Kelediŋ foloolu mennu kafuta Dawuda ma ka bo Benjamini lasiloo to
1 Dawuda be sabatiriŋ Sikilaki saatewo le to, tumoo meŋ na a borita Mansa Sawulu ma. Kelejawara baa doolu le naata, ka kafu a ma jee. 2 Ì mu Benjamini lasiloo kelediŋolu le ti mennu ka keloo ke kaloolu niŋ kampuraŋolu la, aduŋ ì ka keloo ke ì bulubaa niŋ maraa bee le la. Ñinnu bee mu Sawulu faŋo baadiŋolu le ti.
3 Ahiyesa le mu ì la ñaatonkoo ti, Yowasi ye a nooma, Semaa Kibeyankoo dinkewolu le mu ì ti,
aniŋ Yesiyeli niŋ Peleti Asimaweti dinkewolu,
Beraka, Yehu Anatotinkoo,
4 Isimaya Kibeyoninkoo meŋ mu kelejawara taŋ saboo la ñaatonkoo ti,
Yeremiya, Yahasiyeli, Yohanani, Yosabadi Kederankoo,
5 Elusayi, Yerimoti, Beyaliya, Semariya, Sefatiya Harufinkoo,
6 Elikana, Isiya, Asareli, Yowesa niŋ Yasobeyamu Kora kaabiila moolu,
7 aniŋ Yowela niŋ Sebadiya, Yerohamu Kedorinkoo dinkewolu.
Kelediŋolu mennu kafuta Dawuda ma ka bo Kadu lasiloo to
8 Ñiŋ Kadu lasiloo kelediŋolu le kafuta Dawuda ma, tumoo meŋ na a be tatoo to keñewuloo* kono. Ì fanaa ka tara pareeriŋ keloo la le, aduŋ ì ye sooroo niŋ koteeroolu* kalamuta baake. Ì be saŋarariŋ ne ko jatoolu, ì be tariyaariŋ ne ko konkokono minaŋolu. 9 Eseri le mu ì la ñaatonkoo ti, Obadiya ye a nooma ñaatonkayaa la, Eliyabu be wo nooma, 10 Misimanna be wo nooma, Yeremiya be wo nooma, 11 Atayi be wo nooma, Eliyeli be wo nooma, 12 Yohanani be wo nooma, Elisabadi be wo nooma, 13 Yeremiya be wo nooma, aniŋ Makubannayi.
14 Ñinnu le mu Kadu lasiloo kelediŋolu ñaatonkoolu ti, doolu ye kelediŋ keme ñaatonkayaa, doolu kelediŋ wuli kiliŋ. 15 Itolu le ye Yoridani Boloŋo teyi tumoo meŋ na, waamoo woyita boloŋ kankuŋo bee la. Aduŋ ì ye moolu boyinkaŋ ka ì janjandi mennu be boloŋ wulumbaŋo tilibo niŋ a tilijii karoo bee la.
Kelediŋolu ka bo Benjamini niŋ Yahuuda lasiloolu to
16 Kee kafu doolu le bota Benjamini niŋ Yahuuda lasiloo kelediŋolu kono ka kafu Dawuda ma, a la tatoo to. 17 Dawuda ye ì benduŋ siloo kaŋ, a ko ì ye ko, “Niŋ ali la siloo mu kayiroo le ti, ka m maakoyi, m be soŋ na le ali ye kafu m ma. Bari niŋ ali naata le ka n jamfaa, ka n dii n jawoolu la, aduŋ a ye a tara m maŋ feŋ ke ali la, Allamaa m̀ faañolu la Alla ye kiitiyo teyi n niŋ ali teema.”
18 Bituŋ wo to le Yaawe la Nooroo jiita Amasayi kaŋ kelejawara taŋ saboo ñaatonkoo, bituŋ a ko, “Hee Dawuda Yese dinkewo, ntolu mu i fansuŋ moolu le ti! Neemoo be i niŋ i la kafoo ye, aduŋ neemoo be moo-wo-moo ye meŋ kafuta i ma ka i maakoyi, kaatu Alla be ali fee le.”
Wo to le Dawuda sonta ì ye kafu a ma, aduŋ a ye ì ke a la kelediŋ kafu ñaatonkoolu ti.
Kelediŋolu ka bo Manase lasiloo to
19 Manase lasiloo kelediŋ doolu le naata ka kafu Dawuda ma, kabiriŋ a niŋ Filisitinkoolu be taa kaŋ ka Mansa Sawulu boyinkaŋ. A maŋ Filisitinkoolu maakoyi, kaatu ì la mansoolu maŋ haañi a la, a kana bo ì koto ka ì dii Sawulu la. Wo to le ì ko Dawuda ye muruŋ Sikilaki saatewo to. 20 Ñinnu le mu wo Manase kelejawaroolu ti mennu taata ka kafu Dawuda ma, kabiriŋ ì ye a murundi: Adina, Yosabadi, Yediyayeli, Mikayeli, Yosabadi, Elihu aniŋ Silletayi. Itolu moo-wo-moo mu ñaatonkoolu le ti mennu marata wuli kiliŋ kafoolu ma Manase tundoo kaŋ. 21 Ì kafuta Dawuda ma, ka boyinkannaalu kele, kaatu itolu bee mu kelejawara baalu le ti. Wo kamma la ì naata ke kelejawara ñaatonkoolu ti. 22 Luŋ-wo-luŋ kewolu ka kafu Dawuda ma le ka a maakoyi, fo a la kelediŋ kafoo ye semboo soto ko Alla la kelediŋ kafoo.
Dawuda la kelediŋolu yirikoo
23 Ñinnu le mu Dawuda la kelediŋolu yirikoo ti, mennu kafuta a ma Heburoni, ka a ke mansa ti Sawulu noo to, ko Yaawe ye a laahidi ñaameŋ.
24 Yahuuda lasiloo kelediŋolu mennu niŋ koteeroolu aniŋ sooroolu yirikoo mu kelediŋ wuli wooro, kelediŋ keme seyi le ti. 25 Simeyoni lasiloo mennu be pareeriŋ keloo la, mu kelediŋ wuli woorowula, kelediŋ keme le ti. 26 Lewi lasiloo kelediŋolu mu kelediŋ wuli naani, kelediŋ keme wooro le ti. 27 Yehoyada Haaruna koomalankoolu ñaatonkoo, a niŋ kelediŋ wuli saba, kelediŋ keme woorowula le naata. 28 Sadoki, fondinkewo le mu meŋ fatiyaata baake, a niŋ kelediŋ ñaatonka muwaŋ niŋ fula le naata ka bo a la dimbaayaa kono. 29 Benjamini lasiloo to Sawulu faŋo baadiŋolu mu kelediŋ wuli saba le ti, mennu jamaa baa tuta foroyaariŋ Sawulu ma fo ñiŋ waatoo. 30 Efurayimu* lasiloo kelediŋolu mu kelediŋ wuli muwaŋ, kelediŋ keme seyi le ti, mennu fatiyaata, aduŋ ì too bota le ì lasiloo kono. 31 Manase lasili talanteemoo mennu toolu yitandita ka naa ka Dawuda ke mansa ti, mu kelediŋ wuli taŋ niŋ seyi le ti. 32 Isakari lasiloo kelediŋ ñaatonka keme fula niŋ ì la kelediŋolu le be looriŋ nuŋ, ka Banisirayila la suula kuwolu loŋ, ì ñanta mennu ke la waatoo meŋ na. 33 Sebuluni lasiloo kelediŋolu mu kelediŋ wuli taŋ luulu le ti, mennu ka tara pareeriŋ ì niŋ kelejooraŋ siifaalu bee, ka keloo ke Dawuda ye niŋ ŋaniya kiliŋ na. 34 Nafutali lasiloo kelediŋolu mu kelediŋ ñaatonka wuli kiliŋ ne ti, mennu niŋ kelediŋ wuli taŋ saba niŋ woorowula le naata, ì niŋ koteeroolu niŋ sooroolu. 35 Dani lasiloo kelediŋolu mu kelediŋ wuli muwaŋ niŋ seyi, kelediŋ keme wooro le ti mennu be pareeriŋ keloo la. 36 Aseri lasiloo kelediŋolu mu kelediŋ wuli taŋ naani le ti, ì ka mennu parendi waati niŋ waati keloo la. 37 Rubeni, Kadu aniŋ Manase lasili talanteemoo la kelediŋolu, mennu be Yoridani Boloŋo kara doo la mu kelediŋ wuli keme, wuli muwaŋ ne ti, mennu bee niŋ ì la kelejooraŋolu.
38 Ñiŋ kelediŋolu mennu bee be pareeriŋ keloo la, niŋ ŋaniya kiliŋ ne naata Dawuda kaŋ Heburoni ka a ke mansa ti, aduŋ wo ñaa kiliŋo ñaama Banisirayilanka toomaalu bee fanaa naata a kaŋ ì niŋ ŋaniya kiliŋ.
39 Bituŋ ì niŋ Dawuda tarata ñoo kaŋ fo tili saba domoroo niŋ miŋo la, ì baadiŋolu ye mennu parendi ì ye. 40 Aduŋ Isakari, Sebuluni niŋ Nafutali lasiloolu mennu be bankoo maraa karoo la, fanaa ye ì la faloolu, ñonkomoolu, bahalewolu* niŋ ninsoolu dunindi naŋ domori siifaa jamaalu le la: fariñoo, sooto diŋolu, wayini* yiridiŋ jaaroolu, wayinoo aniŋ olifu* tuloo, aduŋ ì ye ninsoolu niŋ saajiyolu fanaa naati naŋ ne ka ì ke domotaa ti. Ì ye ñiŋ bee ke le, ka ì la seewoo yitandi meŋ be keriŋ bankoo bee kaŋ.
David's Men at Ziklag
1 Some time earlier, David had gone to live in the town of Ziklag to escape from King Saul. While David was there, several brave warriors joined him to help fight his battles.
Warriors from the Benjamin tribe
2 Several of these warriors were from King Saul's own tribe of Benjamin. They were experts at using a bow and arrows, and they could shoot an arrow or sling a stone with either hand. 3-7 Their leaders were Ahiezer and Joash, the sons of Shemaah from Gibeah. Here is a list of those men from Benjamin: Jeziel and Pelet the sons of Azmaveth; Beracah and Jehu from Anathoth; Ishmaiah from Gibeon, who was the leader of the Thirty Warriors; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, and Jozabad from Gederah; Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah, and Shephatiah from Haruph; Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and Jashobeam from the Korah clan; Joelah and Zebadiah the sons of Jeroham from Gedor.
Warriors from the Gad tribe
8 Men from the tribe of Gad also joined David at his fortress in the desert and served as his warriors. They were also brave soldiers—fierce as lions and quick as gazelles. They were always prepared to fight with shields and spears. 9-13 There were eleven of them, ranked in the following order: Ezer the leader, then Obadiah, Eliab, Mishmannah, Jeremiah, Attai, Eliel, Johanan, Elzabad, Jeremiah, and Machbannai.
14 All these men were army officers; some were high-ranking officers over a thousand troops, and others were officers over a hundred troops. 15 Earlier, they had crossed the Jordan River when it flooded, and they chased out the people who lived in the valleys on each side of the river.
Warriors from the Benjamin and Judah tribes
16 One time a group of men from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah went to the fortress where David was staying. 17 David met them outside and said, “If you are coming as friends to fight on my side, then stay and join us. But if you try to turn me over to my enemies, the God our ancestors worshiped will punish you, because I have done nothing wrong.”
18 Amasai, who later became the leader of the Thirty Warriors, was one of these men who went to David. God's Spirit took control of him, and he said, “We will join you, David son of Jesse! You and your followers will always be successful, because God fights on your side.”
So David agreed to let them stay, and he even put them in charge of his soldiers who raided enemy villages.
Warriors from the Manasseh tribe
19 Some of the warriors who joined David were from the tribe of Manasseh. They had earlier gone with David when he agreed to fight on the side of the Philistines against King Saul. But as soon as the Philistine rulers realized that David might turn against them and rejoin Saul, they sent David away to the town of Ziklag. 20 That's when the following men from Manasseh joined him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai. They had all been commanders in Saul's army 21 and brave soldiers, and so David made them officers in his army. They fought on his side when enemy troops attacked.
22 Day after day, new men came to join David, and soon he had a large, powerful army.
David's Men at Hebron
23-37 The kingdom of Israel had been taken away from Saul, and it now belonged to David. He was ruling from Hebron, and thousands of well-trained soldiers from each tribe went there to crown David king of all Israel, just as the Lord had promised. These soldiers, who were always prepared for battle, included: 6,800 from Judah, who were armed with shields and spears; 7,100 from Simeon; 4,600 from Levi, including Jehoiada, who was a leader from Aaron's descendants, and his 3,700 men, as well as Zadok, who was a brave soldier, and 22 of his relatives, who were also officers; 3,000 from Benjamin, because this was Saul's own tribe and most of the men had remained loyal to him; 20,800 from Ephraim, who were not only brave, but also famous in their clans; 18,000 from West Manasseh, who had been chosen to help make David king; 200 leaders from Issachar, along with troops under their command—these leaders knew the right time to do what needed to be done; 50,000 from Zebulun, who were not only loyal, but also trained to use any weapon; 1,000 officers from Naphtali and 37,000 soldiers armed with shields and spears; 28,600 from Dan; 40,000 from Asher; and 120,000 from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh, who were armed with all kinds of weapons.
38 All of these soldiers voluntarily came to Hebron because they wanted David to become king of Israel. In fact, everyone in Israel wanted the same thing. 39 The soldiers stayed in Hebron three days, eating and drinking what their relatives had prepared for them. 40 Other Israelites from as far away as the territories of Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali brought cattle and sheep to slaughter for food. They also brought donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen that were loaded down with flour, dried figs and raisins, wine, and olive oil.
Everyone in Israel was very happy.