Balafata kuuraŋolu mennu ka sawuŋ
1 Yaawe* diyaamuta Musa niŋ Haaruna ye, ka a fo ì ye ko:
2 Niŋ moo ye yitoo soto a baloo bala, waraŋ furuntoo, waraŋ a baloo palipalita, a naata yelema a ye balafata kuuraŋo ti, meŋ ka sawuŋ, ì ñanta a samba la naŋ Piriisi* Haaruna ye le, waraŋ a dinkee piriisi kiliŋ. 3 Piriisoo si a baloo dulaa koroosi kuuraŋo be daameŋ to. Balatiyo meŋ be wo dulaa to niŋ a yelemata ka koyi, aduŋ a ka munta kuuraŋo ye baloo wo dulaa duŋ ne, wo mu balafata kuuraŋo le ti, meŋ ka sawuŋ. Niŋ piriisoo pareeta a koroosoo la, a si naa a bankee moo seneyaabaloo ti. 4 Bari kuuraŋo be a baloo daameŋ to, niŋ jee be koyiriŋ ne, aduŋ a ka munta kuuraŋo maŋ baloo wo dulaa duŋ, aniŋ fanaa balatiyo meŋ be wo dulaa to a maŋ yelema ka koyi, piriisoo si a maarii dammaa sabatindi a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula.
5 Tili woorowulanjaŋo la piriisoo si a baloo koroosi tukuŋ. Niŋ a ye a je ko kuuraŋo keñaa maŋ yelema, aduŋ a maŋ sawuŋ baloo kara doolu la, a si a maarii dammaa sabatindi a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula koteŋ. 6 Piriisoo si naa a koroosi tukuŋ tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la. Niŋ kuuraŋo nukunta baloo bala, aduŋ kuuraŋo maŋ janjaŋ baloo bala, piriisoo si a bankee ko a seneyaata le, furuntoo doroŋ ne mu. A maarii si naa a la duŋ feŋolu kuu, aduŋ a la seneyaa si timma.
7 Bari niŋ furuntoo naata janjaŋ a baloo bala, a la a faŋ yitandiriŋ koolaa piriisoo la, ka a la seneyaa koroosi, a ñanta taa la a faŋ yitandi la piriisoo la le kotenke. 8 Piriisoo si a koroosi tukuŋ, aduŋ niŋ furuntoo janjanta a baloo bala, piriisoo si a bankee ko a maŋ seneyaa. Balafata kuuraŋo le be a bala, meŋ ka sawuŋ.
9 Balafata kuuraŋo meŋ ka sawuŋ, niŋ a ye moo-wo-moo muta, ì ñanta a samba la naŋ piriisoo yaa le. 10 Piriisoo si a koroosi, aduŋ niŋ yitoo tarata a bala, a koyita, ka a tinna fo jee balatiyolu ye koyi, aniŋ fanaa niŋ bala mereŋo keta yitoo kono, 11 wo mu balajawu kuuraŋo le ti. Piriisoo si a bankee ko a maarii maŋ seneyaa. A maŋ jari ka a maarii dammaa sabatindi a faŋ ye, bayiri a koyita le ko a maŋ seneyaa.
12 Bari niŋ kuuraŋo fintita baloo kono ka janjaŋ fatewo bala, biriŋ duuma fo santo, piriisoo la jeroo daŋo to, 13 wo to piriisoo ñanta a maarii baloo bee koroosi la le kotenke. Niŋ a ye a tara kuuraŋo la janjaŋo taata fo a banta a baloo bala, a ye a fatewo yelemandi ka koyi, piriisoo si a bankee ko a maarii seneyaata le.
14 Bari niŋ bala mereŋo fintita a bala, a maŋ seneyaa. 15 Piriisoo si a koroosi tukuŋ, aduŋ a si a bankee ko a maŋ seneyaa. Bala mereŋo ñiŋ maŋ seneyaa, bayiri balafata kuuraŋo le be a bala, meŋ ka sawuŋ. 16 Bari niŋ bala mereŋo ye a dati ka kendeyaa, a si muru piriisoo kaŋ. 17 A si a baloo koroosi, aduŋ niŋ kuuraŋo ñiŋ koyita a baloo bala, a seneyaata le. Piriisoo si naa a bankee ko a maarii seneyaata le.
18 Niŋ maadiŋo keta moo bala, aduŋ a naata kendeyaa, 19 bituŋ yiti koyoo waraŋ cuputu wuleŋ daakoyoolu fintita maadiŋo noo to, a maarii ñanta a faŋ yitandi la piriisoo la le. 20 Bituŋ piriisoo si a baloo koroosi, aduŋ niŋ a ye a tara a ye balajaatoo duŋ ne, aduŋ jee tiyolu koyita, piriisoo si a bankee ko a maŋ seneyaa. Balafata kuuraŋo le be a bala, meŋ ka sawuŋ, meŋ fintita maadiŋo noo to. 21 Bari niŋ a ye a tara piriisoo la koroosiroo to, a ye a je ko jee balatiyolu maŋ yelema ka koyi, aduŋ a maŋ balafatoo duŋ, bari a nukunta le, wo to piriisoo si a maarii sabatindi a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula. 22 Wo koolaa niŋ a naata janjaŋ baloo bala, piriisoo si a bankee ko, a maarii maŋ seneyaa. Kuuraŋo meŋ ka sawuŋ, wo le be a la. 23 Bari niŋ kuuraŋo danta dulaa kiliŋ ne to, a maŋ janjaŋ, wo mu maadiŋ noo doroŋ ne ti. Piriisoo si naa a bankee ko, a seneyaata le.
24 A si ke noo fanaa moo baloo dulaa ye jani, jee ye ke bala mereŋo ti, a ye naa ke palipaloo ti, meŋ koyita waraŋ a muluŋo be wulewo niŋ koyoo teema. 25 Piriisoo ñanta le ka wo koroosi, aduŋ niŋ jee balatiyolu yelemata ka koyi, a ka munta a ye balafatoo duŋ ne, wo to wo mu balafata kuuraŋo le ti, meŋ ka sawuŋ. A fintita jani noo le to. Piriisoo si a bankee ko, a maarii maŋ seneyaa. Balafata kuuraŋo le be a bala, meŋ ka sawuŋ. 26 Bari piriisoo la koroosiroo to, niŋ jee balatiyolu maŋ koyi, aduŋ a maŋ balafatoo duŋ, bari a nukunta le, a si a maarii sabatindi a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula. 27 Piriisoo si a koroosi tukuŋ tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la. Niŋ a janjanta a baloo bala, a si a bankee ko, a maarii maŋ seneyaa. Balafata kuuraŋo le be a bala, meŋ ka sawuŋ. 28 Bari niŋ a danta dulaa kiliŋ ne to, a maŋ janjaŋ baloo bala, bari a nukunta le, wo mu jani noo doroŋ ne ti. Piriisoo si a bankee ko, a seneyaata le. Jani noo doroŋ ne mu.
29 Niŋ kewo waraŋ musoo ye balafata kuuraŋo soto a kuŋo bala waraŋ a bomboŋo bala, 30 piriisoo ñanta le ka a koroosi. Niŋ a ka munta a ye jee balafatoo duŋ ne, aduŋ jee balatiyolu netemunkuta ka waariŋ-waariŋ, wo to piriisoo si a bankee ko, a maarii maŋ seneyaa. Balaŋañaa kuuraŋo le mu. Wo mu balafata kuuraŋo le ti, kuŋo to waraŋ bomboŋo to, meŋ ka sawuŋ. 31 Bari niŋ a ye a tara piriisoo la koroosiroo to, kuuraŋo ka munta a maŋ balafatoo duŋ, aduŋ balatii fiŋ te jee, wo to piriisoo si a maarii sabatindi a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula. 32 Piriisoo si naa kuuraŋo ñiŋ koroosi tukuŋ, tili woorowulanjaŋo la. Niŋ balaŋañaa kuuraŋo maŋ janjaŋ baloo bala, aduŋ balatii netemunku te jee, aniŋ fanaa a maŋ balafatoo duŋ, 33 wo to a ñanta i lii la le. Bari a maŋ ñaŋ na balafata kuuraŋo dulaa to lii la. Piriisoo si a maarii sabatindi a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula koteŋ. 34 Bituŋ tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la, piriisoo si balaŋañaa kuuraŋo koroosi tukuŋ. Niŋ a maŋ janjaŋ baloo bala, aduŋ a ka munta a maŋ baloo duŋ, wo to piriisoo si a bankee ko, a maarii seneyaata le. A maarii si a la duŋ feŋolu kuu, aduŋ a be seneyaa la le. 35 Bari a la seneyaa bankeeriŋ koolaa, niŋ balaŋañaa kuuraŋo naata janjaŋ a baloo bala, 36 wo to piriisoo ñanta a koroosi la le kotenke. Niŋ balaŋañaa kuuraŋo janjanta a baloo bala, a maŋ jari faŋ, a ye balatii netemunkoolu ñini a baloo bala. A maarii maŋ seneyaa. 37 Bari niŋ a ye a tara piriisoo la koroosiroo to, balaŋañaa kuuraŋo ñiŋ maŋ wajabi, aduŋ balatii fiŋolu falinta jee ka kendeyaa, a maarii seneyaata le. Piriisoo si a bankee ko, a maarii seneyaata le.
38 Niŋ kewo waraŋ musoo ye tompi koyoolu soto a baloo bala, 39 piriisoo ñanta a maarii koroosi la le. Wo tompoolu mennu be a bala, niŋ ì la koyoo nukuŋ mulunta, wo to furuntoo doroŋ ne fintita a bala. A maarii seneyaata le.
40 Niŋ kewo foota kuntiñoo la, a keta kuŋ lawulawoo le ti, bari a seneyaata le. 41 Niŋ a ye a tara a maarii maŋ kuntiñoo soto a fondaa to le ka taa a munewo to, a ye fondaa lawulawoo le soto, bari a maarii seneyaata le. 42 Bari niŋ kuuraŋo fintita a ye lawulawoo to, meŋ be wulewo niŋ koyoo teema, wo mu balafata kuuraŋo le ti, meŋ ka sawuŋ. 43 Piriisoo si a koroosi, aduŋ yitoo meŋ be lawulawoo to, niŋ a be wulewo niŋ koyoo le teema, komeŋ balafata kuuraŋo, meŋ ka sawuŋ, 44 wo to wo kewo ye kuuraŋo le soto, aduŋ a maŋ seneyaa. Piriisoo si a bankee ko, a maŋ seneyaa, bayiri balafata kuuraŋo le be a kuŋo to.
45 Moo meŋ ye balafata kuuraŋo soto meŋ ka sawuŋ, a maarii ñanta ka feŋ farariŋolu le duŋ, a ye a kuntiñoo bula, a ye janjaŋ, aduŋ a si kali a buloo ke a daa to ka wuuri ko, “Nte maŋ seneyaa de! Nte maŋ seneyaa de!”
46 A be tu la seneyaabaliyaa le to, tuma meŋ wo balafata kuuraŋo be a la. A be sabati la a faŋ ye dulaa le to, daakaa banta la, ka jamfa moolu la, mennu maŋ wo kuuraŋo soto.
Yaamaroolu, fiinoo la kuwo to
47 Niŋ fiinoo keta duŋ feŋo bala, a keta tiifaanoo ti baŋ, waraŋ fataroo, 48 meŋ be ko daarifaanoo waraŋ soofaanoo, waraŋ kuloo, waraŋ feŋo meŋ dadaata kuloo la, 49 niŋ fiinoo ñiŋ jambakereta, waraŋ a wulee mulunta, fiinoo le mu. A ñanta yitandi la piriisoo la le. 50 Piriisoo si fiinoo koroosi, aduŋ a si feŋo ñiŋ ke a faŋ ye fo tili woorowula. 51 A si naa fiinoo koroosi tukuŋ tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la. Niŋ fiinoo janjanta feŋo bala, wo mu fiina karundiŋo le ti. A duŋ feŋo ñiŋ maŋ seneyaa, hani a si ke muŋ ne ti. 52 Piriisoo ñanta wo duŋ feŋo ñiŋ jani la le, a keta daarifaanoo ti baŋ, waraŋ soofaanoo, fataroo, waraŋ tiifaanoo, waraŋ kuloo, bayiri fiinoo ñiŋ karunta le. A ñanta kasaara la niŋ dimbaa le la.
53 Bari niŋ piriisoo ye a koroosi, aduŋ a ye a je fiinoo maŋ janjaŋ wo feŋo bala, 54 wo to piriisoo si yaamaroo dii ko, ì si feŋo ñiŋ kuu fiinoo be meŋ bala. A si naa feŋo ke a faŋ ye tukuŋ fo tili woorowula. 55 Bituŋ piriisoo si a koroosi kotenke. Niŋ dulaa fiinariŋo muluŋo maŋ yelema, hani fiinoo maŋ janjaŋ feŋo bala ñaa-wo-ñaa, a maŋ seneyaa. A maarii ñanta a je la le ko, feŋo ñiŋ ye jani, fo fiinoo be feŋo ñiŋ ñaa ñiimaa le la baŋ, waraŋ a ñaa jawoo. 56 Bari niŋ a ye a tara piriisoo ye a koroosi le a kuuriŋ koolaa, aduŋ a ye a je ko fiinoo nukuŋ mulunta duŋ feŋo waraŋ kuloo bala le, a si dulaa kuntu a bala, fiinoo keta daameŋ to. 57 Wo koolaa, niŋ a naata finti tukuŋ feŋo ñiŋ bala, a be janjaŋ kaŋ ne. A maarii ñanta a je la le ko, feŋo ñiŋ ye jani, fiinoo be meŋ bala. 58 Niŋ a ye a tara fiinoo nukunta feŋo ñiŋ bala le kabiriŋ a maarii ye a kuu, a si a kuu kotenke, aduŋ a be seneyaa la le.
59 Ñiŋ ne mu luwaa ti fiinoo la kuwo to, meŋ keta duŋ feŋo bala. A keta tiifaanoo ti baŋ, waraŋ fataroo, daarifaanoo, soofaanoo, aniŋ kuloo. Fataŋ-fansiroo ñanta ke la teŋ ne, fo feŋo seneyaata le baŋ, waraŋ fo a maŋ seneyaa.
Skin Diseases
1 The Lord told Moses and Aaron to say to the people:
2 If sores or boils or a skin rash should break out and start spreading on your body, you must be brought to Aaron or to one of the other priests. 3 If the priest discovers that the hair in the infected area has turned white and that the infection seems more than skin deep, he will say, “This is leprosy —you are unclean.”
4 But if the infected area is white and only skin deep, and if the hair in it hasn't turned white, the priest will order you to stay away from everyone else for seven days. 5 If the disease hasn't spread by that time, he will order you to stay away from everyone else for another seven days. 6 Then if the disease hasn't become any worse or spread, the priest will say, “You are clean. It is only a sore. After you wash your clothes, you may go home.”
7 However, if the disease comes back, you must return to the priest. 8 If it is discovered that the disease has started spreading, he will say, “This is leprosy—you are unclean.”
9 Any of you with a skin disease must be brought to a priest. 10 If he discovers that the sore spot is white with pus and that the hair around it has also turned white, 11 he will say, “This is leprosy. You are unclean and must stay away from everyone else.” 12-13 But if the disease has run its course and only the scars remain, he will say, “You are clean.” 14-15 If the sores come back and turn white again, he will say, “This is leprosy—you are unclean.”
16-17 However, if the sores heal and only white spots remain, the priest will say, “You are now clean.”
18-19 If you have a sore that either swells or turns reddish-white after it has healed, then you must show it to a priest. 20 If he discovers that the hair in the infected area has turned white and that the infection seems more than skin deep, he will say, “This is leprosy—you are unclean.” 21 But if the white area is only on the surface of the skin and hasn't become any worse, and if the hair in it hasn't turned white, he will tell you to stay away from everyone else for seven days.
22 If the sore begins spreading during this time, the priest will say, “You are unclean because you have a disease.” 23 But if it doesn't spread, and only a scar remains, he will say, “You are now clean.”
24 If you have a burn that gets infected and turns red or reddish-white, 25 a priest must examine it. Then if he discovers that the hair in the infected area has turned white and that the infection seems more than skin deep, he will say, “The burn has turned into leprosy, and you are unclean.” 26 But if the priest finds that the hair in the infected area hasn't turned white and that the sore is only skin deep and it is healing, he will tell you to stay away from everyone else for seven days. 27 On the seventh day the priest will examine you again, and if the infection is spreading, he will say, “This is leprosy—you are unclean.” 28 However, if the infection hasn't spread and has begun to heal, and if only a scar remains, he will say, “Only a scar remains from the burn, and you are clean.”
29 If you have a sore on your head or chin, 30 it must be examined by a priest. If the infection seems more than skin deep, and the hair in it has thinned out and lost its color, he will say, “This is leprosy—you are unclean.” 31 On the other hand, if he discovers that the itchy spot is only skin deep, but that the hair still isn't healthy, he will order you to stay away from everyone else for seven days. 32 By that time, if the itch hasn't spread, if the hair seems healthy, and if the itch is only skin deep, 33 you must shave off the hair around the infection, but not those on it. Then the priest will tell you to stay away from everyone else for another seven days. 34 By that time, if the itch hasn't spread and seems no more than skin deep, he will say, “You are clean; now you must wash your clothes.”
35-36 Later, if the itch starts spreading, even though the hair is still healthy, the priest will say, “You are unclean.” 37 But if he thinks you are completely well, he will say, “You are clean.”
38 If white spots break out on your skin, 39 but the priest discovers that it is only a rash, he will say, “You are clean.”
40-41 If you become bald on any part of your head, you are still clean. 42-43 But if a priest discovers that a reddish-white sore has broken out on the bald spot and looks like leprosy, he will say, 44 “This is leprosy—you are unclean.”
45 If you ever have leprosy, you must tear your clothes, leave your hair uncombed, cover the lower part of your face, and go around shouting, “I'm unclean! I'm unclean!” 46 As long as you have the disease, you are unclean and must live alone outside the camp.
47-50 If a greenish or reddish spot appears anywhere on any of your clothing or on anything made of leather, you must let the priest examine the clothing or the leather. He will put it aside for seven days, 51 and if the mildew has spread in that time, he will say, “This is unclean 52 because the mildew has spread.” Then he will burn the clothing or the piece of leather.
53 If the priest discovers that the mildew hasn't spread, 54 he will tell you to wash the clothing or leather and put it aside for another seven days, 55 after which he will examine it again. If the spot hasn't spread, but is still greenish or reddish, the clothing or leather is unclean and must be burned. 56 But if the spot has faded after being washed, he will tear away the spot. 57 Later, if the spot reappears elsewhere on the clothing or the leather, you must burn it. 58 Even if the spot completely disappears after being washed, it must be washed again before it is clean.
59 These are the rules for deciding if clothing is clean or unclean after a spot appears on it.