1 Kabiriŋ tata sansaŋo banta seyinkaŋ loo la, aduŋ ŋa daa tawundaŋolu ke ì kedulaa, wo le to Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* dundaŋ daa kantalaalu, suukuulaalaalu, aniŋ Lewi lasiloo naata londi ì la dookuu daa to. 2 Ŋa m baadiŋo Hanani le marandi Yerusalaamu ma, aniŋ Hananiya, meŋ marata tatoo ma. Kaatu Hananiya mu moo tilindiŋo le ti, aduŋ a silata Alla la le ka tambi kee jamaa la. 3 N ko ì ye ko, “Yerusalaamu dundaŋ daalu maŋ ñaŋ ka yele fo niŋ tiloo kandita. Janniŋ daa kantalaalu be jii la, ì si daa tawundaŋolu soroŋ, ka bantambiloo ke ì la. Ali si Yerusalaamu moo doolu fanaa tomboŋ ka ì ke kantarilaalu ti. Doolu si loo kantari dulaalu to, aduŋ doolu si loo ì faŋolu la buŋolu daa to.” 4 Bari saatewo ñiŋ warata le, aduŋ a kenoo fanuta le. Moo dantaŋ ne be jee, aduŋ buŋ maŋ seyinkaŋ loo foloo.
Banisirayilankoolu mennu seyita ka bo mutoo kono
(Esira 2:1-70)
5 Bituŋ n na Alla ye hakiloo dii n na ka ñaatonkoolu bendi, alifaalu, aniŋ moo toomaalu bee, ka ì toolu safee ka bo niŋ ì la dimbaayaalu la. N naata moolu la wuluu sila safeeroolu je le, mennu foloo seyita naŋ. Ŋa ñiŋ ne tara safeeriŋ jee:
6 Ñiŋ ne mu Yahuuda kumandaŋ mara bankoo moolu yaatewo ti, Babiloni mansa Nebukanesa ye mennu muta nuŋ, a ye ì samba Babiloni bankoo kaŋ. Ì muruta Yerusalaamu le, aniŋ ì bonsuŋ saatewolu bee to, Yahuuda bankoo kaŋ. 7 Ì la ñaatonkoolu mu ñinnu le ti: Serubabeli, Yesuwa, Nehemiya, Asariya, Raamiya, Nahamani, Moridekayi, Bilisani, Misipereti, Bikiwayi, Nehumu, aniŋ Baana.
Ñiŋ ne mu Banisirayila kewolu yaatewo ti, mennu seyita naŋ ka bo mutoo kono:
8 Parosi koomalankoolu, moo wuli fula, aniŋ keme, aniŋ taŋ woorowula niŋ fula.
9 Sefatiya koomalankoolu, moo keme saba, aniŋ taŋ woorowula niŋ fula.
10 Ara koomalankoolu, moo keme wooro, aniŋ taŋ luulu niŋ fula.
11 Pahati-Mowabi koomalankoolu, mennu mu Yesuwa niŋ Yowabu koomalankoolu ti, moo wuli fula, aniŋ keme seyi, aniŋ taŋ niŋ seyi.
12 Elamu koomalankoolu, moo wuli kiliŋ, aniŋ keme fula, aniŋ taŋ luulu niŋ naani.
13 Satu koomalankoolu, moo keme seyi, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ luulu.
14 Sakayi koomalankoolu, moo keme woorowula, aniŋ taŋ wooro.
15 Binnuyi koomalankoolu, moo keme wooro, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ seyi.
16 Bebayi koomalankoolu, moo keme wooro, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ seyi.
17 Asikadi koomalankoolu, moo wuli fula, aniŋ keme saba, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ fula.
18 Adonikamu koomalankoolu, moo keme wooro, aniŋ taŋ wooro niŋ woorowula.
19 Bikiwayi koomalankoolu, moo wuli fula, aniŋ taŋ wooro niŋ woorowula.
20 Adini koomalankoolu, moo keme wooro, aniŋ taŋ luulu niŋ luulu.
21 Ateri koomalankoolu, mennu mu Hesekiya koomalankoolu ti, moo taŋ kononto niŋ seyi.
22 Hasumu koomalankoolu, moo keme saba, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ seyi.
23 Besayi koomalankoolu, moo keme saba, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ naani.
24 Harifu koomalankoolu, moo keme, aniŋ taŋ niŋ fula.
25 Kibeyoni koomalankoolu, moo taŋ kononto niŋ luulu.
26 Betilehemunkoolu aniŋ Netofankoolu, moo keme, aniŋ taŋ seyi niŋ seyi.
27 Anatotinkoolu, moo keme, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ seyi.
28 Beti-Asimawetinkoolu, moo taŋ naani niŋ fula.
29 Kiriyati-Yeyarimunkoolu, Kefirankoolu niŋ Beerotinkoolu, moo keme woorowula, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ saba.
30 Ramankoolu niŋ Kebankoolu, moo keme wooro, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ kiliŋ.
31 Mikimasinkoolu, moo keme, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ fula.
32 Betelinkoolu niŋ Ayinkoolu, moo keme, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ saba.
33 Nebo saatee doo moolu, moo taŋ luulu niŋ fula.
34 Elamu saatee doo moolu, moo wuli kiliŋ, aniŋ keme fula, aniŋ taŋ luulu niŋ naani.
35 Harimunkoolu, moo keme saba, aniŋ muwaŋ.
36 Yerikonkoolu, moo keme saba, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ luulu.
37 Lodinkoolu, Hadidinkoolu, aniŋ Ononkoolu, moo keme woorowula, aniŋ muwaŋ niŋ kiliŋ.
38 Senaankoolu, moo wuli saba, aniŋ keme kononto, aniŋ taŋ saba.

39 Piriisoolu*, wolu yaatewo mu ñiŋ ne ti:
Yedaya koomalankoolu, mennu bonsuŋo mu Yesuwa ti, moo keme kononto, aniŋ taŋ woorowula niŋ saba.
40 Immeri koomalankoolu, moo wuli kiliŋ, aniŋ taŋ luulu niŋ fula.
41 Pasihuri koomalankoolu, moo wuli kiliŋ, aniŋ keme fula, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ woorowula.
42 Harimu koomalankoolu, moo wuli kiliŋ, aniŋ taŋ niŋ woorowula.
43 Lewi lasiloo yaatewo mu ñiŋ ne ti:
Yesuwa niŋ Kadimiyeli koomalankoolu, mennu mu Hodawiya koomalankoolu ti, moo taŋ woorowula niŋ naani.
44 Suukuulaalaalu yaatewo mu ñiŋ ne ti:
Asafu koomalankoolu, moo keme, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ seyi.
45 Alla Batudulaa Buŋo dundaŋ daa kantalaalu yaatewo mu ñiŋ ne ti:
Sallumu koomalankoolu,
Ateri koomalankoolu,
Talimoni koomalankoolu,
Akubu koomalankoolu,
Hatita koomalankoolu,
Sobayi koomalankoolu,
wolu bee kafuriŋo mu moo keme, aniŋ taŋ saba niŋ seyi le ti.
46 Alla Batudulaa Buŋo to dookuulaalu mu ñinnu le ti:
Siha koomalankoolu,
Hasufa koomalankoolu,
Tabawoti koomalankoolu,
47 Kerosi koomalankoolu,
Siya koomalankoolu,
Padoni koomalankoolu,
48 Lebana koomalankoolu,
Hakaba koomalankoolu,
Salimayi koomalankoolu,
49 Hanani koomalankoolu,
Kideli koomalankoolu,
Kahari koomalankoolu,
50 Reyaya koomalankoolu,
Resini koomalankoolu,
Nekoda koomalankoolu,
51 Kasamu koomalankoolu,
Usa koomalankoolu,
Paseya koomalankoolu,
52 Besayi koomalankoolu,
Meyunimu koomalankoolu,
Nefusimu koomalankoolu,
53 Bakibuki koomalankoolu,
Hakufa koomalankoolu,
Harihuri koomalankoolu,
54 Basiluti koomalankoolu,
Mehida koomalankoolu,
Harisa koomalankoolu,
55 Barikosi koomalankoolu,
Sisera koomalankoolu,
Tema koomalankoolu,
56 Nesiya koomalankoolu,
aniŋ Hatifa koomalankoolu.
57 Mansa Sulemani la dookuulaalu koomalankoolu, wolu mu ñinnu le ti:
Sotayi koomalankoolu,
Sofereti koomalankoolu,
Perida koomalankoolu,
58 Yaala koomalankoolu,
Darikoni koomalankoolu,
Kideli koomalankoolu,
59 Sefatiya koomalankoolu,
Hatili koomalankoolu,
Pokereti-Hasebayimu koomalankoolu,
aniŋ Amoni koomalankoolu.
60 Alla Batudulaa Buŋo dundaŋ daa kantalaalu, aniŋ Mansa Sulemani la dookuulaalu koomalankoolu kafuriŋo, wolu yaatewo mu moo keme saba, aniŋ taŋ kononto niŋ fula le ti.
61 Moo doolu mennu yaatewo ka naa fo teŋ, fanaa muruta naŋ ne ka bo saatewolu to, mennu keta Teli-Mela ti, Teli-Harisa, Kerubu, Adoni, aniŋ Immeri. Bari itolu maŋ a yitandi noo ko ì la dimbaayaa moolu niŋ ì bonsuŋolu mu Banisirayilankoolu le ti. Wolu le mu ñinnu ti:
62 Delaya koomalankoolu,
Tobiya koomalankoolu,
Nekoda koomalankoolu,
moo keme wooro, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ fula.
63 Piriisi doolu fanaa koomalankoolu le mu ñinnu ti:
Hobaya koomalankoolu,
Hakosi koomalankoolu,
aniŋ Baasillayi koomalankoolu.
Baasillayi ye Baasillayi Kileyadinkoo dimmusoo le futuu, wo le ye a tinna ì ka a kumandi wo too la. 64 Itolu ye ì la moolu bonsuŋolu ñini wuluu sila safeeroolu kono le, bari ì maŋ ì je. Wo le ye a tinna ì ye ì bali piriisiyaa la, kaatu ì ye ì muta moo seneyaabaloolu le ti. 65 Ì la kumandaŋo ko ì ye le ko, ì kana sadaa* domori senuŋ baa domo, fo niŋ piriisoo sotota, meŋ si ì la kuwo juubee niŋ Urimu aniŋ Tummimu la.
66 Kafoo ñiŋ muumewo yaatewo mu moo wuli taŋ naani niŋ fula, aniŋ keme saba, aniŋ taŋ wooro le ti. 67 Wo niŋ ì la dookuulaa kewolu niŋ musoolu maŋ kiliŋ, mennu yaatewo mu moo wuli woorowula, aniŋ keme saba, aniŋ taŋ saba niŋ woorowula ti. Aduŋ ì ye suukuulaalaa kewolu niŋ musoolu soto ì kono le, ì moo keme fula, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ luulu. 68 Ì la beeyaŋolu yaatewo mu ñiŋ ne ti: suu keme woorowula, aniŋ taŋ saba niŋ wooro, bahalee* keme fula, aniŋ taŋ naani niŋ luulu, 69 ñonkome keme naani, aniŋ taŋ saba niŋ luulu, aniŋ fali wuli wooro, aniŋ keme woorowula niŋ muwaŋ.
70 Lasiloolu la alifaa doolu ye diiroo ke Alla Batudulaa Buŋo dookuwo to le. Kumandaŋo ye sanoo kilo seyi le dii rankeesoo to, booli taŋ luulu, aniŋ piriisi dendika baa keme luulu niŋ taŋ saba. 71 Lasiloolu la alifaa doolu ye sanoo kilo keme, aniŋ taŋ wooro niŋ seyi le dii rankeesoo to, dookuwo kamma la, kodiforoo kilo wuli kiliŋ, aniŋ keme fula niŋ taŋ luulu. 72 Moo toomaalu ye sanoo kilo keme, aniŋ taŋ wooro niŋ seyi le dii, aniŋ kodiforoo kilo keme, aniŋ taŋ naani, aniŋ piriisi dendika baa taŋ wooro niŋ woorowula.
73 Piriisoolu, Lewi lasiloo, Alla Batudulaa Buŋo dundaŋ daa kantalaalu, suukuulaalaalu, aniŋ Alla Batudulaa Buŋo to dookuulaalu, ka taa moo koteŋ doolu, aniŋ Banisirayilanka toomaalu, siita ì la saatewolu to le.
Esira ye Alla la Luwaa Kitaaboo karaŋ moolu ye
Kari woorowulanjaŋo be sii la waatoo meŋ na, a ye a tara le Banisirayilankoolu bee siita ì la saatewolu to.
1 After the wall had been rebuilt and the gates hung, then the temple guards, the singers, and the other Levites were assigned their work. 2 I put my brother Hanani in charge of Jerusalem, along with Hananiah, the commander of the fortress, because Hananiah could be trusted, and he respected God more than most people did. 3 I said to them, “Don't let the gates to the city be opened until the sun has been up for a while. And make sure that they are closed and barred before the guards go off duty at sunset. Choose people from Jerusalem to stand guard at different places around the wall and others to stand guard near their own houses.”
A List of Exiles Who Returned
(Ezra 2.1-70)
4 Although Jerusalem covered a large area, not many people lived there, and no new houses had been built. 5-6 So God gave me the idea to bring together the people, their leaders, and officials and to check the family records of those who had returned from captivity in Babylonia, after having been taken there by King Nebuchadnezzar. About this same time, I found records of those who had been the first to return to Jerusalem from Babylon Province. By reading these records, I learned that they settled in their own hometowns, 7 and that they had come with Zerubbabel, Joshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, and Baanah.
8-25 This is a list of how many returned from each family group: 2,172 from Parosh; 372 from Shephatiah; 652 from Arah; 2,818 from Pahath Moab, who were all descendants of Jeshua and Joab; 1,254 from Elam; 845 from Zattu; 760 from Zaccai; 648 from Binnui; 628 from Bebai; 2,322 from Azgad; 667 from Adonikam; 2,067 from Bigvai; 655 from Adin; 98 from Ater, also known as Hezekiah; 328 from Hashum; 324 from Bezai; 112 from Hariph; and 95 from Gibeon.
26-38 This is a list of how many returned whose ancestors had come from the following towns: 188 from Bethlehem and Netophah; 128 from Anathoth; 42 from Beth-Azmaveth; 743 from Kiriath-Jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth; 621 from Ramah and Geba; 122 from Michmas; 123 from Bethel and Ai; 52 from Nebo; 1,254 from Elam; 320 from Harim; 345 from Jericho; 721 from Lod, Hadid, and Ono; and 3,930 from Senaah.
39-42 This is a list of how many returned from each family of priests: 973 descendants of Jeshua from Jedaiah; 1,052 from Immer; 1,247 from Pashhur; and 1,017 from Harim.
43-45 This is a list of how many returned from the families of Levites: 74 descendants of Hodevah from the families of Jeshua and Kadmiel; 148 descendants of Asaph from the temple musicians; and 138 descendants of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita, and Shobai from the temple guards.
46-56 These are the names of the families of temple workers whose descendants returned: Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth, Keros, Sia, Padon, Lebana, Hagaba, Shalmai, Hanan, Giddel, Gahar, Reaiah, Rezin, Nekoda, Gazzam, Uzza, Paseah, Besai, Meunim, Nephushesim, Bakbuk, Hakupha, Harhur, Bazlith, Mehida, Harsha, Barkos, Sisera, Temah, Neziah, and Hatipha.
57-59 Here are the names of Solomon's servants whose descendants returned: Sotai, Sophereth, Perida, Jaala, Darkon, Giddel, Shephatiah, Hattil, Pochereth Hazzebaim, and Amon.
60 A total of 392 descendants of temple workers and of Solomon's servants returned.
61-62 There were 642 who returned from the families of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda, though they could not prove they were Israelites. They had lived in the Babylonian towns of Tel-Melah, Tel-Harsha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer.
63-64 The families of Hobaiah, Hakkoz, and Barzillai could not prove they were priests. The ancestor of the family of Barzillai had married the daughter of Barzillai from Gilead and had taken his wife's family name. But the records of these three families could not be found, and none of them were allowed to serve as priests. 65 In fact, the governor told them, “You cannot eat the food offered to God until he lets us know if you really are priests.”
66-69 There were 42,360 who returned, in addition to 7,337 servants and 245 musicians, counting both men and women. Altogether, they brought with them 736 horses, 245 mules, 435 camels, and 6,720 donkeys.
70-72 Many people gave gifts to help pay for the materials to rebuild the temple. The governor himself gave 8 kilograms of gold, 50 bowls to be used in the temple, and 530 robes for the priests. Family leaders gave 153 kilograms of gold and 1,458 kilograms of silver. The rest of the people gave 153 kilograms of gold, 1,325 kilograms of silver, and 67 robes for the priests.
73 And so, by the seventh month, priests, Levites, temple guards, musicians, workers, and many of the ordinary people had settled in the towns of Judah.