Mansa maañoobiti Jabuuroo
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si laa juloo la ì ka a fo meŋ ye ko “Firoolu.” Kora koomalankoolu la suukuwo le mu. Kanoo la kuwo suukuwo.
1 N sondomoo be faariŋ kuma ñiimaalu le la.
Ŋa ñiŋ juloo parendi le
ka ke mansa jamundaŋo ti.
N neŋo be pareeriŋ suukuu laa la le
komeŋ safeeri noolaa la kalaa.

2 Ite le mu kewolu kono kee ñiimaa ti,
kuma ñiimaalu le ka bo i daa kono.
Alla neemata i ma le fo fawu.
3 Mansa kandaa, i la hawusaroo* siti i tewo la.
I horomata le, aduŋ i kandaayaata.
4 I la kandaayaa kaŋ,
i la taamaraŋ suwoo borindi ka nooroo ke,
ka tooñaa, fammajiyo, aniŋ tiliŋo taamandi.
I be kuu baalu ke la i semboo le la.
5 I la kalabeñoolu melunta le,
ì ka i jawoolu soo ì jusoolu le to.
Banku koteŋ moolu ka boyi i siŋo koto le.

6 Alla ye mansayaa meŋ dii i la,
a be tu la le fo abadaa.
I ka i la mansayaa taamandi niŋ tiliŋo le la.
7 I ye tiliŋo kanu le,
i ye kuruŋyaa koŋ.
Wo le ye a tinna
i la Alla ye i toloo seewoo kono
ka tambi i ñoŋolu la.
8 I la dendika baalu bee seerandita niŋ seerandi feŋolu le la.
Kontiŋ kosilaalu ka i seewondi mansabuŋolu le kono,
mennu kono ñarandita niŋ samañiŋolu la.
9 I la musubuŋo kono, mansa doolu dimmusoolu le be jee.
I la mansasiiraŋo bulubaa karoo la,
maañoo ka tara wo le to,
a ye saniforoolu duŋ.

10 Muna dimmusuriŋ, i tuloo loo,
i ye i lamoyi n na.
I hakiloo bo i la moolu kaŋ, aniŋ i faa suwo.
11 I la ñiiñaa be i la kuwo buuñandi la mansa ma le,
bayiri i maariikee le mu, wo to soŋ a ye.
12 Tire saatee moolu be i ñaañini la niŋ soorifeŋolu le la,
naafulutii baalu be i ñaañini la le.

13 Mansa maañoo dunta mansabuŋo kono,
a niŋ a la ñiiñaa baa,
sani daarifaanoolu be dundiŋ a la.
14 A niŋ a la duŋ feŋ ñiimaalu,
ì ye a dandaŋ mansa yaa,
maañoo dandaŋ sunkutoolu be bulariŋ a nooma.
15 Moolu ye ì dandaŋ seewoo niŋ jusulaa le kono,
ì ye ì dundi mansabuŋo kono.

16 Mansa, i koomalankoolu be ke la mansoolu le ti ko i mumuñolu,
aduŋ ì be ke la maralilaalu le ti bankoo bee kaŋ.
17 M be a tinna le
i too ye bo jamaani naalaalu bee kono,
aduŋ moolu be i jayi la le fo abadaa.
(A special psalm by the clan of Korah and for the music leader. To the tune “Lilies.” A love song.)
For a Royal Wedding
1 My thoughts are filled
with beautiful words
for the king,
and I will use my voice
as a writer would use
pen and ink.

2 No one is as handsome as you!
Your words are always kind.
That is why God
will always bless you.
3 Mighty king, glorious ruler,
strap on your sword
4 and ride out in splendor!
Win victories for truth
and mercy and justice.
Do fearsome things
with your powerful arm.
5 Send your sharp arrows
through enemy hearts
and make all nations fall
at your feet.

6 You are God, and you will rule
forever as king.
Your royal power
brings about justice.
7 You love justice and hate evil.
And so, your God chose you
and made you happier
than any of your friends.
8 The sweet aroma of the spices
myrrh, aloes, and cassia
covers your royal robes.
You enjoy the music of harps
in palaces decorated
with ivory.
9 Daughters of kings are here,
and your bride stands
at your right side,
wearing a wedding gown
trimmed with pure gold.

10 Bride of the king,
listen carefully to me.
Forget your own people
and your father's family. 11 The king adores you.
He is your master,
so do what he desires.
12 All of the richest people
from the city of Tyre
will try to influence you
13 with precious treasures.

Your bride, my king,
has inward beauty,
and her wedding gown is woven
with threads of gold.
14 Wearing the finest garments,
she is brought to you,
followed by her young friends,
the bridesmaids.
15 Everyone is excited,
as they follow you
to the royal palace.

16 Your sons and your grandsons
will also be kings
as your ancestors were.
You will make them rulers
everywhere on earth.

17 I will make your name famous
from now on,
and you will be praised
forever and ever.