Duwaa, ka tanka jawoolu ma
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 Hee Alla, i lamoyi n woosiikaŋo la.
N tanka n jawoolu la silandiroolu ma.
2 N sansaŋ moo kuruŋolu la kullootoo feeroo ma,
aniŋ moo jawoolu la beŋo n kamma.
3 Ì ka ì neŋolu diyaa le ko hawusaroo*,
ì ka kuma jawoolu fayi ko kalabeñoo.
4 Ì delentoo le ka moo sootaaribaloo buŋ,
ì buka sila ka a buŋ katabake.
5 Ì ka ñoo saayindi kuu jawu kewo la le,
ì ka kuma ñoo ye le
ì be ì la kutindiŋolu kullootoo laa la ñaameŋ.
Ì ka a fo ì faŋ ma le ko,
“Jumaa le si ǹ je noo?”
6 Niŋ ì ye ì la tilimbaliyaa feeroolu dadaa,
ì ye a fo ko ì ye feere kendoo le laa.
Muna, hadamadiŋo le sondomoo niŋ a hakiloo dibita.

7 Bari Alla be ì buŋ na a la kalabeñoo la le,
ì ye barama tarinke.
8 Ì neŋolu le be ì takindi la Alla la, ì ye kasaara,
aduŋ moolu mennu bee ye ì je, si ì kuŋo jiijaa.
9 Wo le to moolu bee si sila,
ì ye i miira Alla ye meŋ ke,
ì ye a la keroolu seyinkaŋ.
10 Moo tilindiŋolu ye seewoo Yaawe* la kuwo la,
ì ye i tuuku a la.
Tiliŋo be moolu mennu sondomoo to,
ì bee si a jayi.
(A psalm by David for the music leader.)
Celebrate because of the Lord
1 Listen to my concerns, God,
and protect me
from my enemies' threats.
2 Keep me safe from secret plots
of corrupt and evil gangs.
3 Their words cut like swords,
and their cruel remarks
sting like sharp arrows.
4 They fearlessly ambush
and shoot innocent people.

5 They are determined to do evil,
and they tell themselves,
“Let's set traps!
No one can see us.”
6 They make evil plans and say,
“We'll commit a perfect crime.
No one knows our thoughts.”

7 But God will shoot his arrows
and quickly wound them.
8 They will be destroyed
by their own words,
and everyone who sees them
will tremble with fear.
9 They will be afraid and say,
“Look at what God has done
and keep it all in mind.”

10 May the Lord bless his people
with peace and happiness
and let them celebrate.