Yaawe ye Banisirayila kuluu keñewuloo kono ñaameŋ
1 Bituŋ Musa tententa ka a fo Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Ali si ñiŋ luwaalu bee muta, ŋa mennu dii ali la bii. Ali si ali hakiloo tu ì to, ali ye bula ì nooma. Wo to le ali be siimaayaa la, ali ye siyaa bankoo kaŋ, ali be naa duŋ kaŋ daameŋ ka jee ke ali taa ti, Yaawe* ye i kali ali mumuñolu ye meŋ na. 2 Ali kana ñina Yaawe ali la Alla ye ali ñaatonkayaa ñaameŋ keñewuloo* kono, fo sanji taŋ naani. A ye koleyaa kuu jamaa le laa ali kaŋ ka ali kotobo, fo ali si ali fammajii, aniŋ ka a loŋ fo ali be a la yaamaroolu muta la le. 3 A ye a ke le konkoo ye ali muta ka ali fammajii. A naata ali domorindi manna* la, ali niŋ ali mumuñolu nene maŋ meŋ loŋ nuŋ. A ye ñiŋ ke le ka a yitandi ali la ko, moo buka baluu noo mbuuroo dammaa la, a ka baluu kuma-wo-kuma le la, Yaawe ye meŋ fo.
4 Wo sanji taŋ naanoo bee kono, ali la duŋ feŋolu nene maŋ tiñaa, waraŋ ali siŋolu si yiti taamoo kamma la. 5 Ali kana ñina ko, Yaawe ali la Alla ye ñiŋ kuluuroo laa ali kaŋ ne, ko wuluulaalu ka ì diŋolu kuluu ñaameŋ. 6 Wo kamma la, ali Yaawe la yaamaroolu muta, ali ye ì ke ko a be laariŋ ñaameŋ, aniŋ ka a ñaasilaŋo soto. 7 Yaawe be ali samba kaŋ banku kendoo le kaŋ, boloŋolu niŋ baalu be daameŋ to, ì jiyo ka woyi naŋ konkoolu santo le, ka jii wulumbaŋolu kono. 8 Wiiti* niŋ baali* siimaŋo be siyaariŋ jee, wayini* yiroolu, sooto suŋolu, roomaani* yiroolu, aniŋ olifu* yiroolu. Liyo fanaa be siyaariŋ jee. 9 Konkoo te ali muta la jee muumeeke, waraŋ ka dasa feŋ na. Jee beroolu ye newo soto ì kono le, aduŋ ali si jaawaloo siŋ noo a konkoolu to le. 10 Niŋ ali ye domoroo ke fo ali konoo faata, ali si Yaawe ali la Alla tentu, kaatu ate le ye ñiŋ banku kendoo dii ali la.
Ali kana ñina Yaawe la
11 Musa ye ì yaamari ko:
Ali si ali hakiloo tu ali kana ñina Yaawe la, ali la Alla. Ali kana ali koo dii a la luwaalu, yaamaroolu niŋ saratoolu la, m be ali yaamari kaŋ mennu la bii. 12 Ali be domori feŋ jamaa soto la le, ali konoolu ye faa. Ali be buŋ ñiimaalu loo la le ka sabati jee. 13 Ali la ninsoolu niŋ saajiyolu be yiriwaa la le, ali la sanoo, kodiforoo aniŋ ali sotofeŋ koteŋolu bee le be siyaa la. 14 Niŋ ali ye ñinnu bee soto, ali kana ali faŋ wara ka ñina Yaawe la ali la Alla, meŋ ye ali bondi naŋ joŋyaa kono Misira bankoo kaŋ. 15 Ate Yaawe le ye ali ñaatonkayaa wo keñewuloo kono, daameŋ silaŋo warata, saa kunamaalu niŋ buntaloolu be siyaariŋ jee. A ye jiyo bondi ali ye naŋ beroo kono wo banku jaaroo to jii te daameŋ. 16 A naata manna dii ali la wo keñewuloo kono ka a domo. Ñiŋ keta domori feŋ ne ti, ali mumuñolu nene maŋ meŋ loŋ. A ye koleyaa kuu jamaa laa ali kaŋ ka ali kotobo, fo ali si ali fammajii, a koolaa ye naa ke ali ye kayiroo ti. 17 Wo to, ali ali hakiloo tu, ali kana ñiŋ miira ka a fo ko, “Ǹ na katoo niŋ m̀ birisoo le ye ñiŋ sotofeŋolu sii m̀ ma.” 18 Ali si ñiŋ loŋ ko Yaawe ali la Alla le ye semboo dii ali la ka fanka. A ye ñiŋ ke le ka a la tiliŋo yitandi kambeŋo la kuwo to, meŋ be a niŋ ali mumuñolu teema, fo ka naa bula bii la. 19 Wo to ali kana ñina Yaawe la, ali la Alla, ka bula alla koteŋolu nooma ka ì batu. M be ali dandalaa la kendeke bii ko, niŋ ali ye wo ke, ali be kasaara la le, wo te baayi la. 20 Niŋ ali balanta ka Yaawe la yaamaroolu muta, a be ali kasaara la le, ko a be naa ñiŋ bankoo moolu kasaara la ñaameŋ, mennu be ali ñaato.
The Lord Takes Care of You
Moses said:
1 Israel, do you want to go into the land the Lord promised your ancestors? Do you want to capture it, live there, and become a powerful nation? Then be sure to obey every command I am giving you.
2 Don't forget how the Lord your God has led you through the desert for the past 40 years. He wanted to find out if you were truly willing to obey him and depend on him, 3 so he made you go hungry. Then he gave you manna, a kind of food that you and your ancestors had never even heard about. The Lord was teaching you that people need more than food to live—they need every word that the Lord has spoken.
4 Over the past 40 years, your clothing hasn't worn out, and your feet haven't swollen. 5 So keep in mind that the Lord has been correcting you, just as parents correct their children. 6 Obey the commands the Lord your God has given you and worship him with fear and trembling.
7 The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land with streams that flow from springs in the valleys and hills. 8-9 You can dig for copper in those hills, and the stones are made of iron ore. And you won't go hungry. Wheat and barley fields are everywhere, and so are vineyards and orchards full of fig, pomegranate, and olive trees, and there is plenty of honey.
Don't Forget the Lord
Moses said to Israel:
10 After you eat and are full, give praise to the Lord your God for the good land he gave you. 11 Make sure that you never forget the Lord or disobey his laws and teachings that I am giving you today. If you always obey them, 12 you will have plenty to eat, and you will build good houses to live in. 13 You will get more and more cattle, sheep, silver, gold, and other possessions.
14 But when all this happens, don't be proud! Don't forget that you were once slaves in Egypt and that it was the Lord who set you free. 15 Remember how he led you in that huge and frightening desert where poisonous snakes and scorpions live. There was no water, but the Lord split open a rock, and water poured out so you could drink. 16 He also gave you manna, a kind of food your ancestors had never even heard about. The Lord was testing you to make you trust him, so that later on he could be good to you.
17 When you become successful, don't say, “I'm rich, and I've earned it all myself.” 18 Instead, remember that the Lord your God gives you the strength to make a living. That's how he keeps the promise he made to your ancestors.
19-20 But I'm warning you—if you forget the Lord your God and worship other gods, the Lord will destroy you, just as he destroyed the nations you fought.