Dankeneyaa suukuwo
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: Dawuda la Jabuuroo le mu.
1 M bambuta Yaawe* le kooma,
wo to, muŋ ne ye a tinna ali ko n ye ko,
“Tii ko kunoo, i ye taa konkoolu to.
2 Kaatu a fele,
moo kuruŋolu ye ì la kalandiŋolu ŋaaji le
ka juloo ke ì la.
Ì ye ì la kalabeñoolu ke kalandiŋ juloo daa,
ka moo betoolu buŋ diboo kono.
3 Moo tilindiŋolu te kuu ke noo la,
niŋ luwaa burukata.”

4 Yaawe be a taradulaa senuŋo to le,
a ka a la mansabaayaa taamandi le ka bo Arijana kono,
a ñaa be kuwo bee le la,
aduŋ a ka hadamadiŋolu bee le koroosi.
5 Yaawe ka moo tilindiŋolu niŋ moo kuruŋolu bee le kotobo.
A ye fitinantuŋolu koŋ jawuke le.
6 A be dimbaa keñembu wuleŋo
niŋ solifa* dimbaa le jindi la moo kuruŋolu kaŋ,
komeŋ samaajiyo.
A be ì jarabi la foño kandi jawu baa le la.

7 Yaawe tilinta le, aduŋ a ye kuu tilindiŋo le kanu.
Moo tilindiŋolu le be tara la ate fee.
(A psalm by David for the music leader.)
Trusting the Lord
1 The Lord is my fortress!
Don't say to me,
“Escape like a bird
to the mountains!”
2 You tell me, “Watch out!
Those evil people have put
their arrows on their bows,
and they are standing
in the shadows,
aiming at good people.
3 What can an honest person do
when everything crumbles?”

4 The Lord is sitting
in his sacred temple
on his throne in heaven.
He knows everything we do
because he sees us all.
5 The Lord tests honest people,
but despises those
who are cruel
and love violence.
6 He will send fiery coals
and flaming sulfur
down on the wicked,
and they will drink nothing
but a scorching wind.

7 The Lord always does right
and wants justice done.
Everyone who does right
will see his face.