Yesaya dinkewo keta moolu ye taamanseeroo ti
1 Yaawe* ko n ye ko, “Walaa baa taa, i ye ñiŋ safeeri senuŋo ke a bala: Maheri-Salali Hasi-Basi. 2 M be Piriisi* Uriya niŋ Yeberekiya dinkewo Jakariya le kumandi la, ì ye ke n seede koyoo ti.”
3 Bituŋ n niŋ n na musoo kafuta, meŋ fanaa keta annabiyomoo ti. A ye konoo taa, a naata dinkewo wuluu. Yaawe ko n ye ko, “A toolaa Maheri-Salali Hasi-Basi la. 4 Janniŋ a be a baa niŋ a faa too kumandi noo la, Asiriya mansa be Damasiku la naafuloo bee taa la le, a ye Samariya la feŋolu bee ñapinkaŋ ka ì samba.”
5 Yaawe diyaamuta n ye kotenke. 6 A ko:
“Ñiŋ moolu ye ì ñaa kaasi Silowa Woyoo la le, ñiŋ jii tenkeyaariŋo,
bituŋ ì ka bula Resini aniŋ Remaliya dinkewo Peka nooma.
7 Wo to saayiŋ, nte Yaawe be naa paree la le,
ka Yufurati Boloŋo jiyo waamemaa samba ì kaŋ.
Wo le mu Asiriya mansa niŋ a la kelediŋolu ti.
A be woyi la a kankuŋolu bee kaŋ ne,
a ye bori a jiisiloolu dandulaa bee la.
8 A waamemaa le be naa Yahuuda,
a ye tara woyiriŋ karoo bee la.
A be futa la le fo moolu kaŋo to.”
Bari Alla be ntolu fee le,
a dampaŋolu mennu be werendenderiŋ,
be bankoo fanoo bee faa la le.

9 Bantala bankoolu*, ali beŋ ñoo kaŋ,
bari ali si tara dewundiŋ.
Banku jamfariŋo moolu, ali i lamoyi!
Ali i paree keloo la, bari ali si tara dewundiŋ.
Tooñaa, ali i paree, bari ali dewuŋ.
10 Ali feeroo siti ñoo kaŋ, bari a be ke la kenseŋo le ti.
Ali si diyaamu, bari a kumoo te loo la,
kaatu Alla be ntolu fee le.
Yaawe ye Yesaya dandalaa
11 Bituŋ Yaawe diyaamuta n ye, aduŋ a bulu sembemaa tarata n koto le, a ye n niŋ n noomalankoolu dandalaa ko, ǹ kana bula ñiŋ moolu la siloo nooma. A ko,
12 “Ñiŋ moolu ka feŋ-wo-feŋ muta jamfaa kuwo ti, ali kana wo muta jamfaa ti. Ì silata mennu la, ali kana sila wolu la, aduŋ a kana ali kijoo fara. 13 Ali ñanta nte Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo*, dammaa le muta la Senuŋ Baa ti. Ali ñanta sila la nte dammaa le la, aduŋ nte le la kuwo ñanta ali kijoo fara la. 14 M be ke la ali ye tankadulaa le ti. Bari m be ke la Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda ye beroo le ti, moolu ka taki meŋ na, bere baa meŋ ka moolu boyindi. Yerusalaamu la moolu wo, m be ke la wolu ye kutindiŋo niŋ wereŋo le ti. 15 Jamaa le be taki la, ì be boyi la le, ì ye kati, aduŋ kutindiŋo be ì siŋo muta la le, ì jawoolu ye ì muta.”
Yaawe batu
16 Alitolu n na saayiboolu, ali n na kiilaariyaa kumoolu safee, ali ye ì muta kuu tankoo kono. 17 Yaawe ye a ñaa kaasi Yaakuba koomalankoolu la le. Bari m be a batu la le. M be n jikoo sembe la a la le. 18 M fele, n niŋ n diŋolu Yaawe ye mennu dii n na! Ntolu le mu taamanseeroolu niŋ yitandiroolu ti, Banisirayila kono, ka bo naŋ Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo bulu, meŋ be sabatiriŋ Siyoni* Konkoo kaŋ.
19 Saayiŋ moo doolu ko, ali ñanta taa la furee kumandilaalu niŋ juubeerilaalu le yaa, wo ŋunuŋunulaalu niŋ dukudukulaalu. Fo moolu maŋ ñaŋ na taa la ì la Alla le yaa ñininkaaroo la? Muŋ ne ye a tinna ali ka furewolu kumandi baluuriŋolu la kuwo kamma? 20 Ali Alla la luwaalu aniŋ a la yaamaroolu muta! Mennu maŋ ì muta, ì be tu la diboo le kono. 21 Ì niŋ niitooroo niŋ konkoo le be tara la yaayi la bankoo kaŋ. Niŋ konkoo ye ì batandi kendeke, ì be kamfaa la le, ì ye ì la mansa danka aniŋ ì la Alla. Ì si santo juubee, 22 waraŋ duuma, bari ì te feŋ je la, fo niikuyaa niŋ diboo, aniŋ silaŋ kuu baa. Ì be fayi la dibi fiŋ diboo le kono.
A Warning and a Hope
1 The Lord said, “Isaiah, get something to write on. Then write in big clear letters the name, MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ. 2 I will tell Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberechiah to serve as witnesses to this.”
3 Sometime later, my wife and I had a son, and the Lord said, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. 4 Because before he can say ‘Mommy’ or ‘Daddy,’ the king of Assyria will attack and take everything of value from Damascus and Samaria.”
5 The Lord spoke to me again and said:
6 These people have refused the gentle waters of Shiloah and have gladly gone over to the side of King Rezin and King Pekah. 7 Now I will send the king of Assyria against them with his powerful army, which will attack like the mighty Euphrates River overflowing its banks. 8 Enemy soldiers will cover Judah like a flood reaching up to your neck.

But God is with us.
He will spread his wings
and protect our land.
9 All of you foreign nations,
go ahead and prepare for war,
but you will be crushed.
10 Get together and make plans,
but you will fail
because God is with us.

11 The Lord took hold of me with his powerful hand and said:
I'm warning you! Don't act like these people. 12 Don't call something a rebellious plot, just because they do, and don't be afraid of something, just because they are. 13 I am the one you should fear and respect. I am the holy God, the Lord All-Powerful! 14-15 Run to me for protection. I am a rock that will make both Judah and Israel stumble and break their bones. I am a trap that will catch the people of Jerusalem—they will be captured and dragged away.
Isaiah and His Followers
16 My message and my teachings are to be sealed and given to my followers. 17 Meanwhile, I patiently trust the Lord, even though he is no longer pleased with Israel. 18 My children and I are warning signs to Israel from the Lord All-Powerful, who lives on Mount Zion.
19 Someone may say to you, “Go to the fortunetellers who make soft chirping sounds or ask the spirits of the dead. After all, a nation ought to be able to ask its own gods 20 what it should do.”
None of those who talk like that will live to see the light of day! 21 They will go around in great pain and will become so hungry that they will angrily curse their king and their gods. And when they try to find help in heaven 22 and on earth, they will find only trouble and darkness, terrible trouble and deepest darkness.