Hakilimaayaa kuwo taamandi
1 Ì ka moo meŋ yaamari waati-wo-waati, hani wo a buka i lamoyi,
jee niŋ jee a si kasaara, a la haajoo te jaara noo la kotenke.
2 Niŋ moo tilindiŋolu ye maraloo ke, moolu ka seewoo le,
bari niŋ moo jawoolu be maraloo la, moolu ka ŋuntaŋ ne.
3 Moo meŋ lafita ñaameŋo la, ka seewoo le naati a faamaa kaŋ,
bari ka cakoo ke kafuñoo ti, wo ka moo la naafuloo le kasaara.
4 Tiliŋo le ka a tinna, mansa ka tenkuŋo sabatindi bankoo kaŋ,
bari meŋ ka naamu koleŋo laa moolu kaŋ, wo ka bankoo kasaara le.
5 Moo-wo-moo ka a siiñoo yooti,
ka jaloo le laa a ye.
6 Moo jawoo la junuboo le ka muruŋ a faŋo kaŋ,
bari moo tilindiŋo si denkiloo laa, a ye seewoo.
7 Moo tilindiŋo ka a hakilitu fuwaaroo ye tiliŋo la kuwo to le,
bari moo jawoo maŋ wo hakiloo soto.
8 Ñaawalilaalu ka saatewo le duŋ ñoo to,
bari moo ñaamendiŋolu ka kamfaa bayi le.
9 Niŋ moo ñaamendiŋo niŋ toolewo taata luwaa ñaatiliŋo la,
sariŋ-sariŋo niŋ moo ñaawali bambaloo le ka tara keriŋ.
10 Moofaalaalu ka moo kendoo koŋ ne,
aduŋ ì ka lafi le ka moo tilindiŋo faa.
11 Toolewo ka a la kamfaa muumee le fintindi,
bari hakilimaa ka a faŋ muta le.
12 Niŋ maralilaa ka i lamoyi faniyaa kumoo la,
a la dookuulaalu muumee ka naa jawuyaa le.
13 Fuwaaroo niŋ mantooralaa bee denta ñiŋ kuu kiliŋo la le,
Yaawe* le ye ñaalu dii ì bee la ka jeroo ke.
14 Niŋ mansa ye fuwaaroolu kiitindi tiliŋo kono,
a la mansayaa be tara la bambandiŋ ne fo abadaa.
15 Busoo niŋ yitandiroo ka ñaameŋo dii le,
bari niŋ dindiŋo be a faŋo bulu, wo ka a baa malundi le.
16 Niŋ moo jawoo ye maraloo ke, junuboo ka siyaa le,
bari moo tilindiŋolu be a la boyoo je la le.
17 I diŋo kuluu fo a si dahaa dii i la,
a be i niyo seewondi la le.
18 Niŋ Alla la yitandiroo te daameŋ, meŋ diyaata moo ye, a ka wo le ke,
bari neemoo be moo le ye, meŋ ka luwaa muta.
19 Diyaamoo dammaa buka dookuulaa tilindi noo,
hani a ye a fahaamu, a buka i danku.
20 Fo i ye moo le je meŋ ka korontotoo diyaamoo ke?
Jiki baa ka tara toolewo le ye ate ti.
21 I ye joŋo meŋ tiñaa biriŋ a dindiŋ,
a ka labaŋ tiñaa la baake le.
22 Moo meŋ ka kamfaa juuna, a ka sonkoo le jambandi,
aduŋ moo jusu sutuŋo ka junube kuu jamaa le saabu.
23 Moo la faŋ waroo le ka a jindi,
bari moo meŋ ye a fammajii, a ka buuñaa soto le.
24 Suŋo taañoo le mu a faŋo jawu baa kataŋo ti,
niŋ ì ye a kalindi, a ka sila le ka tooñaa fo.
25 Ka sila moo la si moo duŋ noo kuu kono le,
bari moo-wo-moo laata Yaawe la, wo ka tara tankoo le kono.
26 Moo jamaa ka lafi maralilaa la maakoyiroo la le,
bari Yaawe le ka tiliŋo dii hadamadiŋo la.
27 Moo tilindiŋo ka moo kuruŋo koŋ ne,
aduŋ moo jawoo fanaa ka moo tilindiŋo koŋ ne.
Use Good Sense
1 If you keep being stubborn
after many warnings,
you will suddenly discover
you have gone too far.
2 When justice rules a nation,
everyone is glad;
when injustice rules,
everyone groans.
3 If you love wisdom
your parents will be glad,
but chasing after bad women
will cost you everything.
4 An honest ruler
makes the nation strong;
a ruler who takes bribes
will bring it to ruin.

5 Flattery is nothing less
than setting a trap.
6 Your sins will catch you,
but everyone who lives right
will sing and celebrate.
7 The wicked don't care
about the rights of the poor,
but good people do.
8 Sneering at others is a spark
that sets a city on fire;
using good sense can put out
the flames of anger.

9 Be wise and don't sue a fool.
You won't get satisfaction,
because all the fool will do
is sneer and shout.
10 A murderer hates everyone
who is honest
and lives right.
11 Don't be a fool
and quickly lose your temper—
be sensible and patient.

12 A ruler who listens to lies
will have corrupt officials.
13 The poor and all who abuse them
must each depend on God
for light.
14 Kings who are fair to the poor
will rule a long time.

15 Correct your children,
and they will be wise;
children out of control
disgrace their mothers.
16 Crime increases
when crooks are in power,
but law-abiding citizens
will see them fall.
17 If you correct your children,
they will bring you peace
and happiness.

18 Without guidance from God
law and order disappear,
but God blesses everyone
who obeys his Law.
19 Even when servants are smart,
it takes more than words
to make them obey.
20 There is more hope for a fool
than for someone who speaks
without thinking.
21 Slaves that you treat kindly
from their childhood
will cause you sorrow.
22 A person with a quick temper
stirs up arguments
and commits a lot of sins.

23 Too much pride brings disgrace;
humility leads to honor.
24 If you take part in a crime
you are your worst enemy,
because even under oath
you can't tell the truth.
25 Don't fall into the trap
of being a coward—
trust the Lord,
and you will be safe.
26 Many try to make friends
with a ruler,
but justice comes
from the Lord.
27 Good people and criminals
can't stand each other.