Yaawe le mu kerilaa ti
1 Hadamadiŋo ka a fansuŋ miiroolu soto a sondomoo kono le,
bari Yaawe* le mu kerilaa ti.
2 Hadamadiŋo taañaa ka munta a fee le ko, a maŋ sootaari soto,
bari Yaawe le ka sondomoo kono kuwolu bee kisikisi.
3 I be feŋ-wo-feŋ to, i si i la kuwo tu Yaawe bulu,
i la natoolu bee be timma la le.
4 Yaawe ye feŋolu bee daa daliiloo le kamma,
hani moo jawoo be a fansuŋ luŋo soto la le.
5 Yaawe te moo-wo-moo tu la jee meŋ ka a faŋ wara,
kaatu a tanoo le mu wo ti.
6 Ka bo kanu bambaloo niŋ tiliŋo la,
junube kafaroo si soto noo wo le kono,
niŋ moo silata Yaawe la, a te hame la kuu kuruŋ kewo la.
7 Niŋ moo taañaa ye Yaawe seewoo,
kayiroo ka tara a niŋ a jawoolu teema le.
8 I ye domandiŋ soto tiliŋo kono,
wo le fisiyaata jamaa ti jenkoo kono.
9 Hadamadiŋo ka a la feeroolu siti a sondomoo kono le,
bari Yaawe le ka a la kuwolu bee taamandi.
10 Mansa daakumoo ka ke moolu fee kuma kummaa le ti,
wo to a la kumoo ñanta tiliŋ na tooñaa le la.
11 Sumandiroo niŋ peesari tilindiŋo ka bo Yaawe le bulu,
feŋ-wo-feŋ ka sumaŋ, a la dookuwo le mu.
12 Mansoolu tanoo le ñanta ke la kuu jawu kewo ti,
kaatu mansakundaa buka bambaŋ noo tiliŋo kooma.
13 Tooñaa folaa la kuwo ka mansa seewoo le,
aduŋ a ka lafi moo la le meŋ ka tooñaa fo.
14 Mansa la kamfaa mu saayaa taamanseeroo le ti,
bari moo ñaamendiŋo le ka a la kamfaa jindi.
15 Niŋ mansa ñaalantoo be diyaariŋ, wo mu baluwo le ti,
aduŋ a la beteyaa ka muluŋ ne ko tawaloo meŋ ka samaa naati.
16 Ka ñaameŋo soto, le fisiyaata ka ke sanitiyo ti,
aduŋ fahaamuroo le be kodiforoo ñaato.
17 Moo kendoo ka taa niŋ sila betoo le la, meŋ buka a duŋ kuu kuruŋo kono,
meŋ ka a hakiloo tu a taañaa to, wo ka a niyo le tankandi.
18 Faŋ waroo ka moo samba kasaaroo le kaŋ,
aduŋ faŋ wara moo la kuwolu buka labaŋ kuu.
19 I ye i fammajii, i ye ke fuwaaroo ti,
wo le fisiyaata, i niŋ faŋ wara moo ye suuñaari feŋolu talaa.
20 Moo-wo-moo sonta yaamarimutoo la, a be ñaatotaa soto la le,
aduŋ neemoo be moo le ye meŋ laata Yaawe la.
21 Moo ñaamendiŋo le ka kuwolu bo noo ñoo to,
aduŋ kuma diimaa ka yaamaroo bambandi le.
22 Fahaamuroo mu baluwo sambaraŋo le ti moo ye, meŋ ye a soto,
bari tooleeyaa ka bataa le naati toolewo kaŋ.
23 Moo ñaamendiŋo ka a fokumoo loŋ ne,
aduŋ a daakumoo ka yaamaroo le ke.
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
24 Kuma diimaa ka munta le ko liyo,
niŋ i ye a nene, a ka diyaa le,
aduŋ a ka jaatoo kendeyandi le.
25 Sila le ka tara jee meŋ tilinta moo fee,
bari labaŋo la, a ka a samba saayaa le kaŋ.
26 Lebereesoo konoo le ka a duŋ sembe la dookuwo to,
konkoo le ka a duŋ a la.
27 Moo kuntaŋo ka feere jawoo le siti,
aduŋ a la diyaamoo ka muluŋ ne ko,
niŋ dimbaa ye kasaaroo ke.
28 Moo jawoo ka fitinoo le maamandi,
aduŋ naafikoo ka teeroolu la teeriyaa le tiñaa.
29 Fitinamoo ka a siiñoo marisa le,
aduŋ a buka a tilindi niŋ sila kendoo la.
30 Moo meŋ ka a ñaa kati moolu ye, a ka feere jawoo le siti,
aduŋ meŋ ka purucaroo ke, wo ka tara fitina kuwo le nooma.
31 Tii koyoo mu siimaayaa taamanseeroo le ti,
aduŋ a ka soto noo le, niŋ i tilinta i la baluwo kono.
32 Ka ke muñalaa ti, le fisiyaata ka ke kelejawaroo ti,
moo meŋ ka a jusoo ñabu, wo le fisiyaata saatee taalaa ti.
33 Moolu ka alikuuroo* ke le,
bari Yaawe faŋo le ka kuwolu koyindi.
The Lord Has the Final Word
1 We humans make plans,
but the Lord
has the final word.
2 We may think we know
what is right,
but the Lord is the judge
of our motives.
3 Share your plans with the Lord,
and you will succeed.

4 The Lord has a reason
for everything he does,
and he lets evil people live
only to be punished.
5 The Lord doesn't like
anyone who is conceited—
you can be sure
they will be punished.
6 If we truly love God,
our sins will be forgiven;
if we show him respect,
we will keep away from sin.
7 When we please the Lord,
even our enemies
make friends with us.
8 It's better to be honest
and poor
than to be dishonest
and rich.

9 We make our own plans,
but the Lord decides
where we will go.
10 Rulers speak with authority
and are never wrong.
11 The Lord watches to see
if we are fair
or if we cheat others.
12 Justice makes rulers powerful.
They should hate evil
13 and like honesty and truth.
14 An angry ruler
can put you to death.
So be wise!
Don't make one angry.
15 When a ruler is happy
and pleased with you,
it's like refreshing rain,
and you will live.

16 It's much better to be wise
and sensible
than to be rich.
17 God's people avoid evil ways,
and they protect themselves
by watching where they go.
18 Too much pride
will destroy you.
19 You are better off
to be humble and poor
than to get rich
from what you take by force.
20 If you know what you're doing,
you will prosper.
God blesses everyone
who trusts him.
21 Good judgment proves
that you are wise,
and if you speak kindly,
you can teach others.
22 Good sense is a fountain
that gives life,
but fools are punished
by their foolishness.
23 You can persuade others
if you are wise
and speak sensibly.

24 Kind words are like honey—
they cheer you up
and make you feel strong.
25 Sometimes what seems right
is really a road to death.
26 The hungrier you are,
the harder you work.
27 Worthless people plan trouble.
Even their words burn
like a flaming fire.
28 Gossip is no good!
It causes hard feelings
and comes between friends.

29 Don't trust violent people.
They will mislead you
to do the wrong thing.
30 When someone winks
or grins behind your back,
trouble is on the way.
31 Gray hair is a glorious crown
worn by those
who have lived right.
32 Controlling your temper
is better than being a hero
who captures a city.
33 We make our own decisions,
but the Lord alone
determines what happens.