mount Carmel
or Sharon Valley.
Everyone will see
the wonderful splendor
of the Lord our God.
God Changes Everything
* 3 Here is a message for all
who are weak, trembling,
and worried:
4 “Cheer up! Don't be afraid.
Your God is coming
to punish your enemies.
God will take revenge on them
and rescue you.”

5 The blind will see,
and the ears of the deaf
will be healed.
6 Those who were lame
will leap around like deer;
tongues once silent
will shout for joy.
Water will rush
through the desert.
7 Scorching sand
will turn into a lake,
and thirsty ground
will flow with fountains.
Grass will grow in deserts,
where packs of wild dogs
once made their home.
God's Sacred Highway
8 A good road will be there,
and it will be named
“God's Sacred Highway.”
It will be for God's people;
no one unfit to worship God
will walk on that road.
And no fools can travel
on that highway.
9 No lions or other wild animals
will come near that road;
only those the Lord has saved
will travel there.

10 The people the Lord has rescued
will come back singing
as they enter Zion.
Happiness will be a crown
everyone will always wear.
They will celebrate and shout
because all sorrows and worries
will be gone far away.