Kiilaariyaa kumoo Misirankoolu la kuwo to
1 Kiilaariyaa kumoo fele Misira la kuwo to.

A juubee, Yaawe* tariyaatoo le ka naa Misira,
a ka naa niŋ saŋ tawaloo le la.
Misira jalaŋolu be jarajara la a ñaatiliŋo la le,
Misirankoolu kijoo ye teyi.

2 Yaawe ko: “M be Misirankoolu dundi la ñoo la le,
ì ye kele.
Baadimmaalu si keloo wulindi ñoo kamma,
siiñoolu ye a wulindi ñoo kamma,
saatee ye a wulindi saatee kamma,
kumandaŋ mara bankoolu ye a wulindi ñoo kamma.
3 Misirankoolu be jikilateyi la le,
ŋa ì la feeroolu ke kenseŋo ti.
Ì be taa jalaŋolu yaa le,
juubeerilaalu yaa, saabutiyolu ka taa furee kumandilaalu.
4 M be Misirankoolu duŋ na maralilaa jawoo semboo le koto,
mansa saŋarariŋo ye ì mara.”
Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* le ye a fo.

5 Nayili Boloŋo si jaa,
baa si jaa kawu,
jii te soto la jee.
6 Jiisiloolu si sunkaŋ,
Misira la Nayili baa bolondiŋolu si yoora, ì ye jaa.
Seyiŋolu niŋ baakintoolu si noro,
7 fiifeŋolu mennu be Nayili Boloŋo daala,
aniŋ a kankuŋolu la, ì be jaa la le,
ì ye feŋ-wo-feŋ fii jee, foñoo ye a tindi,
a te tara la jee kotenke.
8 Nayili Boloŋo ñeemutalaalu si woosii,
dooliŋ fayilaalu ye sunu,
jala fayilaalu ye kori.
9 Fulakisi* kaloolu dookuulaalu si tara dewuŋo kono,
a suusaalaalu aniŋ a daarilaalu ye jikilateyi.
10 Bayi dadaalaalu si jikilateyi,
lebereesoolu niyo ye toora.

11 Sowani maralilaalu maŋ ke feŋ ti fo toolewolu.
Firawoona la moo ñaamendiŋolu ka yaamari nafantaŋo le dii.
Ì be a fo la noo Firawoona ye ñaadii le ko,
itolu mu moo ñaamendiŋolu la karandiŋolu le ti,
mansa foloolu koomalankoolu?
12 Firawoona, i la moo ñaamendiŋolu lee saayiŋ?
Ì si a yitandi i la, ì ye i kalamutandi,
Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye meŋ feere Misira kamma.
13 Sowani maralilaalu keta toolewolu le ti,
Memfisinkoolu la ñaatonkoolu ye ì faŋ neenee,
siyolu la maralilaalu ye Misira filindi le.
14 Yaawe ye Misirankoolu jakasindi le,
a ye a ke, ì tafal-tafalita ì kekuwolu to,
ko siiratoolu ka timili-tamali ì la foonoolu kono ñaameŋ.
15 Misira te feŋ-wo-feŋ ne ke noo la,
biriŋ kuŋo to fo feñoo to,
teŋ buloolu, ka taa baakintoolu bee.

16 Wo luŋo la Misirankoolu be muluŋ na le ko musoo, silaŋo ye duŋ ì la ka jarajara, niŋ Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye a buloo teeka ì kamma. 17 Yahuuda bankoo be Misirankoolu kijoo teyi la le, moo-wo-moo ye a too moyi, wo be sila la le, feŋ te fo Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye meŋ parendi ì kamma.
Misira be Yaawe batu la
18 Wo luŋo la, saatee luulu le be tara la Misira bankoo kaŋ, mennu be Kanaaninkoolu la kaŋo fo la, aduŋ ì kalitoo be ì faŋ dii la Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo la le. Ñinnu kono ì be kiliŋ kumandi la Tiloo la Saatewo le la.
19 Wo luŋo la, sadaabodulaa* le be tara la Yaawe ye Misira bankoo teema, samasiŋo fanaa ye tara a ye naanewo to. 20 Ì be ke la taamanseeroo niŋ seedoo le ti Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye, Misira bankoo kaŋ. Niŋ ì kumboota Yaawe ye, ì mantooralaalu la kuwo kamma la, a be kiisandirilaa niŋ tankandirilaa kii la ì ye le, aduŋ a be ì kiisa la le. 21 Wo to Yaawe be Misirankoolu londi la a faŋo la le, wo luŋo la, ì ye soŋ a ma. Ì be baturoo ke la niŋ beeyaŋ sadaalu* le la, aniŋ siimaŋ sadaalu, ì ye tawoo taa a ye, ì ye a muta. 22 Yaawe be Misira busa la le, bari a be muru la le ka a jaara. Ì be muru la Yaawe kaŋ ne, aduŋ a be ì lamoyi la ì la woosii kaŋo la le, a ye ì jaara.
23 Wo luŋo la, sila fanuŋo le be bo la Misira fo Asiriya. Asiriyankoolu be naa Misira, Misirankoolu ye taa Asiriya. Misirankoolu niŋ Asiriyankoolu be Alla batu la ñoo kaŋ ne. 24 Wo luŋo la, Banisirayila be Misira aniŋ Asiriya sabanjaŋ na le, ì ye ke duniyaa bee ye neemoo le ti. 25 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo be neema la ì ma le ka a fo ko, “Neemoo be Misirankoolu ye, n na moolu, Asiriyankoolu, m faŋo ye mennu daa, aniŋ Banisirayilankoolu, m fansuŋ taalu.”
Egypt Will Be Punished
1 This is a message about Egypt:

The Lord comes to Egypt,
riding swiftly on a cloud.
The people are weak from fear.
Their idols tremble
as he approaches and says,
2 “I will punish Egypt
with civil war—
neighbors, cities, and kingdoms
will fight each other.

3 “Egypt will be discouraged
when I confuse their plans.
They will try to get advice
from their idols,
from the spirits of the dead,
and from fortunetellers.
4 I will put the Egyptians
under the power of a cruel,
heartless king.
I, the Lord All-Powerful,
have promised this.”
Trouble along the Nile
5 The Nile River will dry up
and become parched land.
6 Its streams will stink,
Egypt will have no water,
and the reeds and tall grass
will dry up.
7 Fields along the Nile
will be completely barren;
every plant will disappear.

8 Those who fish in the Nile
will be discouraged
and mourn.
9 None of the cloth makers
will know what to do,
and they will turn pale.
10 Weavers will be confused;
paid workers will cry and mourn.
Egypt's Helpless Leaders
11 The king's officials in Zoan
are foolish themselves
and give stupid advice.
How can they say to him,
“We are very wise,
and our families go back
to kings of long ago?”
12 Where are those wise men now?
If they can, let them say
what the Lord All-Powerful
intends for Egypt.

13 The royal officials in Zoan
and in Memphis
are foolish and deceived.
The leaders in every state
have given bad advice
to the nation.
14 The Lord has confused Egypt;
its leaders have made it stagger
and vomit like a drunkard.
15 No one in Egypt can do a thing,
no matter who they are.

16 When the Lord All-Powerful punishes Egypt with his mighty arm, the Egyptians will become terribly weak and will tremble with fear. 17 They will be so terrified of Judah that they will be frightened by the very mention of its name. This will happen because of what the Lord All-Powerful is planning against Egypt.
The Lord Will Bless Egypt, Assyria, and Israel
18 The time is coming when Hebrew will be spoken in five Egyptian cities, and their people will become followers of the Lord. One of these cities will be called City of the Sun.
19 In the heart of Egypt an altar will be set up for the Lord; at its border a shrine will be built to honor him. 20 These will remind the Egyptians that the Lord All-Powerful is with them. And when they are in trouble and ask for help, he will send someone to rescue them from their enemies. 21 The Lord will show the Egyptians who he is, and they will know and worship the Lord. They will bring him sacrifices and offerings, and they will keep their promises to him. 22 After the Lord has punished Egypt, the people will turn to him. Then he will answer their prayers, and the Egyptians will be healed.
23 At that time a good road will run from Egypt to Assyria. The Egyptians and the Assyrians will travel back and forth from Egypt to Assyria, and they will worship together. 24 Israel will join with these two countries. They will be a blessing to everyone on earth, 25 then the Lord All-Powerful will bless them by saying,

“The Egyptians are my people.
I created the Assyrians
and chose the Israelites.”